D&D (2024) New UA one D&D play test document Dec 1st.

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On the subject of the cleric:
  • Channel Divinity is now prof times per long rest instead of once per short rest. If they're going to keep short rests at one hour (and maybe even if not), I approve of this change.
  • I like the "Holy Order" mechanic--basically, the decision to be a "weapons cleric" or a "magic cleric" is no longer dependent on domains, it's a separate choice made at 2nd level. However, the scholar option feels incredibly underwhelming compared to the other two. Even allowing for the fact that it's much easier to get heavy armor training now, I can't imagine picking a few knowledge skill bonuses over a) heavy armor or b) rapid Channel Divinity recharge.
  • As expected, domain is now chosen at 3rd level. This is a bit of a flavor/mechanic mismatch, but there's nothing stopping you from declaring yourself a cleric of Pelor (or whoever) at level 1, it just has no mechanical impact until 3rd.
  • Smite Undead is a core feature. Dunno about that. There's no real justification for Turn Undead being a core cleric feature except D&D tradition, do we need to double down on it?
  • The "weapons cleric" and "magic cleric" 8th-level domain features (bonus damage on weapon strikes or bonus damage on cantrips) have now been merged into a single ability at 7th level, which gives you both. Sensible and straightforward.
  • The sample Life Domain looks pretty much the same as the one we already had: All healing, all the time. In fact, I think the features are literally the same, except for the "weapons cleric" benefits (heavy armor proficiency, bonus weapon damage) which have been moved to the core class. I do question whether they really need another healing option for Channel Divinity when the core class already gives you one. Granted, the Life Domain one is better, but surely they could come up with something a bit more interesting?
Overall, no dramatic changes but a lot of modest upgrades. I'm still not a fan of the Arcane/Divine/Primal spell lists, but at least the cleric doesn't make you check spell schools; you just get all divine spells, full stop.

Of note: starting with One D&D, they are officially dropping the term "Race". This isn't something that's being tested; they're definitely moving on from that term.

The new term they are floating is "Species" which imo is a completely lateral move that offers exactly all of the exact same baggage that the term "Race" carries.

You can however give feedback on "Species". "Race" is definitely out, but "Species" isn't necessarily in.

I'm not sure what the best solution here is really. I do think that "race" is misused when it is applied to dividing humans into different groups. However, I actually do think elves and dwarves, etc., qualify as actual different races, so I have felt the term race is appropriate for them.

I understand that the term is just too fraught for some folks and maybe it's time to move on. I think "Species" solves exactly nothing in that respect. I guess "Heritage" or "Ancestry" might be a bit better.
I actually prefer species to both heritage and ancestry. Species has a biological meaning and, as far as I know, isn't a fraught term, unlike race. Heritage and ancestry make me think of culture and ethnicity respectively.

Other stuff:
  • Wow, they really changed the Goliath. It's basically now the equivalent of the tiefling, but you're descended from giants instead of fiends. You get an ability themed to one of the giant types, and at 5th level you can grow to Large size for 10 minutes once a day. I expect fans of the old Goliath won't be pleased; personally, however, I had no interest in the old Goliath and love the new version. I might actually play one sometime.
  • Banishment can no longer be used to send people home when traveling outside your own plane. Pity, I kind of liked that hidden feature. Also, you can perma-banish fiends and the like even if you are on their home plane. Again, not sure I like that.
  • Resistance gets the guidance treatment, which it needed. I approve.
  • Spiritual weapon now requires concentration. Which makes sense, it was kind of busted before, but cleric players will be sad.

On the subject of the cleric:
  • Channel Divinity is now prof times per long rest instead of once per short rest. If they're going to keep short rests at one hour (and maybe even if not), I approve of this change.
  • I like the "Holy Order" mechanic--basically, the decision to be a "weapons cleric" or a "magic cleric" is no longer dependent on domains, it's a separate choice made at 2nd level. However, the scholar option feels incredibly underwhelming compared to the other two. Even allowing for the fact that it's much easier to get heavy armor training now, I can't imagine picking a few knowledge skill bonuses over a) heavy armor or b) rapid Channel Divinity recharge.
  • As expected, domain is now chosen at 3rd level. This is a bit of a flavor/mechanic mismatch, but there's nothing stopping you from declaring yourself a cleric of Pelor (or whoever) at level 1, it just has no mechanical impact until 3rd.
  • Smite Undead is a core feature. Dunno about that. There's no real justification for Turn Undead being a core cleric feature except D&D tradition, do we need to double down on it?
  • The "weapons cleric" and "magic cleric" 8th-level domain features (bonus damage on weapon strikes or bonus damage on cantrips) have now been merged into a single ability at 7th level, which gives you both. Sensible and straightforward.
  • The sample Life Domain looks pretty much the same as the one we already had: All healing, all the time. In fact, I think the features are literally the same, except for the "weapons cleric" benefits (heavy armor proficiency, bonus weapon damage) which have been moved to the core class. I do question whether they really need another healing option for Channel Divinity when the core class already gives you one. Granted, the Life Domain one is better, but surely they could come up with something a bit more interesting?
Overall, no dramatic changes but a lot of modest upgrades. I'm still not a fan of the Arcane/Divine/Primal spell lists, but at least the cleric doesn't make you check spell schools; you just get all divine spells, full stop.
I agree about Turn Undead. I'm largely a traditionalist, but even i don't think every cleric needs that power.

On the subject of the cleric:
  • Channel Divinity is now prof times per long rest instead of once per short rest. If they're going to keep short rests at one hour (and maybe even if not), I approve of this change.
  • I like the "Holy Order" mechanic--basically, the decision to be a "weapons cleric" or a "magic cleric" is no longer dependent on domains, it's a separate choice made at 2nd level. However, the scholar option feels incredibly underwhelming compared to the other two. Even allowing for the fact that it's much easier to get heavy armor training now, I can't imagine picking a few knowledge skill bonuses over a) heavy armor or b) rapid Channel Divinity recharge.
I can, for sure, given the less nebulous nature of using those skills with the new proposed Study Action.
  • As expected, domain is now chosen at 3rd level. This is a bit of a flavor/mechanic mismatch, but there's nothing stopping you from declaring yourself a cleric of Pelor (or whoever) at level 1, it just has no mechanical impact until 3rd.
You generally should, in fact.
  • Smite Undead is a core feature. Dunno about that. There's no real justification for Turn Undead being a core cleric feature except D&D tradition, do we need to double down on it?
Yeah it’s odd. Should work on fiends as well, at least.
  • The "weapons cleric" and "magic cleric" 8th-level domain features (bonus damage on weapon strikes or bonus damage on cantrips) have now been merged into a single ability at 7th level, which gives you both. Sensible and straightforward.
  • The sample Life Domain looks pretty much the same as the one we already had: All healing, all the time. In fact, I think the features are literally the same, except for the "weapons cleric" benefits (heavy armor proficiency, bonus weapon damage) which have been moved to the core class. I do question whether they really need another healing option for Channel Divinity when the core class already gives you one. Granted, the Life Domain one is better, but surely they could come up with something a bit more interesting?
Any feature they put there was always gonna be healing, to be fair. That’s the point of the domain.
Overall, no dramatic changes but a lot of modest upgrades. I'm still not a fan of the Arcane/Divine/Primal spell lists, but at least the cleric doesn't make you check spell schools; you just get all divine spells, full stop.

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