The full exchange pretty much confirms the podcast's take on it, IMO.That one statement however doesn't really provide all the context. Gary shared with me the exchange when it happened, so here's the entire context.
To provide context on what might have set Rob off, this thread in Dragonsfoot is what Rob is referencing. Dragonsfoot removed the "B.S." word Gary used, but that apparently is what Rob is referencing. (And apparently ENWorld has an automatic filter for it, which I didn't realize.
So, it's a little more complex than the podcast makes out. I mean, if Rob left Castle Zagyg over the Dragonsfoot argument, then at the very least both parties were petty.
Gygax posts his recollections on Dragonsfoot. Kuntz respectfully suggests he is misremembering something. Gygax comes back disproportionately hot, and makes it a point to bring up a person's dislike of Kuntz. I mean, this was essentially a disagreement over 30+ year old memories between ostensible friends and collaborators, but Gygax acts like he's shutting down some "But AKSHUALLY..." nerd.
I will not speculate as to Kuntz's motivations to leave Castle Zagyg, other than to say that I doubt the Dragonsfoot thread was only reason. In fact, his fairly professional letter resigning from the project (which Gygax calls "hate mail") gives other reasons as well. At no point in this "hate mail" does he attack Gygax personally, or assign any blame or reproach to him. At best, there is an oblique reference to the Dragonsfoot thread.
Gygax, on the other hand, liberally peppers his response with mocking, personal attacks on Kuntz's character and work ethic, culminating with the drudging up of an insult from when Kuntz was a kid.