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Of Jungle Deeps and Ocean Depths


"Now I know that you mentioned the giant scaly predators already and I believe that Obar mentioned that even some plants might be dangerous, but I was wondering if you could tell us a bit more about the dangers of the jungle. What creatures might we encounter that we should be very careful about? What creatures might just try to eat us? and what do these dangerous plants look like? I'd like to be prepared for things so that we can best defend you and the anklies." Undinar says, still a little hesitant about asking so many questions. While he doesnt like to appear naive, he really doesnt know much about this land and would rather be informed than clueless.

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Isida Kep'Tukari

"The predators? The raptors, those are one, creatures not much taller than me, two legs with wicked claws, two arms, long tails. Excellent jumpers, quite smart, and like to hunt in packs. The rex is the other I worry about, he's huge, almost thirty feet with a large mouth full of equally large teeth. There are others, but many of them are smaller. A good rule is that if it has unusual horns or thick armor, it is probably an eater of plants. One with sharp teeth and great speed is an eater of meat. Many of those walk on two legs instead of four. They will be reluctant to attack us, because we are not of the jungle, and our party is so large.

"As for the plants, there are things such as the cobra flower, or juniper bloodsucker, the honeydew, assassin vine, pitcher plant, and yellow musk creeper. If it is particularly large, with very large and pretty flowers, avoid it. If too it has a large pod or seed, avoid it. Much can be avoided for not touching. The plants like to lure the foolish and curious. If you wish to know more, there are books on Lightfoot, I will get them for you," she says politely, pounding in stakes.

*As she finishes erecting the tents, instead of rolling out bedrolls on the ground, she attaches hammocks to the tall center poles, then rolls out the bedrolls, indicating to Tholon how far to pound in the tall stakes. The tents are made in such a way that one can have two hammocks side-by-side without too much danger of swinging into one another, and still have enough room to suspend supplies from the ceiling. She'll explain it helps keep insects, grubs, and leeches from getting into the bedding or supplies. Tents up, she'll ask for someone to find some firewood, if someone else will break out the trail rations.*

"Tell me of yourselves," she says, as a pot bubbles with a savory stew. "What more can you tell me of your own adventures and what has brought you here? It is rare that many northerners flock to Chult for an adventure."


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Isida Kep'Tukari said:
"Tell me of yourselves," she says, as a pot bubbles with a savory stew. "What more can you tell me of your own adventures and what has brought you here? It is rare that many northerners flock to Chult for an adventure."
*After the tents are all up, Tiana helps with getting the rations.*

"Well, this is just the kind of job I usually end up taking," Tiana replies. "If it involves adventure and excitement, I'm all for it. Some traveling and new exotic locations are always a bonus, whereever the Lady of Luck guides me to," she continues smiling. "Not to mention a chance to help a true genasi prince. Now, that's something any decent girl wouldn't want to pass," she adds with some giggles.

*She nods in Tholon's direction.*

"I am from Amn and was short on jobs, when I met Tholon, who offered me chance to see some of the Chultan jungles. I've got the impression he was also very eager to get here. Like me, he's been around a lot, but I'll let him tell about it. Before this, I was myself mainly occupied with jobs I got from the various Amnish merchants and other local organizations. Mostly boring stuff, but they generally pay well. Getting any interesting jobs had been difficult since my adventuring group decided to split up, but meeting Tholon changed my luck."


Once things are all setup Undinar sits down at the fire ready for some of that stew, all though in truth he hopes that there is some fruit to go around instead.

[ooc: the next is copied directly from Undinar's character sheet, if you have read it already there is nothing new below.]​

Undinar's tale stretches back several years and across planes. He was originally found sleeping as a baby on the ocean floor by an aquatic elf. His adoptive mother told him that he was a gift sent by Deep Sashelas to the community. He lived with the community deep beneath the waves off Vilhon Reach in the Sea of Fallen Stars for many years. The elves cared for him as if he were indead a gift from their god.

Undinar trained at an early age in the defence of his adoptive clan. The community was often harrased by a cult of Sahuagin. The Sahuagin, who rode sharks, raided the kelp farms and coral beds of the elven community with impunity. Undinar helped the dolphin-riders - the city watch as it were - to rid the area of the foul creatures. When he was 15 he led a raid on their caves and fought against the leader of the cult, a foul priest named Sesshom. Together with the dolphin-riders he drove the cult from its caves and from the area near his home.

A few years later he was out patrolling the waterways beneath the sea and he came across a hermit, living out of the shell of a giant sea-crab. The hermit, named Lotharliss, recognized something in Undinar. Lotharliss was a half-water elemental who lived on his own caring for the coral reef near his home. They spoke many times after that initial greating and Lotharliss finally told Undinar what he had seen that first day, that they were related. According to the hermit, Undinar was one of his nephews.

Lotharliss told Undinar of the great water genie, Madripos, who often came to the Seas to explore and adventure. Madripos was a great king in another world and he had a large number of children and grandchildren scattered through out the seas of many planes. Lotharliss had once visited his father, who was very welcoming to any of his progeny.

Intrigued by the tales of his grandfather Undinar decided to seek him out. His departure from the elven community was a heart breaking one. He left with the blessings of the community and especially his adoptive mother. Upon leaving the dolphin-riders gifted him with the Trident of Serenity which he had used during the raid on the Sahuagin and a fine suit of sharkskin armor. He returned to Lotharliss who agreed to help him travel to the distant seas of King Madripos.

Undinar travelled a long long ways from his home. After many years he managed to find his way to the Kingdom of Madripos, the Marid. On the distant plane of Water, the Palace of the King stood in a giant coral city that hung as if suspended from someplace above. Undinar was welcomed into the court where he was introduced to the great King. Madripos always welcomed any of his progeny and listened to their tales with great interest. Undinar told his life story and the entire court listened intently. When he was finished Madripos spoke,

"You have sung a beautiful story my grandson. We have all enjoyed it very much." After much applause from the gathered creatures of the deep, the king continued, "My son Lotharliss did us a great service by helping you find our kingdom. The one thing that I dont think he told you was that to truely join us and sit in a place of honour in my court, I require something from you. Each of the beings around you have all contributed to this great palace in some way or another. My quest for you, if you desire it, is to find a rare treasure to be placed with the others arrayed around this room."

Undinar looked around the room and saw many bottles that sat upon coral shelves. Intrigued he looked back to the king, who continued, "I would like you to bring me a bottle of water from your native home. I require not just any water however, I would like you to find water from the Sacred Spring of Umbatoa which lies at the heart of a great jungle on the surface of your world. If you wish it, I will send you directly back so that you might begin your search."

Pondering the task set before him, Undinar looked around the palace at the majesty of the creatures assembled there. They all stared at him wondering if he would accept a quest that would take him far from the waters he knew to the realm of land-dwellers. He looked back to the King, his grandfather and replied, "I will accept your quest grandfather. I wish to return here and reside among such amazing company, in your presence."

With that, the king replied, "So be it." Undinar was wisked away from the grand palace. The whirlwind journey deposited him in a place more familar, the coral reefs of Lotharliss. He set off immediately for the land wanting to find out what he could of this great jungle. He had yet to set foot on land and with some trepidation took that first step on the journey that would compel him forever more.

Travelling through the massive city, Saradush, Undinar was struck by how land-dwellers always built their structures towards the heavens, as if there was something to envy up there. As this was the first of such cities that Undinar had seen, he decided that it might be possible to find someone to help direct him towards the spring. Having asked around, always noticing the strange looks he got, he found his way to the arcane library. There he met an interesting individual who agreed to help him with his request for information. Taesshan, the librarian who agreed to help, managed to find a tome that spoke of the Spring deep with in a place called the Jungle of Chult. He spoke of some mystical properties which Undinar didnt really understand. Thanking Taesshan for the information, Undinar made ready to continue on his journey. He was somewhat suprised when the dark-skinned human asked to join him, saying that he wanted to further research the mystical properties that the tome had spoken of. A week later the two of them left the city of Saradush becoming fast friends in their travels.

[ooc: thats the end of the copied part.]​

"That is my story and how I have ended up here in Chult. It is also the complete tale as to why you are all here with me heading deep into such an unknown place. I thank you all once again for accepting this quest with me." Undinar says in finishing.


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*Tiana smiles to Undinar.*

"Oh, the pleasure's all mine. A quest in Chultan jungles or running errands to Amnish merchants is no contest at all. That's quite a story you told, all right. I hope it only gets better as we move along."

*She yawns strecthing her arms up and wide.*

"Thank you for the food, Jalaro. A little traveling always manages to do wonders to my appetite. But now excuse me everyone, time to get my beauty sleep. Wake me up, when it's my time to keep watch."


"So this Sacred Spring has magical properties, does it? Most interesting." *Mourn comments on Undinar's tale.* "You might not be the only one of us who will be acquiring a sample of this water.

"I'm afraid the story as to how I came to be here in Chult is rather less interesting. Strictly speaking I'm more of a westerner than a northerner, as the isle of Evermeet is my home. I'm conducting research into summoning magic of a new kind, and I've been searching for any references of prior work in the field I'm studying. Unfortunately, my homeland seems to lack any texts on the correct subject area, so I thought Mezro's college of the arcane might be able to provide some insight. As a result of this expedition, I hope to gain the sponsorship I need to consult the college's library."

Isida Kep'Tukari

*Those that wish to share may do so, but otherwise you can start bedding down for the night. As you prepare, Jalaro has a question for you all.*

"Tell me, who wants which watch? The anklies will help, they have a pretty good sense of smell, but we need someone with smarts watching as well. I can take second watch," she says.


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"I'll take the first watch, while there's still some light," Tiana offers. "I'm not very effective in the dark."

Isida Kep'Tukari

"Fair enough," Jalaro says, and retreats to her tent, only large enough for one. Otherwise there are three other tents, and people can pair up. Assuming someone will take third watch, perhaps Undinar, the rest of you can go to sleep. Tiana, the fire provides some light and some warmth from the chill fog and damp of the evening. The sounds here are different, very different from those on board the ship, or other places you have been in your travels. Strange chirps and trills, the constant dripping of water; it's an odd place to be.

*First watch passes uneventfully, and you awaken Jalaro. No one gets woken up until Undinar is awakened to take his watch. The lushness of the forest is almost like being at the bottom of some strange sea, albeit somewhat drier. While you thought you saw some lights in the jungle that may have been from animals' eyes, none approached the camp.*

*In the morning, leftover stew and a firm, tough-skinned fruit called an "orange" are handed out for breakfast. Jalaro is fairly quiet in the morning, and aids the others in breaking down the tents, burying their garbage and ashes, and loading up the frisky anklies with little comment. You plod on into the jungle, traveling almost another three days without incident, other than seeing more variety of plant life in one day's travel than perhaps you've seen thus far in a lifetime. Birds of fantastic colors fly in the canopy, and insects of every possible description, some quite beautiful, others so fantastically camoflauged that it's nigh impossible to see them are everywhere. Odd beasts Jalaro calls "monkeys" live in the canopy, and a strange rodent as big as a dog, called a "capybara," you spotted swimming in a river. A couple times you saw some beautiful silver and black spotted cats that lived in the trees, and another time you saw a pair of jaguars running from the anklies.*

*You steer clear of a man-high plant with a huge pod after seeing it suddenly clamp its pod closed on an unfortunate rat that fell into it. Another time you saw an enormous flower, nearly six feet across, lying on the ground, in brilliant patterns of red and purple. It also stank like rotting meat and was covered with flies, though Jalaro commented that that was normal.*

*On the afternoon of your fourth day of travel, Jalaro signals a halt. Ahead of you there's a movement in the trees, and suddenly something brilliantly green and blue springs into flight from the tree. Startlingly it lands in front of the lead ankly, about twenty feet away. It resembles the thimble-sized, jewel-bright tree frogs with poisonous skin that you've seen about, save the fact that it is about two feet long, is wearing a belt made of vines with several pouches made from gourds on it, and it is carrying a spear tipped with obsidian.*

*Jalaro whispers to the party, "It's a grippli, though I don't recognize him personally. He'll want to know who we are and what we're doing."*


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Tiana eyes the frog-creature with both curiosity and suspicion. She whispers back to Jalaro, "Is there anything unusual about this? Should we be worried?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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