D&D General One Piece of Art IX (Wildcard)- What NON-D&D Art Inspired You to Love D&D?


Is this movie, Ladyhawke?

If so, I will try find to watch.
It is.

It may inspire you to have your thief pick pockets.

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For me, they showed how a city could be just as fantastical and action-packed as a dragon's den or elvish forest. That a city is a character all on its own. And also driving Thieves World were the characters. They were complex and not always heroes. I think we all developed our favorites, and it was always a treat when they'd show up.

Ahh Thieves World. Loved those. The Spiders of the Purple Mage has appeared as an adventure more than a few times over the years in different groups.


Is this movie, Ladyhawke? [Yup.]

I will try find it to watch it.

While the movie itself still stands as one of the better fantasy films of the 1980's, the soundtrack, however, has not aged particularly well. It really should have had a more classical sound to it rather than the '80's synthesizer stuff they went with.

That is one lamp of a question, for I cannot for the life of me think what inspired me to love D&D. The game was sort of thrown on me one day and then I loved it, so it wasn't a piece of art that did it. In fact, it was art that almost made me never play the game as a matter of principle. Yes, DCS III, that's you (No worries, I've come to respect him in recent years, so there's no need to get excited).

Artist: Tonke Dragt
Source: Tonke Dragt, De Brief voor de Koning (Uitgeverij Leopold, 1962) and Tonke Dragt, Geheimen van het Wilde Woud (Uitgeverij Leopold, 1965)
Depicting: Tiuri and the Red Riders; Tiuri and Ristridin Castle


Glad we were allowed to put up two pieces of art, for one cannot go without the other. The pieces are on the front covers of the first editions of De Brief voor de Koning and Geheimen van het Wilde Woud, respectively.

So why, then, these pictures? Well, because they are one and the same with the books that made me love fantasy, with its knights and knighthood, castles and quests in woods and medieval realms, elves and treefolk, and which, of course, provided the names for Tehalon and Rivalin, my first two D&D characters of ever.

And now for the tricky bit, for I cannot actually say why I love these pieces - and that is exactly why I love them. They have a certain je ne sais quoi; they are simple yet evocative; they are both naive and have a distinct style; the colors are exactly right for what the pictures are about - everything conspires to make them perfect.

In fact, I love them so much that I have never bought the books after I read them (from the library) because I only wanted versions with these covers and these were no longer available when I finally had the money to go looking for them. Come to think of it, I may as well start trying to find them again one of these days, for I believe there's something called the interwebs these days.

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