D&D General One Piece of Art IX (Wildcard)- What NON-D&D Art Inspired You to Love D&D?



Magnus, a famous Italian artist with "La Compagnia della Forca" (literaly "The Gallows Company")

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Jacob Lewis

Ye Olde GM
Well as much as I'd hate to show this to a bunch of strangers in a forum... I give you Conan the Fearless!

During my preteens, I was an avid reader. Among my favorites were the new "modern" stories of Conan, written by the likes of Robert Jordan, Steve Perry, etc. I had quite the library of paperbacks at the time. This is what fueled my D&D brain, and a good part of my adolescence.


Well as much as I'd hate to show this to a bunch of strangers in a forum... I give you Conan the Fearless!View attachment 260704
During my preteens, I was an avid reader. Among my favorites were the new "modern" stories of Conan, written by the likes of Robert Jordan, Steve Perry, etc. I had quite the library of paperbacks at the time. This is what fueled my D&D brain, and a good part of my adolescence.

Hey I’m with you on this. My Conan was L. Sprague de Camp. I didn’t read any Howard until many years later. Heck to be honest my Conan was mostly Savage Sword of Conan.
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Jacob Lewis

Ye Olde GM
Speaking of Conan...this art left a big D&D impression on me

View attachment 260707
Oh, sure. As much as the movie was an inspiration for D&D (not to mention the soundtrack played during many games), there was the other that was so much more D&D than the first.

The fight in the tombs against the wizard and the cultists is still one of my favorite on-screen battles where the terrain and the layout are as much a part of the action and tactics! Crom! Now that's my kind of D&D!


Oh, sure. As much as the movie was an inspiration for D&D (not to mention the soundtrack played during many games), there was the other that was so much more D&D than the first.
I agree. Conan the Destroyer (a movie I watch probably once a year) was totally D&D to me. To this day, still one of the best movies to represent a D&D party


#1 Enworld Jerk™
I grew up in Germany, and there my parents had this like, 1970s edition of The Lord of The Rings and it had this very distinctive art on a green background that I always found evocative.


After that, I got into sword and sorcery books and comics and discovered my never ending love for Frazetta, Vallejo et al



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