D&D General One Piece of Art IX (Wildcard)- What NON-D&D Art Inspired You to Love D&D?


The fight in the tombs against the wizard and the cultists is still one of my favorite on-screen battles where the terrain and the layout are as much a part of the action and tactics! Crom! Now that's my kind of D&D!

When Akiro hits the head cultist with that spell and he grabs his face in pain, I always thought to myself... Eyebite spell. :D

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Jacob Lewis

Ye Olde GM
It does have the most AD&D thief I can think of in a movie.

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Malek: I think we made the merchant angry!
Conan: Are you surprised?
Malek: But we didn't steal everything.
Conan: We didn't have time!

James Gasik

We don't talk about Pun-Pun
It does have the most AD&D thief I can think of in a movie.

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I play my D&D Thief/Rogues like this guy:

Speaking of a good D&D Thief, while the movie is mostly terrible, the one in The Wrath of the Dragon God, Nim, was fairly decent, especially with his "guild secrets" (knowing that people who make traps also have to have ways to bypass them).


I play my D&D Thief/Rogues like this guy:
View attachment 260791
Speaking of a good D&D Thief, while the movie is mostly terrible, the one in The Wrath of the Dragon God, Nim, was fairly decent, especially with his "guild secrets" (knowing that people who make traps also have to have ways to bypass them).
Hes a great one, but not a single backstab or even an attack. Malak in Conan the Destroyer is in the fights as a combatant. A thief who makes attacks in combat feels more D&D to me.

James Gasik

We don't talk about Pun-Pun
Hes a great one, but not a single backstab or even an attack. Malak in Conan the Destroyer is in the fights as a combatant. A thief who makes attacks in combat feels more D&D to me.
Oh I wasn't saying Phillipe did it all. That's just how I play my thieves- as cowards who avoid melee combat like the plague, lol.

Was going to post Gauntlet as well. Back in the day, there were three games that an arcade had to have to be great: Spy-Hunter, Star Wars (both in sit-down cabinets), and Gauntlet.

Rather than post another Gauntlet screenshot, I'm going to go with the cover to Another Fine Myth by Robert Asprin:


I started reading that series about the same time I got into D&D, along with Thieves World, and all three are indelibly linked in my memories. The tone of both series leaked into my D&D games, without a doubt.

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Every time I play this game, I am in awe of the opening page. I know it's very cheesy, but there is something about the atmosphere of this image that I love.

There is no real focus for the picture. It's not a picture of anyone, other than an assortment of monsters and treasures in a dungeon. The focus of the picture is you- It puts you in the place of the adventurer, seeing things through their eyes.

If you were in the gauntlet, what would you do? Would you go for the potion first? The ghost is right there, but maybe if you were fast...

Or maybe go for the treasure? You might be able to get a good scoop of jewels before that goblin bears down on you. And there's a key above...

Or you look off into the distance and see the monsters coming from you, and you can almost feel the weight of the ceiling above. And then you think, how deep are we in the gauntlet? Can you imagine all those layers of stone bearing down on you from above? And what's below?

As for the game itself, well... truth be told it's pretty meh. Doesn't quite live up to the the glory of it's title screen.


Ahh Thieves World. Loved those. The Spiders of the Purple Mage has appeared as an adventure more than a few times over the years in different groups.
That's a bit of cross-advertising on the cover. While Asprin was the editor of the Thieves World shared world fiction books, his humorous fantasy Myth Adventures series is a different fantasy fiction thing. Lots of cool Phil Foglio art inside them that matches the tone.

Voidrunner's Codex

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