OOC: Endur's Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil


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Endur said:
The only special materials the Smiths of Hommlet have access to currently are: Silver and Cold Iron. So either of those are possible. Its also possible to buy batches of arrows with silver and cold iron tips.
Hmm. Silver-tipped bolts might be useful, if Lylamwyn had more than 3 gold in his pockets. Will have to look into that later.

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OOC: Did the Canoness decide to Raise Spugnoir or not?

Your knowledge Religion check was over 20. You think the Canoness's mention of funeral services meant that she is not going to raise some or all of the slain. You think she avoided answering the question about raising Spugnoir.


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Endur said:
OOC: Did the Canoness decide to Raise Spugnoir or not?

Your knowledge Religion check was over 20. You think the Canoness's mention of funeral services meant that she is not going to raise some or all of the slain. You think she avoided answering the question about raising Spugnoir.
Well, I didn't really need a knowledge check to know that ;), but thanks anyway. This is getting funky...

EDIT: You're rolling great for Lylamwyn's Knowledge checks by the way.
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Oh, and would a combination of Knock and Open/Close seem like it would be a safe and working combination to open the trunk in the wagon (anything blocking it, too heavy/big trunk etc.)? No sense in blasting Kerwyn half-dead again.


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I so have no idea what's going on here... we should probably just knock on Elmo's door like R&B say, and see what happens... :uhoh:

But for now Lenya would like some healing... do the priests of Pelor in Hommlet offer cure spells?



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Thanee said:
I so have no idea what's going on here... we should probably just knock on Elmo's door like R&B say, and see what happens... :uhoh:
Paranoid self: Most of the Hommlet's population has been CHARMED or DOMINATED and they're going to MURDER US IN OUR SLEEP!

Positive self: Nothing much. Canoness is a cheap bastard, Vesta is just tired, and Lord Burne and Rufus are just more wise than us, or they just are naturally ignorant of possible problems, which would be rather weird considering their status and history.

Real self: Some kind of combination of the two versions abowe. I'd bet my money on Zerosh being an evil cultist and inventing the rumour about Joman being a cultist and trying to frame him or something. But I'd say that it's something far more sinister.

Whatever, just shoot to kill when things start going to hell. ;)

But for now Lenya would like some healing... do the priests of Pelor in Hommlet offer cure spells?
I suppose Belaver and/or Craven could heal Lenya the next day for free, which I'm not sure the priest will do.


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None of the PCs have ever purchased magical healing from a church, so you are not familiar with how to do it. Enough adventurers pass through Hommlet that probably all of the churches have a process for selling healing to those who are capable of paying and meet whatever other requirements the churches have (follower of the God, etc.).

The Church of St. Cuthbert is the largest Church with four priests and two holy warriors. Canoness Y'Dey is quite well known. It is well-known that Canoness Y'Dey, while being dedicated to fighting evil and an exemplary lawful good character, is not charitable towards adventurers, and thinks that adventurers should pay their own way. She only "gives" magical healing to the poor and those unable to pay.

The Temples of Pelor and Ehlonna are much smaller and have only a single priest each. The Grove of the Old Faith has three Druids (including Belaver).


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Thanee said:
Yaknow, I don't think I want to wait until tomorrow, with werewolves and whatnot lurking about. ;)
We'll, we also have 5 healing potions, if you can't find free healing and think you need the healing NOW.


First Post
This would work. I'll make a post after you rest.

Xael said:
Oh, and would a combination of Knock and Open/Close seem like it would be a safe and working combination to open the trunk in the wagon (anything blocking it, too heavy/big trunk etc.)? No sense in blasting Kerwyn half-dead again.

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