OOC: Endur's Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil


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Trading with the Smiths

Non-magical armor and weapons
Ok-- How does this sound?

Party keeps:
2 suits of Masterwork Full Plate (Craven and Raner)
1 Masterwork Long Sword (Craven)
2 Mighty composite longbows (str 14/16, Craven and Raner)
1 Masterwork Steel Large Shield (Raner)
1 Masterwork Studded Leather (Kerwyn)

Party trades:
3 suits of half-plate armor
1 suit of splintmail
Masterwork Bastard Sword
Masterwork Great Axe
4 Masterwork Morning Stars
1 light crossbow
1 heavy crossbow
Masterwork Breastplate
2 large wooden shields
Scalemail (Craven's)
Heavy Crossbow
Studded Leather (Raner's)
large wooden shield (Raner's)
large wooden shield (Craven's)

Party receives from the smiths:
1 Masterwork Studded Leather (Toriah, 175 gp value)
Fitting for Full Plate for Craven and Raner (1000 gp value)
1 Masterwork Large Steel Shield (170 gp value, Craven)
1 Masterwork Warhammer (312 gp, Craven)
1 Masterwork Dwarven Waraxe (330 gp, Raner)
1 more Masterwork weapon of your choice

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Endur said:
Non-magical armor and weapons
Ok-- How does this sound?

I doubt Kerwyn wants a Studded Leather, since he wants to stay on Light load. Otherwise that looks pretty damn fine.

So, I wonder if the smiths can patch up Masterwork Darkwood Light Crossbow for Lylamwyn? ;) But somebody more in need of a Masterwork weapon should get one if they want though.


Yeah, unless Lylamwyn can cobble together some Strength-enhancers, Kerwyn's light load is already at its uppermost limit. Though if somebody else with more muscle is willing to carry Kerwyn's bedroll.... *looks at the paladin and dwarf*


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Dalamar said:
Yeah, unless Lylamwyn can cobble together some Strength-enhancers, Kerwyn's light load is already at its uppermost limit. Though if somebody else with more muscle is willing to carry Kerwyn's bedroll.... *looks at the paladin and dwarf*
*An open hand, with palm facing upward seems to be waiting something next to Kerwyn* "Three-thousand-six-hundred gold pieces.", says a gravelike voice. "And at least five or so days.", a normal voice adds cheerily.


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Endur said:
Well, you havn't been to a store since you were first level.

The party has roughly 50k worth of equipment, although that includes Spugnoir's equipment. Figure 6k each (and 8k for Spugnoir). 6k is roughly where a 4th level PC should be.
Though if we go and sell some of that stuff for half the market price, we'll have a bit less, but that's normal.


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The only special materials the Smiths of Hommlet have access to currently are: Silver and Cold Iron. So either of those are possible. Its also possible to buy batches of arrows with silver and cold iron tips.

Xael said:
So, I wonder if the smiths can patch up Masterwork Darkwood Light Crossbow for Lylamwyn? ;) But somebody more in need of a Masterwork weapon should get one if they want though.


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Oops! Guess Lenya would have asked the Goodwife right away, she probably knows about Ostler's condition. :heh:

But she was in a hurry and simply forgot, I suppose. ;)


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