OOC: Endur's Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil

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Endur said:
You will hit level 5 sometime after you return to Hommlet and before you leave again.

Yay. I suppose the Hommlet isn't big enough for us to sell all of that friggin' huge pile of loot? How far away was that bigger city?

...Though there's still enough time for somebody to rob us blind, or something similar.


First Post
Verbobonc is a human city about thirty miles away.

Enstad, the capital of the Gray Elves, is further away in the other direction.

You can sell stuff in Hommlet, just don't expect anyone to pay you 1000 gp in cash for a magic item.


First Post
Endur said:
Verbobonc is a human city about thirty miles away.
Good, it's closer than I though.

Enstad, the capital of the Gray Elves, is further away in the other direction.
Naw, those arrogant, hippy elves bother me. No, wait...

You can sell stuff in Hommlet, just don't expect anyone to pay you 1000 gp in cash for a magic item.
Money = Good. :p And I doubt we'll find use for all the magic stuff we found.


First Post
You'll be able to sell all the non-magical items in Hommlet, one way or another.

The Smiths, for instance, lack cash, but will probably work a trade with you where they'll give you a masterwork dwarven waraxe and a masterwork warhammer and adjust your MW Full Plate armor in exchange for the rest of the non-magical armor and weapons you found. It will work out to be the same as if you had sold the armor and weapons, but nobody in Hommlet would have had the cash to actually buy all those items for gold.

Selling the magical items will be a bit tricky. "You see, I found this item in an ancient crypt and took it away from some evil cultists. I don't know what it does, but I want more money than you have ever seen for it."


First Post
Endur said:
Selling the magical items will be a bit tricky. "You see, I found this item in an ancient crypt and took it away from some evil cultists. I don't know what it does, but I want more money than you have ever seen for it."

Exactly. I suppose we should head to Verbobonc to identify and sell them. Would possibly be cheaper if we found someone to cast Analyze Dweomer too, since we have quite many unidentified items.

But I'd say that everybody in the party will be pretty damn rich after selling the loot when compared to the rest of the Hommlet. If you don't cout Lord Burne and Rufus.


First Post
Yeah, that's always been one of the amusing parts of the D&D economy as defined by the R.A.W.

Categorically PC's must be insane, otherwise they'd retire to a rich life of leisure by about third level... :p

RandomSideNote: I think this is the only 4th level (3.0/3.5 anyway) PC I've ever had who didn't have at least Mwk gear.


First Post
Pyrex said:
RandomSideNote: I think this is the only 4th level (3.0/3.5 anyway) PC I've ever had who didn't have at least Mwk gear.

Well, you havn't been to a store since you were first level.

The party has roughly 50k worth of equipment, although that includes Spugnoir's equipment. Figure 6k each (and 8k for Spugnoir). 6k is roughly where a 4th level PC should be.

Voidrunner's Codex

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