OOC: Endur's Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil


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Thanee said:
Uhm... Lenya didn't say anything yet, so just to be sure... did Elmo just say that, or did you assume, that Lenya told them she thought they were illusory (which she very much did not ;)).

Well, I suppose it could mean that he's actually a spellcaster (Rangers don't count :p) that noticed your scanning... ;)

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Elmo said that.

I'm not assuming that Lenya SAID anything about illusions. However, I am assuming that Lenya THOUGHT they might be illusions.

And Elmo just GUESSED what Lenya might be thinking.

Thanee said:
Uhm... Lenya didn't say anything yet, so just to be sure... did Elmo just say that, or did you assume, that Lenya told them she thought they were illusory (which she very much did not ;)).


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Endur said:
The warrior with the goatee says, "Yes, you can keep your spellbook." And gestures for Lylamwyn to go ahead and put his backpack in the wagon.

Damn, I'm actually somewhat disappointed. Evil goatee-men aren't supposed to be nice. :\



...Somebody open fire.


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Well, you got the first victim discount. The last person to put a backpack in the wagon doesn't get to keep their spellbook.

Xael said:
Damn, I'm actually somewhat disappointed. Evil goatee-men aren't supposed to be nice. :\


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Half-hour or so from the Moathouse if you are walking at a normal pace.

Three minutes from the Moathouse if you are a Dragon.


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Isida Kep'Tukari said:
I think discretion is the better part of valor, and we will not survive a fight like this!

Bah. It's only a Werewolf and five 3rd or so level NPC's (two are blind, and waiting for some sneak attacks). A complete pushover. :p Lenya and Lylamwyn can blast the hell out of the Werewolf, but STICK THAT DAMN POTION OF CURE MODERATE WOUNDS DOWN LYLAMWYN'S THROAT!

I mean, it's going to be faster to run, if Lylamwyn is conscius.

Isida Kep'Tukari

[sing-song voice] I'm working on it... [/sing-song voice]

Just lemme get away of immediate danger range here... then we'll talk about healing. grumbles Ungrateful wretch, pluck him out of danger and all he wants is a healing potion... ;)

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