OOC: Endur's Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil


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Positioning Grease so that it affects Gnaw, but not your friends is impossible.

Gnaw, the Reptile, and the third Ghast are trying to penetrate the party lines so they can escape. They are intermingled in melee with Toriah, Kerwyn, Craven, Raner, Neshi, and the Black Cat. A grease spell cast into the melee would probably affect at least half of the PCs and NPCs in the melee.

Lenya, Lylamwyn, Belaver, and the tied up Festrath are somewhere behind the melee.

I'm not telling you not to cast Grease or another area-effect spell. It might be the right thing to do under the circumstances. I'm just telling you to expect to affect some of your friends along with the enemy.

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First Post
Endur said:
Positioning Grease so that it affects Gnaw, but not your friends is impossible.

I'm not telling you not to cast Grease or another area-effect spell. It might be the right thing to do under the circumstances. I'm just telling you to expect to affect some of your friends along with the enemy.

Damn. Lylamwyn doesn't have any non-area, undead-affecting spells left, and he's not hitting anything in his present condition. Oh well...

Edited the post in IC-thread.


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If you decide you are going back to Hommlet, I need a post detailing the following:
1) Are you doing anything to seal the shaft?
2) How are you exiting the dungeon, via one of the stairwells going up or through Spugnoir's Secret Passage?
3) If exiting through Spugnoir's secret passage, how are you getting by the stone wall?
4) If you remove the stone wall, are you doing anything to reseal it behind you?
5) What are you doing with Spugnoir and Redithidoor?
6) Who is watching Festrath?


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Endur said:
2) How are you exiting the dungeon, via one of the stairwells going up or through Spugnoir's Secret Passage?
Spugnoir's Secret Passage.
3) If exiting through Spugnoir's secret passage, how are you getting by the stone wall?
With scroll of Stone Shape.
4) If you remove the stone wall, are you doing anything to reseal it behind you?
I don't think so.
5) What are you doing with Spugnoir and Redithidoor?
I think we're supposed to carry them with us.
6) Who is watching Festrath?
At least Lylamwyn, but he wants somebody else to help him.

Waiting for input from others of course, the things abowe are suggestions.


First Post
Yes, that sounds about right to me. Lenya will also help keeping an eye on the cultist, being no help in carrying the corpses.

The secret passage is still secret, that should be safe enough, and we will probably come back pretty soon, anyways, I suppose?



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How long does the Stone Shape scroll last?

It could potentially be long enough to open a hole, run us through and then seal it up again.


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Instantaneous duration. Not long enough.

Pyrex said:
How long does the Stone Shape scroll last?

It could potentially be long enough to open a hole, run us through and then seal it up again.

Isida Kep'Tukari

Raner, however, notices that the Rooster seems to have a scaly tail like a snake and his wings lack feathers. Almost as if the Rooster is half-draconic or has been mutated by magic.
Out of character, HOLY MOLY ON A STICK! :eek:

Voidrunner's Codex

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