OOC: Endur's Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil


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I can't wait to have a bard sing a song of the encounter.

"The brave adventurers, after cleansing the Moathouse of Undead and Evil Cultists, fled from a chicken.

"We understand, you had an urgent appointment elsewhere.

"And you never cared for the taste of fowl.

"And who knows what that chicken had been dining on for feed."

(just kidding)
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errr, even your regular cockatrice is really just large chicken size.

so yes, this is a cockatrice and not a baby.


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How obvious is it to use a spell-like ability (not an invocation)?

[SBLOCK]Lenya would maybe use her detect magic ability then to look at Vesta and Elmo searching for magical auras... for some reason, I have the suspicion, that they might not be themselves (i.e. someone using an illusion to look like them). It makes little sense (to me at least :D), that Vesta is there and Elmo seems rather quick about persuading us to do what they demand... ;)[/SBLOCK]



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Spell-like abilities don't have verbal, somatic, or material components. So, its not that obvious that you are using a spell-like ability. On the other hand, it does require concentration, so someone who is familiar with magic, might recognize your concentration. Or they might just recognize that you are thinking.

Thanee said:
How obvious is it to use a spell-like ability (not an invocation)?

Lenya would maybe use her detect magic ability then to look at Vesta and Elmo searching for magical auras... for some reason, I have the suspicion, that they might not be themselves (i.e. someone using an illusion to look like them).
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Endur said:
Vesta and Elmo are only being verbally threatened by the armored men. The armored men are placing all their attention on the PCs.

Elmo reassures Lenya that it is really him. "Yes, Lenya, its me, Elmo. I am not an illusion created by magic. Ask me something only the real Elmo would know, like the first time we met."

Elmo pauses and then continues.

"We met at the Welcome Wench only a few days after you arrived in Hommlet."
Elmo answers his own question, exactly the way Lenya would expect the real Elmo to answer that question.
Okay, now I'd bet a ridiculous amount of money on the fact that we're not talking to real Elmo. :uhoh:

Lylamwyn isn't going to start a fight though, so if somebody wants to, now would be the time. ;)


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Elmo reassures Lenya that it is really him. "Yes, Lenya, its me, Elmo. I am not an illusion created by magic. Ask me something only the real Elmo would know, like the first time we met."

Elmo pauses and then continues.

"We met at the Welcome Wench only a few days after you arrived in Hommlet."
Elmo answers his own question, exactly the way Lenya would expect the real Elmo to answer that question.

Uhm... Lenya didn't say anything yet, so just to be sure... did Elmo just say that, or did you assume, that Lenya told them she thought they were illusory (which she very much did not ;)).


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