(OOC) Scourge of Daggerford (Full)


He doesn't go down every fight, but I understand. Honestly, it's been kimd of hard to keep everyone up. Nobody is focussed as a healer and the one spell Dandin has is really only good as a stop-gap for when somebody does take a fall.

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You know, it’s funny, but y’all have me seriously considering forgoing more Warlock and just doing Fighter, having him be the Noble and taking more of that responsibility. I kind of wanted to grab the Pact Boon, though.

I don’t know anymore. I’ll need to think about it. Hold off going further for a little bit. Let me do some thinking. I may retcon that last post.


I don’t know anymore. I’ll need to think about it. Hold off going further for a little bit. Let me do some thinking. I may retcon that last post.

I think you should go for Warlock, but definitely go three-and-three ASAP. I've had too much fun coming up with your patron to stop now.... actually, in some ways it doesn't matter - if you deny your patron, then you've just made an enemy of him, which works fine for my purposes. You know, assuming we ever get anywhere near the end of this game...


I guess my main problem with him has been motivation. I’ve never felt he had much of a reason to do what he’s doing. That’s my fault, though. I wasn’t interested in his future because I didn’t give him one. He was just a minor noble, with little to no goal in life. The Warlock thing gave him a mystery to figure out.

But the motivation and everything is my fault. I haven’t given him a reason to do anything. I’ve been having him react, rather than giving him a purpose.

I need to give him a goal beyond “What am I?” So I’ll think about that.


I figured it was a contract, so some negotiation would be in order. If I knew the Patron in question, then I could agree or not based on that, but I don't even know if this is who it truly is. It could be something completely different, and I don't want to just say "Yeah, I'll do whatever you say, hyuck!"

But I'm loving the flavor, and if I do go Pact of the Blade, a singing shadow axe would be perfect. I'm really thinking it, too, because of the Invocations I could then get that would help a Fighter. Being able to pseudo-Smite at Warlock 5, and having a guaranteed +1 weapon that can also be a bow at Warlock 3. I don't really need Thirsting Blade to attack twice, since I'd be using Green Flame blade most of the time, because that scales with Character level instead of class level. That's good, because I won't be getting a second attack for quite a while. It's the only downside to multi classing.

Hey, in Xanathar's Guide, it says that an option for Warlocks is that they can have a "Binding Mark" that they can either try to hide, if they don't want people to know, or that they can show to prove their relationship with the Patron. It gives some options, most of which are weird, but one of them might be interesting. It says "One of your eyes looks the same as one of your patron's eyes."

Could I have a glowing eye, perhaps the opposite eye the patron has glowing (preferably the right, but I'm not picky)? I'd still have my normal eye, but it would have a soft glow somewhere inside, noticeable if you look into the pupil. I'm not thinking it is noticeable in the daylight, but maybe if it's dim light or dark, you could tell one of my eyes glows softly. It's thematic, and fits since I picked Devil's Sight as an Invocation. Just a thought!


Oh yeah, I wouldn't trust him if I were you!

I'd happily let one eye glow, but I want the other one to be shadowy. At least your eye colour should be dark/mottled grayish.

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