(OOC) Scourge of Daggerford (Full)

Prickly Pear

Titus is still in the basement watching/guarding the door with the portal. Morwin, the familiar, is snuggled up with Titus.
Do you want me to post for Titus too?

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I'm sorry that it's taken me so long to roll that round. I've been terribly busy (and pretty much depressed as well). In addition, some people I have multiple rounds worth of rolls, while others I was missing. I hope everyone is still into the game. I don't mind it being a bit delayed, but I'd hate to see it end.

Here's some things that came up for me as I worked on it:

1) @KahlessNestor I think the mounted crossbow is supposed to have Angis' Dex bonus to damage. It's got its own attack roll, but I think the wielder should still matter, otherwise it's barely better than a heavy crossbow that's not mounted.
2) @MetaVoid Vairar didn't do anything in round two. I'm okay with him "readying" his polearm to poke out the arrow-loop (there's one on either side of the door, maybe I didn't make that clear enough). So he could take one attack as a reaction, and another as his action for this round, now that there's an orc there.
3) We have rolls for a few people for ranged attacks for the next few rounds. That's fine, and I'll use them, but it seems that the orcs got here faster than you might have expected (they have that bonus action dash). If you want to change your mind and do something else, post it. Otherwise I'll use what you posted.
4) Because we're not using initiative, timing might confuse you: The arrow-loops give +5 AC, but you're in danger of being shot whenever you go up to them to make your own attacks. So if an orc fired a bow or threw a javelin at you, it was while you're at the arrow-loop, even if the map now shows you backed off. I hope that makes sense to you.

Any questions? I'll roll the round again as soon as I have actions for those who haven't rolled ahead. (IIRC that's Vairar, Angis, Tommi, and Lionel.)

Let's try to make it quicker this time? I hope? (Again, I don't blame anyone for their part in the slow-down. We're all in it together!)


There are only 4 elf guards and us defending against a mob of orcs? How few soldiers live here?
Normally 6 men of Daggerford guard the place. The 20 or so (they may have lost a few) Sun Elves came when they were called to help. It's a manor house, not a castle, and is supposed to be under the protection of the Duke of Daggerford. For centuries Darfin had been a trusted advisor to the Duke. He is currently out of favour with the current Duke.


Sorry for the wait on this. I've been having a tough time still. Hope it's not too late for these.

Bow shots, 4 rounds: 4#1d20+5 18 14 12 11 4#1d8+2 5 10 3 7
Oh, I should point out that Dandin can't use a longbow without having disadvantage. It has the "Heavy" property, which gives disadvantage to small creatures. The elves offered a "child's bow" (just my fluffy reason for why they'd have a short bow around, though come to think of it, Dandin probably had one of those already?) Anyway, he's gonna have to use a short bow. I'll just take 1 away from your damage rolls to speed things along...


Oh, I should point out that Dandin can't use a longbow without having disadvantage. It has the "Heavy" property, which gives disadvantage to small creatures. The elves offered a "child's bow" (just my fluffy reason for why they'd have a short bow around, though come to think of it, Dandin probably had one of those already?) Anyway, he's gonna have to use a short bow. I'll just take 1 away from your damage rolls to speed things along...
Heavy? Guess I've forgotten some rules. Okay, shortbow it is. Dandin had a sling, and has used it quite a bit until recently. Honestly, considered taking Magic Stone as a cantrip, but the advantage of the spell isn't a huge one over his regular sling.


Heavy? Guess I've forgotten some rules. Okay, shortbow it is. Dandin had a sling, and has used it quite a bit until recently. Honestly, considered taking Magic Stone as a cantrip, but the advantage of the spell isn't a huge one over his regular sling.
Short bow has the better range. It's at least worth using here while you have the arrow slits. I can't imagine it being nearly as easy to cast a sling through an arrow slit as a bow (though obviously, that's just story-stuff).

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