OOC Sword of Valor, Wrath of the Righteous AP by MLeibrock and Scotley


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Congrats! I agree with RP angle, but in combat short and to the point notes with colorful description make the thing go faster (DM doesn't need to parse the description)

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And I totally missed where Scotley said he was waiting on Mel... I was like, who is that?? And why haven't I posted in so long?? :duh:

So, I should probably admit, my mind has been a mess lately. As in mama brain... I'm 18 weeks pregnant and losing my mind lol. I'm so sorry. Life is always chaos here and this isn't helping.

I put up my initiative (as you will see, my mind is so crazy I rolled a 73 lol) and since as usual I'm going last, I will just wait to see what happens. :D

edit: To add to what [MENTION=29558]Maidhc O Casain[/MENTION] said, I would love to have more role play. That's what keeps me in a game and pure rolling kind of bores me in the end. SO I'm all for more role play and trying to keep OOG in spoilers.

Congrats. I guess we'll let the mama brain issues slide in the interest of perpetuating the next generation of games. I have to agree with Maidhc, let's try to get more of the chatter in character. Or at least move it over to this thread. That's what it is for after all.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
[MENTION=11520]Scotley[/MENTION], since gargoyles are going first, why don't you just roll for Thorn and fit her in the init order somewhere? :) [MENTION=4936]Shayuri[/MENTION] mentioned she has some trouble connecting to ENW lately.


First Post
I did roll init now. :(

Is it Thorn's turn? Does delaying an action in Pathfinder change your initiative? I kind of want her to go after the ghouls do at first, in hopes she can react to their movements rather than trying to take them all on at once.

If it changes init, I can have her just not act in the first round and see how they react to the rest of the party approaching.


Where'd everybody go? Tomorrow is thanksgiving for those of us in the US. I've got family in town and I doubt I'll get to post for a few days. Hopefully, we can get things moving again Monday?

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