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OOC: The Enemy Within, using 4E

Dr Simon

XP and levelling

I'll be handling XP and levels the same as I do in most of my other PbP games, which is to ignore XP and let the characters level up when it feels "right" (I've sketched out suitable points throughout this campaign, and as I said before it'll be a fairly slow, steady advancement staying mostly in the Heroic tier).

I figure that the fight with the mutants and finding Hans' double counts as a milestone event, though, as far as Action Points are concerned.

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Walking Dad

First Post
By the rules, any encounter count as a half milestone, both combat and skill challenges (later even when unsuccessful). And they reset after an extended rest.

It is just a fancy way to control action point regeneration and affects some magic items, but does not really measures story development.


So Dr Simon has said there might be a spot for me in the campaign. Without having to read through all 9 pages of the OOC up until now, can I get a brief description of the classes and roles that the players are already playing. I am leaning towards a cleric, paladin or warlord, but if you have those types of roles shored up I can do something else.

Walking Dad

First Post
Hello airwalkrr!

I'm playing Gorim Grimmson, Dwarf Fighter (Great Weapon),
the now lost player is his brother, Dwarf Paladin

We also got a Dwarf Runepriest and a Human Warlord.

The combat role not covered is Controller (Leader is covered twice), but honestly, I would suggest to play what you want, as Dr Simon said that a Controller would not be absolutely necessary.

Dr Simon

Yeah, I don't think you need to follow the "roles" assigned in 4th Ed. to give party balance, as the adventure isn't written with that in mind. More of note is background or personality, I think, as the campaign hinges as much on player skill as it does the character's abilities.

In Insight's Hans we have a streetwise character, and in FourMonos' Garold we have someone from (minor) nobility with some Charisma; The two dwarves provide an outsider's viewpoint - WD's fighter is fairly straightforward, Neurotic's Runepriest has mystic knowledge. A ranger-y type might fit well - there's a lack of Nature knowledge or missile ability. Note that the campaign is set mainly in civilised lands, so a fanatical outdoorsman might be out of place, but a forester type would work.

As WD says, though, play what you fancy (within the campaign limits).
Edit: But just don't give him a name beginning with "G"!
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Well, all I really have is the PH so I will stick to that. I am most comfortable with the archetypal elf wizard but in 4e it seems the eladrin fits that bill better. So let's go with that. I am going to have to learn about the setting as I go along since I really know nothing of it. But hopefully having some helpful skill checks along the way will clue me in to important pieces of information. I am open to suggestions on how my eladrin (high elf) came to be amongst the others, but it almost seems to me like it would be more interesting (believable even) if that were a mystery.

Aaryn d'Alcor
Wizard Eladrin Level 1
Height: 6' 0"
Weight: 170 lbs.
Languages: Common, Elven
Hit Points: 20
Healing Surges: 6
Str 8 (-1), Con 10 (+0), Dex 13 (+1), Int 20 (+5), Wis 14 (+2), Cha 10 (+0)
AC 15, Fort 10 Ref 15 Will 15 (20 against charm)
Racial Traits: Low-light vision, +2 Arcana and +2 History*, Eladrin Education, Eladrin Weapon Proficiency, Eladrin Will*, Fey Origin, Trance, Fey Step
*already calculated
Wizard Class Features: Armor Proficiency (Cloth), Weapon Proficiencies (dagger, quarterstaff), Implements (Orb of Imposition), +2 Will*
*already calculated
Skills: Acrobatics +1, Arcana +12*, Athletics -1, Bluff +0, Diplomacy +0, Dungeoneering +10*, Endurance +0, Heal +2, History +12*, Insight +7*, Intimidate +0, Nature +10*, Perception +2, Religion +10*, Stealth +1, Streetwise +0, Thievery +1
*trained skill
Feats: Initiate of the Faith, Ritual Caster
Equipment: green and yellow robes, backpack, bedroll, flint and steel, belt pouch, trail rations (10 days), hempen rope (50 ft), sunrods (2), waterskin, orb, spellbook, longsword, 4 gp
[sblock=At-Will Powers]
[sblock=Ghost Hand]Ghost Sound Wizard Cantrip
With a wink, you create an illusory sound that emanates from somewhere close by.
At-Will * Arcane, Illusion
Standard Action - Ranged 10
Target: One object or unoccupied square
Effect: You cause a sound as quiet as a whisper or as loud as a yelling or fighting creature to emanate from the target. You can produce nonvocal sounds such as the ringing of a sword blow, jingling armor, or scraping stone. If you whisper, you can whisper quietly enough that only creatures adjacent to the target can hear your words.[/sblock]
[sblock=Light]Light Wizard Cantrip
With a wave of your hand, you cause a bright light to appear on the tip of your staff, upon some other object, or in a nearby space.
At-Will * Arcane
Minor Action - Ranged 5
Target: One object or unoccupied square
Effect: You cause the target to shed bright light. The light fills the target’s square and all squares within 4 squares of it. The light lasts for 5 minutes. Putting out the light is a free action.
Special: You can have only one light cantrip active at a time. If you create a new light, your previously cast light winks out.[/sblock]
[sblock=Mage Hand]Mage Hand Wizard Cantrip
You gesture toward an object nearby, and a spectral floating hand
lifts the object into the air and moves it where you wish.
At-Will * Arcane, Conjuration
Minor Action - Ranged 5
Effect: You conjure a spectral, floating hand in an unoccupied square within range. The hand picks up, moves, or manipulates an adjacent object weighing 20 pounds or less and carries it up to 5 squares. If you are holding the object when you use this power, the hand can move the object into a pack, a pouch, a sheath, or a similar container and simultaneously move any one object carried or worn anywhere on your body into your hand.
As a move action, you can move the hand up to 5 squares. As a free action, you can cause the hand to drop an object it is holding, and as a minor action, you can cause the hand to pick up or manipulate a different object.
Sustain Minor: You can sustain the hand indefinitely.
Special: You can create only one hand at a time.[/sblock]
[sblock=Prestidigitation]Prestidigitation Wizard Cantrip
You perform an amusing magical trick, such as creating a dancing wisp of light, freshening a wilting flower, making a coin invisible, or warming a cold drink.
At-Will * Arcane
Standard Action - Ranged 2
Effect: Use this cantrip to accomplish one of the effects given below.
* Move up to 1 pound of material.
* Create a harmless sensory effect, such as a shower of sparks, a puff of wind, faint music, or a strong odor.
* Color, clean, or soil items in 1 cubic foot for up to 1 hour.
* Instantly light (or snuff out) a candle, a torch, or a small campfire.
* Chill, warm, or flavor up to 1 pound of nonliving material for up to 1 hour.
* Make a small mark or symbol appear on a surface for up to 1 hour.
* Produce out of nothingness a small item or image that exists until the end of your next turn.
* Make a small, handheld item invisible until the end of your next turn.
Nothing you create with this cantrip can deal damage, serve as a weapon or a tool, or hinder another creature’s actions. This cantrip cannot duplicate the effect of any other power.
Special: You can have as many as three prestidigitation effects active at one time.[/sblock]
[sblock=Ray of Frost]Ray of Frost Wizard Attack 1
A blisteringly cold ray of white frost streaks to your target.
At-Will * Arcane, Cold, Implement
Standard Action - Ranged 10
Target: One creature
Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude
Hit: 1d6 + Intelligence modifier cold damage, and the target is slowed until the end of your next turn. Increase damage to 2d6 + Intelligence modifier at 21st level.[/sblock]
[sblock=Scorching Burst]Scorching Burst Wizard Attack 1
A vertical column of golden flames burns all within.
At-Will * Arcane, Fire, Implement
Standard Action - Area burst 1 within 10 squares
Target: Each creature in burst
Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d6 + Intelligence modifier fire damage. Increase damage to 2d6 + Intelligence modifier at 21st level.[/sblock][/sblock]
[sblock=Encounter Powers]
[sblock=Fey Step]Fey Step Eladrin Racial Power
With a step, you vanish from one place and appear in another.
Encounter * Teleportation
Move Action - Personal
Effect: Teleport up to 5 squares.[/sblock]
[sblock=Icy Terrain]Icy Terrain Wizard Attack 1
With frosty breath, you utter a single arcane word that creates a treacherous patch of ice on the ground, hampering your foes.
Encounter * Arcane, Cold, Implement
Standard Action - Area burst 1 within 10 squares
Target: Each creature in burst
Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d6 + Intelligence modifier cold damage, and the target is knocked prone.
Effect: The power’s area is difficult terrain until the end of your next turn. You can end this effect as a minor action.[/sblock][/sblock]
[sblock=Daily Powers 1*/day]
[sblock=Acid Arrow*]Acid Arrow Wizard Attack 1
A shimmering arrow of green, glowing liquid streaks to your target and bursts in a spray of sizzling acid.
Daily * Acid, Arcane, Implement
Standard Action - Ranged 20
Primary Target: One creature
Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d8 + Intelligence modifier acid damage, and ongoing 5 acid damage (save ends). Make a secondary attack.
Secondary Target: Each creature adjacent to the primary target
Secondary Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d8 + Intelligence modifier acid damage, and ongoing 5 acid damage (save ends).
Miss: Half damage, and ongoing 2 acid damage to primary target (save ends), and no secondary attack.[/sblock]
[sblock=Healing Word]Healing Word Cleric Feature
You whisper a brief prayer as divine light washes over your target, helping to mend its wounds.
Daily * Divine, Healing
Minor Action - Close burst 5 (10 at 11th level, 15 at 21st level)
Target: You or one ally
Effect: The target can spend a healing surge and regain an additional 1d6 hit points.
Increase the amount of additional hit points regained to 2d6 at 6th level, 3d6 at 11th level, 4d6 at 16th level, 5d6 at 21st level, and 6d6 at 26th level.[/sblock]
[sblock=Sleep*]Sleep Wizard Attack 1
You exert your will against your foes, seeking to overwhelm them with a tide of magical weariness.
Daily * Arcane, Implement, Sleep
Standard Action - Area burst 2 within 20 squares
Target: Each creature in burst
Attack: Intelligence vs. Will
Hit: The target is slowed (save ends). If the target fails its first saving throw against this power, the target becomes unconscious (save ends).
Miss: The target is slowed (save ends).[/sblock][/sblock]
[sblock=Animal Messenger]You whisper to the animal before you, and it bounds off in the direction you point to carry your message.
Level: 1
Category: Exploration
Time: 10 minutes
Duration: Special
Component Cost: 10 gp
Market Price: 50 gp
Key Skill: Nature
You target a nonhostile Tiny animal, such as a sparrow, a raven, a fox, or a carp. The animal must remain within 5 squares of you for the time necessary to perform the ritual. Once the ritual is complete, you whisper a message of up to 25 words to the animal and name a recipient and a location. The animal bounds off toward the location, in search of the recipient. The animal avoids danger along its path. Upon finding the recipient, the animal approaches until it is adjacent to the recipient, and then your whisper issues from the animal’s mouth, conveying the message. When the animal delivers its message or the ritual’s duration ends, your influence ends and the animal reverts to its natural behavior.
Your Nature check determines how long the animal is affected by the ritual.
Nature Check Result - Duration
19 or lower           6 hours
20–29                 12 hours
30–39                 18 hours
40 or higher          24 hours
[sblock=Comprehend Language]As you finish the ritual, the guttural language of the creatures before you clarifies into something you understand.
Level: 1
Category: Exploration
Time: 10 minutes
Duration: 24 hours
Component Cost: 10 gp
Market Price: 50 gp
Key Skill: Arcana
When beginning the ritual, choose a language you have heard or a piece of writing you have seen within the past 24 hours.
Using this ritual on a language you have heard allows you to understand it when spoken for the next 24 hours and, if your Arcana check result is 35 or higher, to speak the language fluently for the duration.
Using this ritual on a language you have seen as a piece of writing allows you to read the language for the next 24 hours and, if your Arcana check result is 35 or higher, to write the language in its native script or in any other script you know for the duration.
Using this ritual on a language you have both heard and seen as a piece of writing within the past 24 hours allows you to understand it in both forms for the next 24 hours, and an Arcana check result of 35 or higher allows you to speak and write the language.[/sblock]
[sblock=Silence]Straining both your patience and your keen ears, you hear nothing in the duke’s private chamber. That’s why you’re so surprised to see the duke when you boldly enter.
Level: 1
Category: Warding
Time: 10 minutes
Duration: 24 hours
Component Cost: 30 gp
Market Price: 75 gp
Key Skill: Arcana (no check)
You ward a single room (or a burst 4 area), against eavesdropping. Creatures attempting to listen to something in the warded area from outside the area take a –10 penalty to their Perception checks.[/sblock][/sblock]


I have read a little bit of the IC thread but haven't seen any posts there for a few days. Any comments on my character or anything I need to fix?

Also I have been thinking I might want to swap out scorching burst and get thunderwave.

Walking Dad

First Post
Gorim took no action on purpose, but I already posted. I think we wait for Hans' and Kildrak's actions.

Your character looks pretty good for a PH only wizard.

Abilities: I'm usually not brave enough to forgo Con for a higher Int, but it can totally work.

Defenses: Your will defense is always 15. The racial +5 applies to saving throws, not defenses.

Skills: I always think the elf-races as perceptive, so I usually use my Eladrin skill for Perception, but your choices work, too.

Powers: Area effects are mostly important versus minion mobs, and you will want to avoid melee range, so I would suggest scorching burst and thunder wave. Able to attack two different defenses is also good.


I chose ray of frost over scorching burst since it is capable in inflicting the slowed condition on a target. Plus thunderwave requires you to be within three squares of any of your targets if I understand properly, which is too close for me. If I ever get that close to combat, I plan to use my first action to fey step.

Thanks for the clarification on the charm thing. Still working on the differences between saving throws and defenses.

As far as skill choices go, I am seeing my character more as a studious type who can always identify monster weaknesses so I wanted to cover all the monster knowledge skills. I almost took Heal for some rituals, but noticed that Heal doesn't affect many rituals in an important way.

And in case it weren't apparent I will be pursuing the cleric multiclassing feats for added flexibility and help in emergency situations.

Voidrunner's Codex

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