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[OT] Hey there, Dr. Midnight, what's going on with your love life right now?

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Dr Midnight

Some of you may remember my pitiable earlier posts last year on the horrible velcro-sounding split between me and my ex. Some of you even sounded intrigued with my Telemundo-soap opera goings-on.

Just to bring us up to date, the Jersey girl came up for a night in December, and left on very good terms, never to write again. She's curious like that. Well, I say good riddance. Jerk. The crazy ex has left me alone, to swelter and rot in my new bachelor pad... or, more accurately, the place where I sit alone playing PS2 munching cereal out of the box. Ahh, to be a geek.

Anyway. One of my many personal ads out there wrangled a prospective lady-type recently. After a few flavorless exchanges over e-mail, we met last night at a restaurant. She's pretty. Far prettier than I'd normally believe would accept hanging out with me. Seems she agreed. For an hour, we just sat there, ordering food we didn't want and trying to have a conversation. Every topic was stillborn. The conversational chemistry just was not there. I likened it to playing tennis over a 500 yard court. I forget about it, give the whole evening up as a loss, and just start acting regularly. I gave up all hope, and then things started happening. About two hours later, I realize we've been having an animated discussion that's sprung across many topics. Isn't that odd?

We spent a few more hours just hanging out, we watched a movie, and the time came to part. I'd been wondering what she was thinking the whole time. She seemed to warm up to me, but during the first hour, I was sure she wanted nothing so much as to ESCAPE. What would happen now, at the dreaded parting of the first-daters? We stood shivering in the theater parking lot for a long time, doing some random talking. I was genuinely interested in her at this point, so I brought the concept up of doing this again sometime and she immediately suggested this Thursday. Hoody frickin' hoo, eh?

She's a hard one to "read". I couldn't accurately tell what she was thinking by her body language and expressions, but in the parking lot she was smiling a lot, laughing, eye contact, shifting from one foot to another. Provided she's human, that should be pretty good, right?

I didn't go for the kiss. I almost think she was up for it, because she stood there in front of me for a while (until I suggested that I should go, in fact). I'm just too shy to pull something like that off. I'm a wait-until-the-second-date type of guy for that kind of stunt maneuvering.

She looks like Meryl Streep at 27, and she smells like a pile of leaves in the autumn sun. Which I like.

So, that's it, I'm excited, just wanted to share with you people.

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Attention fellow geeks!

Doc has learned the most valuable lesson of all. Learn from him:

Dr Midnight said:
For an hour, we just sat there, ordering food we didn't want and trying to have a conversation. Every topic was stillborn. The conversational chemistry just was not there. ... I forget about it, give the whole evening up as a loss, and just start acting regularly. I gave up all hope, and then things started happening. About two hours later, I realize we've been having an animated discussion that's sprung across many topics. Isn't that odd?

Congrats, Doc. Hope it goes well. :D

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Vengeance Bunny
Good news!

It is all about being yourself. You were probably both very nervous, and reading that nervousness probably set you both off into more nervousness.

You know, she probably had all the same feelings about the date you were having, that you didn't like her, that you felt trapped into staying out of politeness...and when she finally wrote the evening off ... whammo, it clicked. ;)


good move not going in for the kiss, doc. i guarantee that you scored points for that - even if you think she wanted to.

best of luck, i hope she's "the one". or at least one you can have some fun with.
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Congrats on a good date, Doc Top o' clock!

As Ashtal and Nuncheon said, being yourself is the most important point to having a good time on a date. If a woman doesn't like you for yourself, do you REALLY want to pretend around someone for years or even the rest of your life?

Point of future advice to all daters looking for that special someone: If a woman you date doesn't hit it off with YOU, the person you are, she sure ain't gonna stick around when she finds out who are are later, anyway. Being myself was the ONLY thing I think I did right when I used to date.

She sounds very nice, Doc, and I hope that it goes well!

Sen Udo-Mal

First Post
was her name Mary?

heheh just kiddin sort of. I use to date a gal who lives over that way these days who I swear to god looked like Meryl Streep. We parted a few years back when she moved to Boston and I moved to Seattle but we occationally still talk...

Of course now I am married to the best woman in the world and I am can't even remember the times that I was alone :)

I guess I am just wondering how small a world do we really live in :)

Taren Nighteyes

First Post
Dr Midnight,

Sounds awsome! I hope you two have a blast and the second date is even better than the first!

Let us all know how it goes. (I have a "pool" going on between my friends and I about result of your second date. So I REALLY hope it goes well!) ;)

Taren Nighteyes
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