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(OT) Hmmm Star Wars II Seen it I have! Continued

Simon Magalis said:
There is the implication that Vader knew about Luke because he gave Obi-Wan the lightsaber to give to him.

I don't think he did. I think that was another of Obi-wan's "partial truths." I think he had the lightsaber, he wanted Luke to have it to inspire Luke to become the Jedi they knew he could be.

Sure, it's possible Anakin knew Amidala was pregnant, and he might have asked this as a favor of Obi-wan before he turned completely evil. But we've seen that Obi is willing to bend the truth, so I don't think we can put too much faith in the "Your father wanted you to have this when you were old enough" line.

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Moderator Emeritus
My favorite light saber fight scene is STILL from EMPIRE. . . Sorry, but while Darth Maul was cool and Yoda was AMAZING. . . the drama and pathos of the Empire fight makes it far and above superior to all others.

As for changing the Ep IV fight - well, um - that one is my second favorite - and I love it just th way it is - I imagine Obi-Wan and Vader constantly trying to use the force on each other - but matching it other constantly - but Obi-Wan is obviously struggling more.

That fight is fine and dramatic. If it were changed it would break my heart.

In fact in AOTC - I was happy that the fighting style seemed to be an amalgam of the stuff from the first triliogy and the wildness of TPM.


First Post
Gargoyle said:
One problem that non-fans (or perhaps casual fans) may have with it is that the plot is complex. To really understand what's going on can be tough, and I have a feeling that when the average movie-goer sees a film they don't understand, no amount or quality of action, acting, romance or special effects is going to make them like it.

uhh- yup. Us non-fans, we ain't too bright an all. Must be our po' learnin.

I mean, when I sat down in the thee-ae-ter this morn, I almost blew a gasket when the credits started to roll.. then one of you slick city-types told me that just how it starts. well.. gowwlee. I guess I should have learned my letters.

Err.. ok.. got that out of my system.

I personally did not like the movie, but I have yet to like any of the Star War movies. And I understood the plot fine, thank you.

I thought the near-superhero stuff in the beginning was over the top: dropping hundred(s) of feat admist traffic and somehow surviving the impact on a high speed vehicle.

I thought the old and slow moving yoda suddenly fighting like a wild monkee was silly.

I think the close connection between all the characters in these two movies- that will be close in the next three is contradictory to say the least (but that is going on in another thread).

The raised importance of the Fett's is a mistake, imo. Why him? (Ok, I know why- fanboys) Why not a jedi with the mitochondria stuff? Why not someone from a family who doesn't suffer embarresing deaths? (One beheaded after doing little impressive.. and the other eaten by an ant-lion.)

While I am on the subject of the Fett's- what was with the stupidity of Jango killing his own assassin before she spoke his name? If he is in the habit of watching his own assassins, then why did he not kill the senator after the explosion in the beginning?

What was with Padme's reaction to Annie's admission to slaughtering children? Err.. umm.. *blank stare*

I disliked how there is this big link between all the main jedi characters.

Yoda- Dooku- QuiGon- ObiWon- Annie (the sun will come out.. tomorrow).

There were plenty of other jedi's, lucas. Use em, darn it. Some looked darn cool.

Ok, what was cool:
The fights- the best part of Star Wars has always been the combats. The massive combat in the end with all the Jedi is great. (Though, a bit contradictory to the early super hero nonsense- the people of Jar Jar were able to beat similar robots .. but the Jedi get slaughtered by them.)

I like the look of many of the jedi. One was the same race as the dancing slave girl of Jabba. heh.

My favorite scene was where Count Dooku (ugh, does Lucas play d&d or just get his names from d&d players?) baits the captured ObiWon into revealing how much the Jedi Council knows about the Sith.. by outright telling him the truth.

I liked the look of the alien cloners- very elegant.

oh well. The geek in me was pleased for all the eye-candy. However, it was just another Star Wars movie in the end.



Mistwell said:
we already know who takes Leia away. He is in Attack of the Clones. It's Bail Organa, Leia's adopted father! He is right there talking to Amidala in the movie!

Which one was Bail? I missed it somehow.


Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
Davelozzi said:

Which one was Bail? I missed it somehow.

I missed it at first too. It's the character played by Jimmy Smits, formerly of the TV shows LA Law and NYPD Blue. See http://www.starwars.com/bio/jimmysmits.html .

The whole story, and pictures from the movie of Bail Organa, are here:


[Note, also from the starwars.com site: Bail Antilles is also an Alderaanian politician. When Chancellor Valorum was ousted from office by a vote of no confidence, three nominees lined up to take his place: Ainlee Teem from Malastare, Palpatine from Naboo, and Bail Antilles from Alderaan. Although the scene was ultimately left out of the finished film, the script to Episode I shows that these two men named Bail were conceived of as separate characters. Both are mentioned. Bail Organa seconds the vote of no confidence; Bail Antilles is nominated to succeed Valorum. Also note that "Antilles" is sort of the Star Wars equivalent of "Jones," and "Smith." There have been numerous characters throughout the films, books, and expanded universe material named Antilles, but almost none of them are directly related. For instance, Corellian hotshot starfighter pilot Wedge Antilles is not related to Bail Antilles. Nor is he related to C-3PO and R2-D2's former master, Captain Antilles, the Rebel officer whom Vader chokes to death in the opening moments of A New Hope.]

Theory for SW-III.

Everybody expect the third film to end with Anakin strapping on the balck armour and helmet and becoming Darth Vader. I’ve heard a rumour to the contrary which would be So cool if it were true.

SW-III opens with the Jedi being very afraid. The Clone Wars have dangerously whittled their numbers and now there is a mysterious Sith Lord, wearing dark armour and a fearsome helmet (but no breathing sounds), calling himself “Darth Vader”, who, with the help of an armoured bounty hunter called Bobba Fett, is assassinating Jedi. Obi-wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker are assigned to investigate. Anakin has graduated to full Jedi Knight status and has been assigned as Palpatine’s personal bodyguard and liaison to the Jedi counsel. But Palaptine reluctantly releases him to join his old master to root out this evil “Darth Vader” person. The audience suddenly realises that Anakin has *already* turned and is leading a double life…

Re: Theory for SW-III.

Atticus_of_Amber said:
SW-III opens with the Jedi being very afraid. The Clone Wars have dangerously whittled their numbers and now there is a mysterious Sith Lord, wearing dark armour and a fearsome helmet (but no breathing sounds), calling himself “Darth Vader”, who, with the help of an armoured bounty hunter called Bobba Fett, is assassinating Jedi. Obi-wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker are assigned to investigate. Anakin has graduated to full Jedi Knight status and has been assigned as Palpatine’s personal bodyguard and liaison to the Jedi counsel. But Palaptine reluctantly releases him to join his old master to root out this evil “Darth Vader” person. The audience suddenly realises that Anakin has *already* turned and is leading a double life…

A few problems with this plot. There are already two sith with Palpatine/Dooku and it is established that they only work in a single pair.

Jango Fett would be well known after the battle of Geonosha, Obi-wan reported him to the jedi council, so it would not be difficult to figure out who Boba Fett is providing that about ten years have passed since AotC or else his father's armor would have to seriously downsized to fit a ten year old. (I suppose none of this proves to be a problem, just a bit "plot clunky").

Thus far, Anakin has proven to be a little less than subtle in his actions and it would be a great stretch to think that he could lead this much of a double life. The character also still believes that he is doing good and he has no reason (yet!) to begin exterminating jedi. One would think that this would have to be shown on screen and not already happened between movies.


Weeeeellll, I saw it a second time.

And I must say, I liked it better.

I said that the acting, writing, and directing were abyssmal in the last thread. I guess I was being a bit harsh. It ain't THAT bad.

Even the romantic interludes were tolerable. Or maybe they slipped something into my popcorn.

Really, if a movie is decent enough to make me want to see it again, then it will most likely wind up in my DVD collection.

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