Pathfinder 1E Pathfinder Base Classes You'd Like to See

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I've been pondering whether there's an easy way to convert Fantasy Craft's Courtier into something usable in Pathfinder.

Stop pondering and get to work! (I like what I've read of Fistful of Denarii, by the way.)

In a similar line as the aristocrat, I would like to see a merchant class.


I'd like to see classes that are more modular. For example, as you level you get several options, choosing from various class abilities. Then the classes can be played over and over but never feeling quite the same. I'd also like to see terrain or environmental based class variants, such as arctic, desert, or my favorite urban. The paladin done by alignment, effectively becoming nine different classes is something I'd like to see. And I'd love to see the four elemental wizard classes originally from the AD&D Tome of Magic. Even better, my all time favorite class the wild mage from the same book.


First Post
Funny this is the post that started me making my own book... and for a minute I thought it was going to be fun boy was surprised. Not saying it was not fun but more work then I could have imagined. Anyway my post on this sight talked about how I would like to see a Pugilist Class something that is not "Monk" and has a lot of options. Well after many many many hours I have this. The Pugilist
I hope you enjoy it. And I what to add Thank you EN World for everything.


Funny this is the post that started me making my own book...

Then I think you owe that guy in the OP a comp copy... ;) B-)

Congratulations and best of luck in your new venture! I've added you and the pugilist to the list in the original post (plus some other updates). If I've missed any other 3PP with new Pathfinder core classes, please let me know!

And keep the great ideas flowing everyone. B-)

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