[Pathfinder] [IC] Hall of the Dwarven Lord


Thy wounds are healed!
Brawar nods to the cleric in thanks and then says to everyone. "Everyone withdraw back! Back away from it, then when it follows one group prepare to attack it from behind."

Suiting actions to words Barwar withdraws back into the room they found the cat beast in.

[sblock=OOC] Withdraw to W-12, and watch from around the corner. If it goes after Cade and Fabhal He will leap out to get into flanking postion. If it follows then the others can come in behind it. Win Win!! [/sblock]

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First Post
Cade the rogue

Cade grumbles some more and takes another careful swing, then takes a few steps back. This time, he finally connects, smashing his spiked morningstar into the beast's shoulder, and Cade grins victoriously. "There, now, see? Why can't the rest of you hit this thing? Kill it already!!" he remarks, handily ignoring the fact that his first few swings hardly even came close.

[sblock=Action]Another attack with Combat Expertise for +1 to my AC. Then a 5-foot step back, to the south.
1d20+6-1=25, 1d8+4=5
Natural 20 to-hit! For minimum damage, 5 points...... Got a 15 to confirm the possible crit, which probably fails, but 8 more damage if it does succeed.
1d20+6-1=15, 1d8+4=8

I got a 69 to overcome the miss chance versus the displacer beast.

Cade's status: HP 17/22, CMD 17, AC 17 with Combat Expertise (touch 13, flat-footed 14)[/sblock]
[sblock=Flanking]True, we can't flank it right now, but it WOULD help if we can get it to move into a flankable position. Cade's damage output nearly TRIPLES when flanking, if he can actually land a hit. If. :-/ [/sblock]

Walking Dad

First Post
Sergeant's Quarter

Round 11

"Back up, Fabahl!" Morjik attempts to flank with Cade, but it is hard with the beast in the corner. Once more, the beast starnge defensive ability is enough to prevent the attack from hitting.
Just as quickly as he steps up, the valorous (and mostly dead) Gnome steps back and casts another spell. The positive energies begin to heal some wounds.
Brawar nods to the cleric in thanks and then says to everyone. "Everyone withdraw back! Back away from it, then when it follows one group prepare to attack it from behind." Suiting actions to words Barwar withdraws back into the room they found the cat beast in.
Cade grumbles some more and takes another careful swing, then takes a few steps back. This time, he finally connects, smashing his spiked morningstar into the beast's shoulder, and Cade grins victoriously. "There, now, see? Why can't the rest of you hit this thing? Kill it already!!" he remarks, handily ignoring the fact that his first few swings hardly even came close.
The beast follows the rogue, but isn't able to connect it's blows with him!

Is this the big change in direction of the combat...?


Fabhal tries to cast defensive (1d20+2=19)
Fabhal was still in reach as he attempted to cast the spell

Displacer attack (1d20+9=14, 1d6+4=8, 1d20+9=10, 1d6+4=6, 1d20+4=15, 1d8+2=3)



[sblock=HP and Conditions]

Cade 17/22
Fabhal 9/29
Brawar 9/18
Morjik 10/25

Displacer Beast - 13


Heroes are up.


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Thy wounds are healed!
Brawar takes a deep breath and casts his Shield spell hoping the added protection will save him for the second stupidest thing he is about to do in as many minutes.

After the transparent disk is floating securely in front of him he steps back out into the hall and moves doding tentacles as he tries to get behind the beast.

[sblock=Actions] Cast Shield and move to flank with Cade (Y-12). Don't forget the last two images as I take the AoOs please. [/sblock]

HP: 9/18
AC:17 (13 + 4 for shield)
FORT:+2 REF:+4 WILL:+3
INIT: +5
Perception: +7
Hand of the Apprentice: 6/6
Arcane Bond spell: unused
Scroll: Detect Magic(cstlvl1), Tenser's Floating Disc(cstlvl1), and Invisibility(cstlvl3)
Scroll: Read Magic(cstlvl1)
Potion: Shield of Faith(+2)
Potion: Magic Weapon(oil)

0- Detect Magic, Ray of Frost, Daze, Acid Splash
1- Sleep, Sleep, Shield
2- Mirrior Image, Magic Missile [/sblock]

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
"Dul in éag, diabhal cat!" Taking heart in his surly friend's success, Fabhal swings away mightily with his odd weapon . . . this time both ends strike true!

[sblock=Actions]Maybe . . . Fabhal hit both times!

Full Attack: To Hit (1d20+6=23, 1d20+6=24) (Miss Chance (1d100=99, 1d100=64)), Damage (1d6+1=7, 1d4+1=3)[/sblock]

[sblock=Stat Block]
   HP: 9/29     AC: 22*  AC(T): 15*  AC(FF): 20*
 Init: +04    ST(F):+07   ST(R):+02    ST(W):+03

   *+4 vs. Giant Type

  BAB: 02       CMB:+02     CMD: 14

Weapon                  Attack    Damage      Critical     Special
Hooked Hammer (MW)      +3*       1d6+1          20/x3     Double, Trip
                        +3*       1d4+1          20/x4     Double, Trip
Longbow (Comp; 12 STR)  +5        1d6+1          20/x3

                        *w/ Two-Weapon Attack (+5 used Either/Or)

Channel Energy: 1d6 (3/3 Daily)

Domain Powers:
 * Touch of Chaos (3/4)     * Agile Feet (4/4)

 * Level 00          * Level 01
   * Create Water      * [s]Command[/s]
   * Guidance          * [s]Protection from Law[/s]
   * Resistance        * [s]Shield of Faith[/s]


First Post
Cade the rogue

Cade grins and swings away again, trying to smash the monster's face while Brawar distracts it a bit, but he looks surprised as his morningstar sweeps through the spot where he thought the cat was standing, but without any impact...... The rogue just gawks for a moment, though quickly raising his morningstar back into a defensive position.

[sblock=ooc]Yes! Flank with Cade! Cade like! Cade smash! :D

Combat Expertise still in use.

...........I got a 50 to overcome concealment, so that probably fails against the displacer beast.........

.......and only a lousy 13 to-hit, or rather 15 with flanking. Woulda been 14 damage though. :(
1d20+6-1=13, 1d8+4+2d6=14

Cade's status: HP 17/22, CMD 17, AC 17 with Combat Expertise (touch 13, flat-footed 14)[/sblock]

Walking Dad

First Post
Sergeant's Quarter

Round 12

Brawar takes a deep breath and casts his Shield spell hoping the added protection will save him for the second stupidest thing he is about to do in as many minutes. After the transparent disk is floating securely in front of him he steps back out into the hall and moves dodging tentacles as he tries to get behind the beast. But the beast seems to have some sort of special sense, hitting the true mage unerringly. Brawar nearly looses his conscious.
"Dul in éag, diabhal cat!" Taking heart in his surly friend's success, Fabhal swings away mightily with his odd weapon . . . this time both ends strike true and draw blood!
Cade grins and swings away again, trying to smash the monster's face while Brawar distracts it a bit, but he looks surprised as his morningstar sweeps through the spot where he thought the cat was standing, but without any impact...... The rogue just gawks for a moment, though quickly raising his morningstar back into a defensive position.
Morjick again brings the Hammer of the Forge to bear against the beast, but misses again.
The beast assaults the source of it's latest pain, nearly killing the gnome in one deadly assault.

Displacer AoO (3 is Brawar) (1d20+9=21, 1d6+4=7, 1d3=3)
Moved Morjik to flank as no movement to get in melee reach was noted.
Displacer Full attack vs Fabhal (1d20+9=28, 1d6+4=6, 1d20+9=25, 1d6+4=9, 1d20+4=21, 1d8+2=4)



[sblock=HP and Conditions]

Cade 17/22
Fabhal -10/29, unconscious, dying
Brawar 2/18
Morjik 10/25

Displacer Beast - 23 (bloodied, if this would be 4e)


Heroes are up. Sorry, Mowgli. All, don't forget your healing water and that one in full defense could provoke an attack to give others an opening for unusual actions.
Last edited:

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
Walking Dad said:
Sorry, Mowgli. All, don't forget your healing water and that one in full defense could provoke an attack to give others an opening for unusual actions.

NP, WD. Tough opponent, made worse by the fact that the dice really had it in for us - damn thing hits us every time it swings and we can't catch a break.

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