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[Pathfinder] mazzoli's Kingmaker IC

Deuce Traveler

"Very well. I'll stick with one of the brawnier types securing the doors. If they try to rush for the exit in a scramble to escape I'll have a nasty surprise waiting for them," Rhote says with a gleeful smirk.

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The plan sounds more complicated than one Pixie would have devised, but at least the general strategy was right. But still: "I think you are forgetting one thing," says Pixie, her tone almost disinterested. "What are the Leve- I mean, uh, these upstanding citizens, supposed to do while all this is happening? Them bandits won't shy away from taking hostages if they can get their hands on 'em."


First Post
The woman takes in the group's scheming and decides that they must know what they're doing after all. She smiles and speaks, "It sounds like you've got the beginnings of a plan. You're welcome to stay here tonight, though the bunkhouse will be somewhat crowded with as many of you as there are. By the way, I'm Svetlana and the dour man on the roof is my husband Oleg. I'm going to go make some dinner for us. You can continue making plans and setting things up as you please. We'll just stay out of the way."

She turns to head into the house and calls up to her husband, "You be on your best behavior, Oleg! These nice young people are going to get rid of our bandit problem for us and we don't need you spewing your anti-government talk with a prince as our guest!"

[sblock=GM]Sorry for the absence. I got called away from my computer over the weekend.[/sblock]


Pixie is relieved that Svetlana does not appear to recognize her. "They are going to be suspicious if no one is around when they arrive," she says. "We need one of them to act as bait."

Looking around at the party and the buildings, Pixie goes on. "If the Prince means to stay on his horse, and he probably should, then he is going to have to hide in the stables," she says. "So you might be able to stash the other in there. Me, I think I will hide inside the main building until we spring the trap."


Prince Liam, not really one for intricate plans, stands by and listens to his companions scheme and strategize. Though he understands little of these plans, Liam nods approvingly from time to time.

Deuce Traveler

"The Prince approves of your plan, and so it is settled." Rhote goes to examine the structures closest to the Post's entrance for a suitable area to wait.


First Post
Kyria nods and gets started. First she takes as much lamp oil as the couple will let her...at least two jugs...and studies the door and the courtyard. Picking a place that's far enough inside that the bandits should all be in by the time they reach it, and that's not too close to anything flammable, she throws some oil down on the ground there. Just enough to mark it.

"This is where we're hoping the bunch up...but if they do it else where, throw your jugs at them wherever they are. They may spread out...try to get as many as you can."

She starts moving boxes and planks around...bringing more up into the courtyard if necessary, from the storage spaces inside the post. In this way she fashions places suitable for people to take cover and hide behind around the sides of the courtyard.

"All right, the two of you who will be guarding the gates, take those two positions. Don't let them see you before they're all in. Stay down, and stay quiet. When you hear the festivities start, get to the gate, close it, and make sure it stays closed."

"The rest of you arrange yourself around the sides as you like. The two here, and there, will have the jugs. Keep an eye on the bandits and throw them at the biggest concentration of them that you can see. Once the fire starts, rush in with weapons drawn and finish them."


"Well, if that is settled, maybe we can relax and get couple winks of sleep before this all goes down tomorrow," says Pixie.

Voidrunner's Codex

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