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[Pathfinder] mazzoli's Kingmaker IC


OOC: Brondelleon, currently being an NPC/Group PC, should probably go on the gates as everyone else has announced some kind of position. If we assume Kyria would go on the roof of the bunkhouse, which gives her a good view of the whole centre area of the trading post as well as allowing her to keep close to the gates as well, perhaps we can get this thing moving right now.

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About an hour after sunrise Kyria spots four men on horseback approaching the trading post from the south. They are not attempting to conceal their approach and do not seem particularly wary. The men ride in boldly. There is no sign of the hatchet wielding woman Svetlana was so frightened of. Each is wearing leather armor and a cloak in colors suited to the forest. Each carries a longbow and all are wearing short swords or daggers. Two of the men swing down and head for the storage shed, presumably to take Oleg's trade goods. One remains mounted and keeps a bow in hand. The leader, who you recognize as 'Happs' from Svetlana's description also remains mounted and addresses Oleg. "Where's that lovely wife of yours Oleg. I know she wouldn't want to miss our visit and I would certainly like to see her. Perhaps she'd like to go for a little ride with me today." He grins. Oleg sets his jaw and clenches his fists. "Just take my furs and be off with you Happs." He gestures at the shed. The bandit continues, "Now look here Oleg, you'll never make a go of this place if you can't learn to be more hospitable to your guests."

OOC: You have surprise and initiative. I'll consider initiative order to be the order actions are posted. All bandits are AC12 while flat footed.


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Just inside the door of the main building, Pixie can tell Happs is close by the sound of his voice. Oleg is not the only one clenching their teeth either. Of all the bandits she once called her comrades, Happs Bydon is the one against whom she bears a special, personal grudge.

The bandit woman pushes the door and steps out, one hand already going for her other axe as she steps around Oleg to get to Happs. "You should stop worrying about the trader's wife and tell us how your wife and kid are doing, Happs!" Pixie growls angrily, her lips pulled back to bare her teeth as takes her first swing at the bandit leader. Her eyes glint as axe blade bites into flesh.

Handaxe (Favoured Enemy): 1d20+6=23, 1d6+4=8

Deuce Traveler

"Hmph. Quite a bit of viciousness in you," Rhote says with a touch of surprise at the ferocity in which Pixie attacks the bandits. He moves to U12 and places an arm past Oleg's ribcage, letting loose with a Fire Jet. "Oleg, twist behind me and take some cover. Or pick up a weapon and fight. It's all the same to me."

OOC: A 10 attack roll, and a 7 damage. Save for half. http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3897883/

HP: 7 = [1d06 + CON (01)]
AC: 13 = [10 + DEX (3) + Armor (0)]
AC Touch: 13 = [10 + DEX (3)]
AC Flatfooted: 10 = [10 + Armor (0)]
INIT: +3 = [DEX (3) + Misc (0)]
BAB: +0
CMB: +0 = [BAB (0) + STR (0)]
CMD: 13 = [10 + BAB (0) + STR (00) + DEX (3)]
Fortitude: +1 = [Wizard (0) + CON (1)]
Reflex: +3 = [Wizard (0) + DEX (3)]
Will: +3 = [Wizard (2) + WIS (1)]
Speed: 30'
Damage Reduction: Cold, Electricity Resistance at 5, and Fire Resistance at 10.
Spell Resistance: 0
Spell Failure: 0
Weapon Statistics
Quarterstaff: Attack: +0 = [BAB (0) + Str (0)]
- Damage: 1d6, Crit: x2, Special: B
Sling: Attack: +3 = [BAB (0) + Dex (3)]
- Damage: 1d4, Crit: x2, Range: 50 ft, Special: B
Fire Jet: Ranged Touch Attack: +3 = [BAB (0) + Dex (3)]
- Damage: 1d6+1 Fire, DC: 15 Reflex Save for half, Failed Save results in 1d6 points of fire damage a round until extinguished by making a full round action and DC 15 Reflex Save. Rolling on the ground gives a +2 circumstance bonus on the save. Dousing the creature with water automatically extinguishes the flame. Can use this ability a 7 times a day.


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Atop the roof, Kyria gets up from her crouch and takes aim at the bandit with the bow, hoping to snap him off his mount with her first shot; removing their ability to easily retaliate to her. Her eyes flick just for a second at the gate, and she frowns a little. Closing it should have been the first thing that happened before the ambush. Damnit. No plan survived contact with the enemy intact, it seemed.

[sblock=Rolls!]19 to hit, 4 damage
+1 and +1 if target is within 30' due to Point Blank Shot.

Oh, and sneak attack...dur. 2 damage from that, if it applies. Normally wound in a surprise round, but if these guys are rogues...ya never know. :)
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OOC: Updated map. The combined efforts of Pixie and Rhote brought Happs, the leader, down. His horse reared from the blood and flame and dumped his burning body on the ground. The horse wheels and heads for the gate, but Brondelleon gets it closed just in time. Kyria's arrow takes a bandit (3) in the shoulder, but does not drop him (you got credit for the sneak attack and point blank shot). Waiting on Liam and Grayson.


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Liam listens in tense anticipation as the bandits enter the outpost. His blood burns as he hears their vile comments about the innocent people here. Suddenly he hears the cries of pain and the roar of flames and know the time has come to deal justice. Spuring his mount he rides out from cover with his longsword raised. He shouts at the top of his lungs, "For Chelias! For Justice! For Glory!" He heads immediately towards two bandits and swings his shining blade.
OOC - Moving to O13, between bandit 1 and 2. Attacking number 1.


First Post
A little disappointed that the fighting is so far away, Grayson rushes out sword at the ready.

[sblock=Action]Move: Double move to P15[/sblock]

[sblock=OOC]Sorry, last time I checked the IC no enemies were on it.[/sblock]

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