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[Pathfinder] mazzoli's Kingmaker IC


[sblock=Axios]Heh, yeah, forgot to save the spreadsheet between the time I added the foes and uploaded it to EN World. I was hoping nobody noticed. :blush: I shall be more careful.[/sblock]

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Surprise/Round 1 summary

Just inside the door of the main building, Pixie can tell Happs is close by the sound of his voice. Oleg is not the only one clenching their teeth either. Of all the bandits she once called her comrades, Happs Bydon is the one against whom she bears a special, personal grudge.

The bandit woman pushes the door and steps out, one hand already going for her other axe as she steps around Oleg to get to Happs. "You should stop worrying about the trader's wife and tell us how your wife and kid are doing, Happs!" Pixie growls angrily, her lips pulled back to bare her teeth as takes her first swing at the bandit leader. Her eyes glint as axe blade bites into flesh. The bandit rocks back in the saddle from the vicious blow. Blood flows from the wound and the horse gets skittish.

"Hmph. Quite a bit of viciousness in you," Rhote says with a touch of surprise at the ferocity in which Pixie attacks the bandits. He moves and places an arm past Oleg's ribcage, letting loose with a Fire Jet. "Oleg, twist behind me and take some cover. Or pick up a weapon and fight. It's all the same to me." The bandits clothes catch fire and slumps in saddle dropping the reins. The horse has had enough and rears dumping the burning bandit onto the ground. It wheels and makes for the gate. Oleg moves deeper into the house and hovers protectively in front of the door that leads to his wife an axe in hand.

Atop the roof, Kyria gets up from her crouch and takes aim at the bandit with the bow, hoping to snap him off his mount with her first shot; removing their ability to easily retaliate to her. Her eyes flick just for a second at the gate, and she frowns a little. Closing it should have been the first thing that happened before the ambush. Damnit. No plan survived contact with the enemy intact, it seemed. Kyria's arrow takes a bandit (3) in the shoulder, but does not drop him.

Brondelleon gets to the gate just in time and pulls it closed before the horse can get out.

Liam listens in tense anticipation as the bandits enter the outpost. His blood burns as he hears their vile comments about the innocent people here. Suddenly he hears the cries of pain and the roar of flames and know the time has come to deal justice. Spuring his mount he rides out from cover with his longsword raised. He shouts at the top of his lungs, "For Chelias! For Justice! For Glory!" He heads immediately towards two bandits and swings his shining blade. The blade cuts deep and the bandits crumples to the ground like a marionette who's strings have been cut.

A little disappointed that the fighting is so far away, Grayson rushes out sword at the ready.

OOC: I think there is a bit of confusion on actions here. My intention was for you to post not only your action in the surprise round, but also your action for the first full round. I believe some of you have done so, while others appear to have only posted a single action. If you posted both please give the others a chance to catch up. If you only posted one action please post for the first round. Note that the enemy is still flat footed at this point--so only AC12. Only bandits 2 and 3 remain in the fight and 3 is wounded. Sorry for the confusion.


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Pixie looks down for a moment at the smoldering Happs, her face unreadable. She then nonchalantly hops over him and slinks around Grayson to come up behind the bandit adjacent to Liam. "Sorry guys," she says with a weak and unconvincing smile as she hefts her axe again, "But it was my neck or yours, and personally I really like mine." However, it seems her heart might not be in her swing as her axe tears at the bandits armour but fails to penetrate it.
Handaxe (Favoured Enemy): 1d20+8=11, 1d6+4=7

Deuce Traveler

"Stop playing with him and finish this," Rhote says as he moves to Q13 and delays his action. If he can get a clear shot he'll fire off another jet. Otherwise he'll hold fire.

OOC: Targeting bandit 2 if he can do so without risking hitting a companion. 18 hit, 3 damage. http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3910597/

HP: 7 = [1d06 + CON (01)]
AC: 13 = [10 + DEX (3) + Armor (0)]
AC Touch: 13 = [10 + DEX (3)]
AC Flatfooted: 10 = [10 + Armor (0)]
INIT: +3 = [DEX (3) + Misc (0)]
BAB: +0
CMB: +0 = [BAB (0) + STR (0)]
CMD: 13 = [10 + BAB (0) + STR (00) + DEX (3)]
Fortitude: +1 = [Wizard (0) + CON (1)]
Reflex: +3 = [Wizard (0) + DEX (3)]
Will: +3 = [Wizard (2) + WIS (1)]
Speed: 30'
Damage Reduction: Cold, Electricity Resistance at 5, and Fire Resistance at 10.
Spell Resistance: 0
Spell Failure: 0
Weapon Statistics
Quarterstaff: Attack: +0 = [BAB (0) + Str (0)]
- Damage: 1d6, Crit: x2, Special: B
Sling: Attack: +3 = [BAB (0) + Dex (3)]
- Damage: 1d4, Crit: x2, Range: 50 ft, Special: B
Fire Jet: Ranged Touch Attack: +3 = [BAB (0) + Dex (3)]
- Damage: 1d6+1 Fire, DC: 15 Reflex Save for half, Failed Save results in 1d6 points of fire damage a round until extinguished by making a full round action and DC 15 Reflex Save. Rolling on the ground gives a +2 circumstance bonus on the save. Dousing the creature with water automatically extinguishes the flame. Can use this ability a 7 times a day.


First Post
Round 1 Action
Liam raises his sword high again and slashes at the bandit. At the same time he digs his heels into the sides of his charger and urges him to attack. Palerier rears and neighs, lashing out with hooves and snapping teeth.

If Bandit 2 dies from Rhote's fire, I'll move to attack bandit 3. If so disregard the horse's attack as it would only get 1 and would have missed the bite.

The Bite misses but both hooves connect for 7 damage.
Bite and two hooves (1d20+4=7, 1d20=15, 1d20=19, 1d4+2=5, 1d6+2=3, 1d6+2=4)

Liam's attack
Liam longsword (1d20+4=13, 1d8+3=7)


OOC: As Axios has not been online for several days and we are waiting for him, perhaps you could update the results so far, Scotley, and have Brondelleon use inspiring word on Grayson, giving him +2 to hit for 1 round?


OOC: As Axios has not been online for several days and we are waiting for him, perhaps you could update the results so far, Scotley, and have Brondelleon use inspiring word on Grayson, giving him +2 to hit for 1 round?

OOC: Sounds reasonable. I'll give him until this afternoon and then update. I guess Holy Man is gone for good. Keep giving me actions for Brondelleon for now, but at some point we should phase him out.


Pixie looks down for a moment at the smoldering Happs, her face unreadable. She then nonchalantly hops over him and slinks around Grayson to come up behind the bandit adjacent to Liam. "Sorry guys," she says with a weak and unconvincing smile as she hefts her axe again, "But it was my neck or yours, and personally I really like mine." However, it seems her heart might not be in her swing as her axe tears at the bandits armour but fails to penetrate it.

"Stop playing with him and finish this," Rhote says as he moves and looses another jet of flames. While the man isn't hurt too badly his clothes flare into flame.

Liam raises his sword high again and slashes at the bandit. At the same time he digs his heels into the sides of his charger and urges him to attack. Palerier rears and neighs, lashing out with hooves and snapping teeth. The blade and hooves drop the man, but even this well trained horse shies from flame and does not bite.

Kyria follows up with another arrow. Frustrated by her earlier shot's unimpressive results, she pulls the bowstring back as far as she possibly can, to maximize it's power. Doing this, however, throws her aim off and the arrow burrows deeply into the ground at the highwayman's feet!

From the gates Brondelleon moves to intercept the panicked horse and he speaks an inspiring word to Grayson who is only steps from the remaining bandit.

[sblock=Grayson] Brondelleon has buffed Grayson. As a standard action, you can speak an inspiring word to a creature within 30 feet. That creature receives a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, skill checks, ability checks, and saving throws. One round only at this level.[/sblock]

OOC: [MENTION=6704192]Axios[/MENTION] is up!

OOC: Reflex save (1d20+1=7)


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OOC: Axios has not been online in over a week. As he has only been a member since December, I think we might be justified in exercise the discretion to have Scotley resolve his turn as well. After all, his likely next move is fairly straightforward: Grayson moves into position and attacks.

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