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Paths of Legend: Lord Noran's War (IC)


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Kae'Ari and Keefe: In the Loggers Camp

The loggers are sturdy folk and have stationed a couple of their number at the perimeter as guards and lookouts. One of them eyes Keefe and Kae'Ari's approach while the other runs off into the camp. The one that remained behind says loudly, "Evening, milord, milady. What manner of business causes you to grace our humble camp with your presence?"

Nyrazha: In the woods near the Loggers Camp

As the sky darkens and Nyrazha tries to find a place to make camp, the light of a fire catches her eye. As she gets closer, she sees that it is a bonfire in a large clearing, though it is unclear if there is anyone tending it.

Ahote, Hrugnir, Phai, and Shajrom: Overlooking the Orcish Encampment

OOC: Phai would have to get much closer to the camp in order to be within range of the detect magic spell...within the perimeter of their outermost guards.

The blue skinned giant retires to his tent, with his honor guard standing outside the tent. The orcs go back to their routines, although many of them have decided to celebrate by drinking, wrestling, and sparring.

OOC: Are you camping here, moving closer to gather more intel, moving off to a more secure area to camp?

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"I suggest we move off and camp somewhere we're not likely to be stumbled upon, and try to get a better count of our enemies forces by the light of day, sans smoke." Ahote said quietly to his present companions. "I also think we should try to observe them when they pack up and are on the move. That should give us a better idea of their level of organization and discipline."


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“Sounds like a good plan… we could also take a closer look at the camp before we do that” Phai grins “the most silent ones of us could walk down there an snooze a bit around” he says while patting his raven.


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Nyrazha rode into the woods, leaving her companions behind. Foolish, foolish girl! How could you think that an Azgundi prince and an angel not of this world would react as you expect Emirans to react? You were brought here because you are intelligent and can see into others' souls, as Mother puts it. Now you are here in the woods with no real way to defend yourself against more than one or two bandits. Foolish girl.

She sighs softly as her thoughts continue. You allow your fear and your temper to damage your chances of succeeding...to damage the relationships necessary to succeed. The prince meant what he said, and you left him anyway. Why? Because he didn't think the dyes a good idea? Why should he? Azgundi women do not face the same penalties as Emiran women for simply showing their faces.

She ducks under a branch and allows Zephyra to pick their way. The angel would protect you from any who wish you harm. Of course she doesn't understand the need for subtlety and cunning. Even if she wished it, and it's against her nature, those wings are difficult to disguise at best.

If only you had thought... Nyrazha's thoughts trail away as she becomes aware of the firelight filtering through the trees. Fire Caste?! Shaking her head, she dismounts. More foolishness from a foolish girl. Think first, then act. That is the lesson Mother taught you first!

Nyrazha gestures Zephyra to stay and pulls the spyglass from her pack. She pulls her cloak closer about herself, extends the spyglass to its full length, and lifts it to her eye. She looks for those responsible for the bonfire and hopes she is wrong about who was there.


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OOC: No ethandrew or Lynx this week, so we'll skip them and hope they can get on next week. Also no bedford...so, Hrugnir is still patrolling.


The spyglass at first allows her to see only fire...as she pulls back a little, she discovers that the bonfire is moving toward her. It is not a bonfire at all...it is a fire elemental.

Shajrom, Phai, and Ahote

With Hrugnir still out patrolling, the other three face a tough choice: Camp here and hope not to get ambushed by patrolling orcs or move off and potentially lose the half-ogre.

OOC: Slim update today, sorry. Blame the holidays.

Voda Vosa

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"We shall stay here. Lets set a hideout, a hole in the ground covered with a piece of clothe, with dirt leaves and sticks on it." Shajrom suggest, and moves to an appropiate location, with brushes or some vegetation, and start working on the hole before hearing what the other two have to say


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A yawn cracks Keefe’s mouth, which turns into a wide grin at the possible rudeness of yawning in front of an angel, as if her company bored him. At least Nyrazha would banter back and forth and not simple put-downs. She was growing on him these past few days, something which surprised him, almost as much as the subtle sadness that she had not accompanied them into town. Suddenly he stops walking, waiting for Kae’ari to stop and notice before speaking. When she does he sighs dramatically, ”I feel like we’ve made a mistake leaving Nyrazha alone in the woods merely for the comfort of a bed. Do you think we should go back? Maybe we can slip out before the whole town knows they have an angel visiting. What do you say? I think we should go back and stay with her, even if her whole dye idea was terrible.”


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"I am here to travel north on a visit to a northern temple. The Prince has business that I am not privy to." Kae'ari says

OOC: Sorry about my absence in everything, life's been hectic. If my internet stops acting up I should be back after christmas


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Keefe’s nervous laughter cuts off the end of Kae’ari’s statement to the guard, and he playfully pats the angel on her shoulder before moving toward the guard playfully, ”Ha! Never met an angel before, have ya’? Playful lot, they are! Name’s Dilforld,” Keefe lies, pushing his hand forward to shake the guard’s hand. ”I aint no prince, least no proper one. People call me the Prince of Peas. See, cause I grow ‘em and sorts, and King of Peas aint flow like Prince does. Wanna taste?” He reaches into his bag, digging his hand deep for a moment with a determined look on his face before finally pulling his hand out empty at the same time he speaks again, ”Nah, cold peas aint do ‘em justice. So see, temple asks who can escort the lovely angel up north to her temples. I thought I could come up and get some good company and check the soils for growin, if’n I be fixin’ to move or expand me farm. Peas grow well here? Lotta rain or real dry?”

OOC: Obviously a big ol’ bluff. And a great time to roll a 20, Bluff Check (1d20+17=37). Hopefully Kae'ari will play along.

Voidrunner's Codex

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