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D&D 5E People didn't like the Psionic Talent Die


If the "communal experience" was really all that mattered... then it wouldn't matter what form those rules were. So long as WotC released psionics in any form, then everyone could use it and have that shared experience. ;)
This is not an either/or scenario. It is possible - believe it or not - for people to care about wanting a shared experienced AND care about how those rules might look like, precisely because they will end up sharing it.

So yeah... I don't really buy your theory that people are just looking for the "communal experience".
I'm not asking you to buy this to supplant what you put forth. I said what I said to supplement what you said. There are additional reasons than what you put forth: i.e., shared experience. I'm not saying that it excludes what you wrote. I thought that I made that abundantly clear, but apparently not.

I think you're both right; people want what THEY want, AND they want that to be the communal, official experience for everyone so they aren't ever deprived of it. Neither is sufficient on its own.
This is indeed what I was trying to communicate.
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YMMV, but part of what I liked about the psionic die was that, unlike the Mystic’s Disciplines, it did feel like part of the same game as everything else. “Roll an extra die and add the result to something” is like the defining mechanic of 5e, and the psionic die was an interesting new use of the design space surrounding that baseline mechanic.
I truly believe it was the best format done for Psionics in 5E. It reminded me a bit of an updated concept of the Power Points from 5e.

Class Specific Talents+Psionics Talent Die. I really don't want it to go or get dumped. Just change it from High Number bad, Low Number good and just keep it like D20 is. High number unlocks the next die tier, lower number means you done goofed up and you have a temporary migraine that keeps ya from using your full potential.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
Class Specific Talents+Psionics Talent Die. I really don't want it to go or get dumped. Just change it from High Number bad, Low Number good and just keep it like D20 is. High number unlocks the next die tier, lower number means you done goofed up and you have a temporary migraine that keeps ya from using your full potential.
I’m fine with it on a psion class or soemthing, but don’t bind all Psionics to it. The Psi Knight and Soul Knife were better without it, and didn’t need anything like it to feel like their story was being represented.
only thing Psi Knight/Psychic Warrior needs is to be able to throw objects from low levels.


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
But, why? Why should they want an entire type of character to rely on a secondary subsystem that nothing else in the game uses?

Heck yeah, fold spellcasting into normal combat.

Or maybe, just maybe, because they want a different thing to feel and play different.

So it's a thematic preference, supported by the mechanics.

Remember, good rules are those that support the thematics and/or the narrative. If the players want something that feels different from spellcasting, a new mechanic is imperative. And just like spellcasting is different from attacking, that's a valid, time-honored, and integral part of any edition of D&D.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
Heck yeah, fold spellcasting into normal combat.

Or maybe, just maybe, because they want a different thing to feel and play different.
Maybe read the rest of my post that you quoted.

I’m literally telling the other poster that not wanting Psionics to have a unifying mechanics across all psionic options that is separate from anything else in the game is a mechanical preference that is perfectly valid. That’s it. 🤷‍♂️


I’m fine with it on a psion class or soemthing, but don’t bind all Psionics to it. The Psi Knight and Soul Knife were better without it, and didn’t need anything like it to feel like their story was being represented.
only thing Psi Knight/Psychic Warrior needs is to be able to throw objects from low levels.
True. See I got no probs with that. Cuz they could STILL do stuff, but had a few things that used a Psi Die charge to use it basically. That I'm cool with as well. Some Talents would be fuels by the Psionic Talent Die. Not all of em.
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Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
I think it's for the best. I feel like there are already enough mechanics for resource management (spell slots, ki points, superiority dice, sorcery points, etc.). Making up a whole new one just so it can be different isn't appealing to me.

If they ask me, I'd just use the Spell Points variant in the DMG and call it a day. Nice and clean.
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I still think PTD is staying in the Soulknife. It's a perfect fit. The rogue has no other fiddy subsystem in the base class to deal with.

How much damage does your Soul Blades deal?
It deals Psionic Talent Die damage

How much of a bonus does your psionics help you on skill checks?
Roll Psionic Talent Die and you get the number rolled as a bonus

How many extra feet can youj ump with your psionics boosted telekinesis?

Roll Psionic Talent Die and add twice the amount in feet

How do you do some cool Soul Blade Trick?
Shrink your soul blade after you make the attack

How do you turn your soul blade into a mind arrow to be a soul bow?
If you Psionic Talent Die is a d6, it;s a shortbow arrow or hand crossbow bolt. d8 for a longbow or light crossbow, d10 for a heavy crossbow.

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