D&D (2024) People on this forum are creating confusion. Not WotC.

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I played 4E for the duration of it's run. I'm allowed to have an opinion and manner of expressing my impressions that you disagree with. Fighters in 4E felt like they were all casting spells until the release of essentials. 🤷‍♂️
I played quite a bit of 4E, and liked it tremendously. But I completely agree with this statement: the power system did create a sameness to the way the classes played.

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Not your screen monkey (he/him) 🇺🇦🇵🇸🏳️‍⚧️
Of course you are. You can even say you feel that it was too much like spell casting. You can’t (honestly) flat out state they were spells.
See, this is that edition-warring BS. You have one take on 4e based on your experiences, Oofta has another based on his. Stop denigrating his.

They do their job.
They got their own survey, but I’m sure they are following some streamers too and maybe they will read this thread. Why not.

I’m sure they make a clear impact between their survey, a video by TreantMonk, and a post of rant by a common user here or on redddit.


Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
See, this is that edition-warring BS. You have one take on 4e based on your experiences, Oofta has another based on his. Stop denigrating his.
They literally weren’t spells though. It’s not denigrating anyone’s experience to say they weren’t, it’s just a statement of fact. One may have experienced martial powers as having not been meaningfully mechanically distinct from spells, and that’s absolutely valid. But that’s quite a different statement than claiming fighters cast spells in 4e.


Not your screen monkey (he/him) 🇺🇦🇵🇸🏳️‍⚧️
They literally weren’t spells though. It’s not denigrating anyone’s experience to say they weren’t, it’s just a statement of fact. One may have experienced martial powers as having not been meaningfully mechanically distinct from spells, and that’s absolutely valid.
Shockingly, that was Oofta’s point in the first place, while HammerMan and now you chide him for being wrong. 🤷‍♂️


They literally weren’t spells though. It’s not denigrating anyone’s experience to say they weren’t, it’s just a statement of fact. One may have experienced martial powers as having not been meaningfully mechanically distinct from spells, and that’s absolutely valid. But that’s quite a different statement than claiming fighters cast spells in 4e.
And when people say “there are too many similarities I not only don’t complain I agree. It got better as the edition went on and a new updated 4e with everything they learned remaking PHB would be better.


Shockingly, that was Oofta’s point in the first place, while HammerMan and now you chide him for being wrong. 🤷‍♂️
No his point was someone saying “no they were all powers they were not spells” is somehow both wrong and a personal attack.

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