Pineapple Express: Someone Is Wrong on the Internet?


Always In School Gamer
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Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
I have a handful of go-to numbers for karaoke night. I like to do "Turn the Page" (Bob Segar, not Metallica), "Red Red Wine" (Neil Diamond, not UB40), or for a real crowd-pleaser I'll pick "Superstition" (Stevie Wonder, not SRV). But on a night like tonight, when I'm a bit stuffy from allergies and don't really want to push my voice very hard, I'd probably go with something a little easier on the ol' vocal cords.

Maybe some Love And Rockets.

Here's the karaoke track, if you want to practice at home.

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
One of the best parts of being a DM is listening to the players hypothesize about the underwritten "vague cool stuff" you've dumped into the game (look, work was a beast this week), hear them fit it together in a coherent and really clever fashion and say "damn, I never thought you'd figure it out!" while quickly jotting down all of their ideas in your Google doc.


One of the best parts of being a DM is listening to the players hypothesize about the underwritten "vague cool stuff" you've dumped into the game (look, work was a beast this week), hear them fit it together in a coherent and really clever fashion and say "damn, I never thought you'd figure it out!" while quickly jotting down all of their ideas in your Google doc.
I love setting up a mystery and then watching the players "solve" it and give me the answer.


I don't believe in the no-win scenario
I have a handful of go-to numbers for karaoke night. I like to do "Turn the Page" (Bob Segar, not Metallica), "Red Red Wine" (Neil Diamond, not UB40), or for a real crowd-pleaser I'll pick "Superstition" (Stevie Wonder, not SRV). But on a night like tonight, when I'm a bit stuffy from allergies and don't really want to push my voice very hard, I'd probably go with something a little easier on the ol' vocal cords.

Maybe some Love And Rockets.

Here's the karaoke track, if you want to practice at home.
Squeeze was a mixed bag but my Curse of the blackened eye brought the house down so that’s a keeper!


Gaming story:

I'm running Phandelver. So, they blew into town, I introduced a bunch of NPC's, and not a single one of them stuck. Nothing. The players didn't really care about any of them. A few sessions later, they head to Neverwinter to do some stuff, and on the way back to Phandelin, I drop in a random one shot adventure: A Tough Tavern to Swallow () . Nothing too serious, I just wanted to run it.

When the party walks into the bar, the lizardfolk bartender says, and this is a direct quote from the boxed text: "Hey Ned. Your face is long. You are a horse." in an attempt at telling a joke.

The party latched onto this NPC like a freaking limpet. I actually had to transport the NPC to Phandalin (becoming the new bartender at The Sleeping Giant). They have never again set foot in the actual inn in town where the adventure assumes the party will hang out.

I spent time making images, backstories, connections for all these Phandalin natives, and watched it all swirl down the drain because the party loved a stupid joke. For a one shot NPC that I had not done single thing for.

Sometimes I hate players.

Voidrunner's Codex

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