Pineapple Express: Someone Is Wrong on the Internet?

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Darn them for wanting competitors to actually survive the match! Why can't they just allow real bloodsport as the Ancients intended!?!
Not a lot of people die in HEMA competition and they usually have rules about double hits. Even ACS doesn't generally end with injuries, though more than a few bells get rung.



Mod Squad
Staff member
Not a lot of people die in HEMA competition and they usually have rules about double hits.

And blunted weapons...

A bit of searching finds the injury rates are quite high in HEMA competition - in a 2015 international HEMA tournament, over 5% of the participants suffered injuries that knocked them out of competition.

On the Olympic level, losing that much of the field in each round of qualifiers would be unacceptable.


I post in the voice of Christopher Walken
Not a lot of people die in HEMA competition and they usually have rules about double hits. Even ACS doesn't generally end with injuries, though more than a few bells get rung.

I have zero interest in seeing that as a sport. It looks like it would quickly become dangerous if it were done on a large scale for competition. I like watching boxing but it is awful when you see someone die a fight (and it makes you not want to watch for months sometimes)


I like watching boxing but it is awful when you see someone die a fight (and it makes you not want to watch for months sometimes)

Boxing is a weird one. Despite the potential for even greater violence in say Muay Thai, the ongoing concussive nature of Boxing, the 3 knockdown rule, the larger gloves, all combine to make for a sport that is even worse for the brain. I love all the 'combat' sports, but I think Boxing is actually the hardest to watch.

Voidrunner's Codex

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