My post-freshman year of college summer break saw a bunch of my HS classmates playing laser tag in parking garages, undeveloped fields, apartment complex and open air malls after dark. We had 2 of the rifles and maybe a dozen handguns, bought on clearance at Kay-Bee Toys. A couple of the handguns were GI Je branded- they looked different, but were 100% compatible.
One of the best evenings of play was in an upscale open air mall with water canals, ponds, and so forth. Beautiful landscaping, too. There was a couple there trying to enjoy a romantic date, and our horde running aromatic was killing the vibe. The dude was getting testy about being “blocked” while the woman was laughing her ass off. After a bit, they started trying to ruin OUR fun by yelling out “Hey, he’s over there behind the Sunglasses Hut!” etc.
The undeveloped field was cool, too because we were operating in land with 2-3’ tall grass, a smattering of trees, and a 4’ wide gully that had been dry for months. I still remember trying to cross the lot via that gully only to be surprised by several guys from the other team jumping OVER us at a dead run. I got one hit on a jumper before diving into the grassland they’d just vacated.