Planescape is Jeremy Crawford's favourite D&D setting. "It is D&D", he says, as he talks about how in the 2024 core rulebook updates Planescape will be more up front and center as "the setting of settings".
and in an inifinite number of Multiverse's you can have all of those results and more and even none.You can have infinite 1s and infinite oranges and never have a 0 or a banana.
and in an inifinite number of Multiverse's you can have all of those results and more and even none.
yeah it is… what your link shows is that you cannot have a function where any value in R is mapped to exactly one value in I, with nothing in R left unmapped, which would show that I and R contain the same amount of numbers.No, it absolutely works with the concept of multiverses. Even if the many worlds interpretation of quantum physics was correct, that wouldn’t necessarily mean that a universe exists where everything is the same except we all have mustaches. That’s just not how infinity actually works.
WhybwiuldnhtmbwjubèHang on a tick.
Sigil rhymes with wiggle?!?! Seriously?
In any case, well, my wallet thanks this announcement. I have zero interest in Planescape and never have. Maybe they'll finally make it appealing to me but I doubt it. I'm glad that folks that love Planescape are getting the love. I hope it's what you want.
Me? Yeah, I'll pass.
They’re correct.
“Horrific” seems wildly overwrought.It’s a horrific thing they’ve done. Just listen to how pained Keith Baker sounds when people talk about how Eberron is linked to other settings. It messes with the fire conceits and themes of the settings but that sorta stuff doesn’t seem to matter I guess.
Other settings aren’t useless. They’re just part of Planescape, which is the multiverse of the Great Wheel.If Planescape is D&D, why waiting soooooo long to publish it. So much time wasted with other useless settings like ravinca.
You can just use the planes and configure them however you want, or use a completely different cosmology like Eberron does.My particular beef with Planescape is that it is the only oversetting. Doesn’t matter where you start from, as soon as you go into the planes, you MUST play Planescape. As @Remalthilis said, everyone meets in that bar in Sigil.
If you don’t actually like the Planescape stuff, DnD is really sparse on the ground for planar adventuring.
I also don’t like Planescape, but it’s trivially easy to take bits of things from it and make them part of whatever cosmology I want.But I’ve got Spelljammer, which I can use to do the same thing and not have to worry about incorporating a bunch of lore I happen not to like.
So I guess that’s a win for everyone.
Planescape has been the default setting for a decade. The core books will talk more about the multiverse, they said nothing to suggest that Sigil will be presented prominently in the PHB.I'm more worried about the more front and centered part like they said. I do not want Planescape and Sigil to be the default setting. I understand that I can keep or skip as much as I want and I can still make my home games and play in FR if I want without using it, but I do not want to feel like I'm playing wrong if I do not want Space D&D or Visit the Gods D&D.
The usage of universe you’re insisting on is only “correct” in the context of defining a multiverse as multiple universes and forcing that meaning. The actual meaning of the word is “everything. Full stop.”No. A universe contains everything that exists, but is finite (like, our actual real-life universe has a finite, countable number of stars in it). A multiverse, hypothetically, contains multiple universes, and in the context of fictional settings, a muktiverse contains all hypothetical universes that could exist within a given setting’s constraints. The way some people are trying to use the term multiverse here, containing all hypothetical multiverses, would be better described as an omniverse.
like in 2nd edition when there were only multiple realities on the Prime Material and they were called Alternate realities?Better terminology would have been to call each part of a multiverse something else, like plane or even reality.
I have noticed that humans in general really hate it when their opinions are challenged. Seems to be a Universal law.This. I have noticed that proponents of "unbridled free speech" really, really hate it when their opinions are challenged.
Would that be an epic level adventure? I would play that at a convention.The nice thing is this is all fiction, so we're not bound by rules. If you want to have three different timelines of Wolverine and two Batmans show up in Sigil to ask the PCs to beat up Ursula the Sea Witch in Narnia, you can do so.