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Playing the crazed wizard of the party


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Warlord Ralts said:

Oh. I'm sorry, I didn't mean you. Some other people have generated "gaming stories" as tests for some of their theories on D&D on these boards.

I stand corrected.

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Ralts Bloodthorne

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monboesen said:
All in all you are playing a pretty wacky campaing where your characters are insane and evil. Nothing wrong in that if you all enjoy yourself.

BUT (you just knew that was coming right) the DM made a terrible mistake in letting the new player roll up a paladin. Seriously how could it go any other way with at least 4 crazy evil PC and a paladin.
That's what he was told, but he insisted, talking about he could me it his holy quest to return our potential to the side of good.

I guess that started with killing the wizard?

His response should have been along the lines of "Sure dude, paladins rock. But ours is not a standard campaign I suggest you go home and watch some Tim Burton movies and then come back with a character that would fit into one of those. Preferably as the movies villain"
He got fixated on me.

We'll know more, if he shows up, on Saturday.

Friday is my new group!


Ralts Bloodthorne

First Post
Numion said:
Oh. I'm sorry, I didn't mean you. Some other people have generated "gaming stories" as tests for some of their theories on D&D on these boards.

I stand corrected.
Naw, it's cool.

Plus, it enticed me into uploading the back of Good Ol' Saduul's PC sheet!

I don't know what point it would prove?

That Ellis made people explode in flames?

The undead can be made to juggle coconuts?

That parrots have only 2 hp?

Last edited:


First Post
monboesen said:
All in all you are playing a pretty wacky campaing where your characters are insane and evil. Nothing wrong in that if you all enjoy yourself.

BUT (you just knew that was coming right) the DM made a terrible mistake in letting the new player roll up a paladin. Seriously how could it go any other way with at least 4 crazy evil PC and a paladin.

It is my opinion that the DM doesn't know what he's doing and is just letting you run wild and do whatever you want that sounds cool. There are lots of examples...targetless magic missles, dispelled fly, too many actions in a round, holding a charge, lots of stuff just from your brief overview.

If EVERYONE is having fun, that's cool. If you are having fun at everyone else's expense, like the new player, then not so much.

There you go.

Ralts Bloodthorne

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werk said:
It is my opinion that the DM doesn't know what he's doing and is just letting you run wild and do whatever you want
That's what you got out of it?

How did you come to that?

The GM is good, knows what he's doing.

There are lots of examples...targetless magic missles,
Coconuts, parrots, monkey's. Those are targets.
dispelled fly,
Want us to quote the SRD for you? Fly can be dispelled, and the character slowly drops toward the ground at the rate of 60 feet per round for 1d6 rounds.

His 1d6 resulted in a 1.

500-60-440 = 20d6

Fly can be dispelled.
too many actions in a round,
Move action and attack.
Full attack.
Please. Let me guess, switched a ring and making a move is too many.

Where in the 9 Hells are you getting too many actions in a round?

Because I wrote something like "magic missile magic missle LIGHTNING BOLT!" or something like that?

I mean, I could go back and completely correct it for mathmatics and give it a round by round.

Round one, he's running long the treeline, yelling at me to come down and fight honorably.
He throws a dagger, which misses.
I magic missile his dumb butt.
Round two, he complains loudly to the GM that he doesn't have a missile weapon, the GM asks why he didn't take any, and why is he attacking party members. "Because he's evil!" The GM tells him that he didn't even do a detect evil, how does he know? I tell him not to worry about it, I've got it under control. He throws another dagger at me and misses.
I magic missile him again.
Round three, he runs to the treeline and tries to climb a tree in full platemail, weilding a large steel shield. And fails.
I lightning bolt him in the face, he drops to the ground in a smouldering pile.

Later, I flense off the skin and extra goopy crap with my "necromancer's kit" I took off of an enemy necromancer and use one of my scrolls of animate dead.

That better?
holding a charge,
This he allows us to do. Activate a spell and hold it.
lots of stuff just from your brief overview.
Please, go on, show me where we are shattering the rules.

If EVERYONE is having fun, that's cool. If you are having fun at everyone else's expense, like the new player, then not so much.
Ah, you find that the new player is a victim, do you?

Not that he attacked my wizard without provaction.


Yeah, we're having fun, but the main reason that guy didn't is because he developed a
"must kill" toward my PC.

I'm pretty sure why too.

Many people think wizards are the weakest party members, and figured he'd butcher the wizard and show his dominance right off the bat, because he's a jackass.

There you go.
Not sure what your trying to prove, or what you think you gave me, but I assure you good sir, we play pretty close to RAW, deviating only for a few points so that the campaign can work. Spells are tightly controlled by the GM, so while his characters have the use of spells from different books, I either have to make my own, capture enemy equipment, or derive SRD spells from spells already in my book (Which means making a good case for why the spell I have is like the spell I want). PrC's are extremely limited, or I'd be more than a straight Wizard 11.


Loved it!

I hope that the tale of your character will get the paladin in my Saturday (Shilsen's Campaign) to stop complaining about my Mage.


First Post
One of the best things I have read in a long time! I was laughing so hard at some points I had tears in my eyes.

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