D&D (2024) Playtest 7 survey is now live.

I've completed the survey, and if I go back to the intro page I can start the survey again. I don't see any reason you couldn't go back in and provide a minor addendum, although I can't be sure it won't replace your previous submission.

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AFAIK, no. It's a one and done, to prevent ballot stuffing. So prepare your notes ahead of time and be ready to go in for the full survey.
Instead of offering a single humongous survey, they can offer several surveys simultaneously, one for each section.

I've completed the survey, and if I go back to the intro page I can start the survey again. I don't see any reason you couldn't go back in and provide a minor addendum, although I can't be sure it won't replace your previous submission.
Right, but can you log out and then go back to the survey later?

I forgot to moan about the missing "Let my Warlock stat be Int/Wis/Cha." :(
Considering that they already are getting extra sprinkles this playtest, that would be a bridge too far.

Bad enough they made warlock 1 irresistible to sorcerer and bard for EB + AB, don't need wizards, clerics and druids all looking at that too.

Considering that they already are getting extra sprinkles this playtest, that would be a bridge too far.

Bad enough they made warlock 1 irresistible to sorcerer and bard for EB + AB, don't need wizards, clerics and druids all looking at that too.

Honestly let them do that. When everyone and their dog says 'hey, dip into this class as a caster, regardless of your parent class' maybe Wizards will realize they made a mistake.

Unironically this is the only way some developers ever wake up. Exploit what is broken, until they have to own it.

Nah warlock is my favourite class. I left feedback about how the 3rd attack is way too op.

Then again I'd rather the arcane gish class wasn't the warlock.
Yeah I really wish they’d have included a Swordmage in 5e. They got it so incredibly spot on right in 4e, and never gave it a non-defender version in Essentials for some reason, and I really think swordmage is an even bigger missed opportunity than warlord, assassin, or psion, in 5e.

I agree, but I think they are sacrificing feedback opportunities to get there. I mean, obviously they have a timeline to keep, so it makes sense they’d have to cut it off somewhere. But I do wish more of this process had been spent on fine-tuning instead of on spaghetti-flinging.
I don’t think we would have weapon masteries without the spaghetti flinging period. I don’t get the impression they were confident that it would pass.

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