D&D 5E Predictions for D&D 2024?

Okay here are my predictions.

1. Expansion DLC for BG3 get announced.
2. A new Drizzt trilogy of novels (daring guess I know).
3. We get more details the D&D live action show for Paramount, and new D&D TV show and movie announcements, but nothing gets released until 2025.
4. We will see the "Fallbacks" as PHB Iconics, in the art.
5. BG3 Action Figures
6. New D&D video game gets announced
7. Psi-Warrior ends up the finally Fighter Subclass in the PHB.
8. Massive sales on 2014 to 2023 D&D hardcover books.
9. The new core books sell amazingly.
10. We haven't heard all of 2024's releases for D&D TTRPG books.
11. CR's current campaign ends and a new one begins.
12. We get either FR Campaign Book in 2024, or at least an announcement for it in 2025.
13. D&D gets an MtG secret lair celebrating the anniversary.
14. A new WotC scandal of somekind.

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8. Massive sales on 2014 to 2023 D&D hardcover books.
I don't see this myself. Most people that wanted them already have them and unless they go to liquidation at 75% off, they will just kind of linger. The new book that ties with the new PHB will sell. I think people want a new adventure series to play with the new 'edition'. I do not see buying the old adventure to upgrade it myself before I can play.

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
1. Expansion DLC for BG3 get announced.
There's a lot of pressure on Larian to do so, but they can't exactly bang one of these out, since they didn't plan for one and didn't keep the team intact. We'll see.
3. We get more details the D&D live action show for Paramount, and new D&D TV show and movie announcements, but nothing gets released until 2025.
Assuming Paramount survives, which some of the trades are sounding pretty iffy on. Unless the show gets pretty far into the production process, it could get lost in a regime change/merger/fire sale situation.
4. We will see the "Fallbacks" as PHB Iconics, in the art.
"I" don't "know" what this "means."
5. BG3 Action Figures
Maybe. Who owns those characters?
6. New D&D video game gets announced
Even More Idle Heroes of the Forgotten Realms! (Who's playing that game? WotC certainly pushes it like crazy.)
7. Psi-Warrior ends up the finally Fighter Subclass in the PHB.
I think playing up psionics in the 2024 books is a recipe for WotC to have to deal with another 10 years of people grumbling about it. Better to wait for them to wait until they have a take that will be more popular than past UA attempts and put it out in a sourcebook.
8. Massive sales on 2014 to 2023 D&D hardcover books.
Why? The people who have them want them, and the enthusiasm about the 2024 books will mean that more casual players will be looking to grab stuff they might have not in the past (most people aren't terminally online ENWorld users). A full price Curse of Strahd sitting next to the 2024 PHB will get snatched up by a lot of consumers who are fired up about the 50th anniversary.
9. The new core books sell amazingly.
This feels like a very safe bet.
14. A new WotC scandal of somekind.
They've been having these about quarterly, so one in 2024 would mean they're really pacing themselves.

I don't see this myself. Most people that wanted them already have them and unless they go to liquidation at 75% off, they will just kind of linger. The new book that ties with the new PHB will sell. I think people want a new adventure series to play with the new 'edition'. I do not see buying the old adventure to upgrade it myself before I can play.
The 5e14 adventures will work as is. I don't think there will be any reason for a conversion.

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
The 5e14 adventures will work as is. I don't think there will be any reason for a conversion.
At most, I could see them getting a trade dress refresh, if there's one coming for the 2024 books.

But despite their claims to the contrary, they aren't going to keep some of these books, like Xanathar's and Tasha's, in print indefinitely. At some point, they will consolidate the best stuff from each and let the other stuff go out of print. So it may be that they don't bother with a trade dress refresh, except for true evergreen books like Strahd.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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