Level Up (A5E) (+) Project Chronicle: Class Conceits and Narrative Role

Tales and Chronicles

Jewel of the North, formerly know as vincegetorix
OH. OH. I just thought of an AMAZING Ribbon for Chronicler Bards and Wizards:
Consummate Explorer

In LevelUp/A5e you can only gain the benefits of a Long Rest while in an inn or other location where you don't have to keep watch. Certain spells and class features (Like Mordenkainen's Magnificent Mansion or some Ranger ability that allows them to watch over their allies who can then get in a long rest). But this would give Chroniclers that uncanny ability so many soldiers and travelers envy: The ability to sleep anywhere at any time.

Meaning they'll be able to get rid of Strife and Fatigue while on the road!
Its pretty good. But maybe too good? Even the Berserker and other hardy classes dont have that power...
Maybe give them a feature that would open a little what counts as a Haven? Like places of power/ leyline junctions/ mystical ruins and other arcane discoveries, identifiable by a DC X Arcane check.

Like, they are so thrilled and fascinated by those magical discoveries that they dont mind and have no difficulties sleeping right there (gaining a full) and continuing examining it.

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A5e 3rd Party Publisher!
ooohhhhhh. Ok then.

Yep. Simple and useful. That's great. While raging, or like baseline, no need to be raging?
In my version of the Barbarian for 5e, I give them a social features that allows them to replace CHA rolls with their STR score, if the rolls is lower. That could also be an option, but yours sounds more ''Level-up-y''.

Maybe spending Exertion to regain uses of Rage, and vice versa? You could have a Berserker that rages less but use more calculated maneuvers, or screws maneuvers and tactics and rages A LOT.
You know what would be a particularly interesting "Extra Rage" Barbarian? Take a level of Fatigue to get an additional Rage, and have a specific function as they level up that allows them to ignore one or two stacks of Fatigue while raging.

Also bad news: Berserkers already get an Exploration Knack to always have the option of doing Strength-Based Intimidation/Persuasion whether raging or not. So it would have to remain Advantage in some way. I think making it Advantage -during- a rage makes more sense, and maybe give them the ability to also apply it to Deception checks.

"And what do you think you're doing?!" shouts the guard as he comes upon the Berserker intimidating a noble. "Asking for Directions." The Berserker responds as he stands to his full height and gives the guard a glare. "Ah... r-right... carry on, then." The guard beats a hasty retreat, and when asked about it tells everyone the Berserker was just asking for directions.
Its pretty good. But maybe too good? Even the Berserker and other hardy classes dont have that power...
Maybe give them a feature that would open a little what counts as a Haven? Like places of power/ leyline junctions/ mystical ruins and other arcane discoveries, identifiable by a DC X Arcane check.

Like, they are so thrilled and fascinated by those magical discoveries that they dont mind and have no difficulties sleeping right there (gaining a full) and continuing examining it.
It is a little strange that the Journey Document calls out that some class features and spells might allow you to create or otherwise circumvent the "Must be in a haven to remove Fatigue or Strife" angle but none of the playtest classes provide a means to do so.

I suspect it's because the Playtest Classes only go to 10 and the Journey System, created a little later, has influenced their final design.

Tales and Chronicles

Jewel of the North, formerly know as vincegetorix
You know what would be a particularly interesting "Extra Rage" Barbarian? Take a level of Fatigue to get an additional Rage, and have a specific function as they level up that allows them to ignore one or two stacks of Fatigue while raging.
Wow. That's good.

Some kind of Rage equivalent to Font of Power of the sorcerer :p

Might of Elation: When you have no use of Rage remaining, you can enter Rage as bonus action, but by doing so, you gain 1 level of Strife. Furthermore, while Raging, you may ignore the effects of up to 2 levels of Fatigue.
Also bad news: Berserkers already get an Exploration Knack to always have the option of doing Strength-Based Intimidation/Persuasion whether raging or not. So it would have to remain Advantage in some way. I think making it Advantage -during- a rage makes more sense, and maybe give them the ability to also apply it to Deception checks.
Yep, just saw that while re-reading the playtest. Let's go with Advantage on Intimidation, Performance, Persuasion and Deception while raging, no matter the ability used.

It is a little strange that the Journey Document calls out that some class features and spells might allow you to create or otherwise circumvent the "Must be in a haven to remove Fatigue or Strife" angle but none of the playtest classes provide a means to do so.

I agree. The Journey are my favored part of L-U and I was a little sad to see most classes did not interact much with the rules for Havens (which are a big part in Adventure in Middle-Earth, which uses the same idea of Journeys).


I agree. The Journey are my favored part of L-U and I was a little sad to see most classes did not interact much with the rules for Havens (which are a big part in Adventure in Middle-Earth, which uses the same idea of Journeys).
I imagine it's to keep travel from being trivialized. I'm somewhat annoyed that LU is making the create water spell and the decanter of endless water create non-drinkable water (or water that goes bad very quickly) for presumably that same reason.


A5e 3rd Party Publisher!
Decided to do something -very- different with the Cleric Subclass. Instead of a Domain, you get to play a Priest of the Order, slowly exploring the mysteries of your Order... Culminating in a very interesting, if brutal, ability.

Priest of the Order, Cleric Subclass​

Domain Spell List​

You may choose the spell list of any domain to expand your own spell list. Once you have made this decision you cannot change it.

Initiate of the Order​

As an initiate of your Temple's order, choose two proficiencies that exemplify your faith. These can be individual weapon or armor types, skill proficiencies, tool proficiencies, or languages, in any combination that you prefer.

Channel Divinity: Ritual of Sanctuary​

As an action you can expend a use of Channel Divinity to create a Safe Haven in a defined space. Such as a particular clearing in a forest, a cave, or building. The space must be devoid of hostile entities when the ability is used, or it fails.

Associate of the Order​

At 6th level you become an Associate of the Order and may choose between the following class feature options:

1) Forceful Rebuke: You may expend your reaction when hit by a melee attack to push your attacker 15ft directly away from you.

2) Warrior Priest: You may make a weapon attack as a bonus action if you use your action to cast a Cleric Spell.

You may use this ability a number of times equal to your Wisdom Modifier (Minimum 1) and regain expended uses on a short or long rest.

Deeper Mysteries.​

At 8th level your knowledge of your order's mysteries grows deeper. You may choose to either deal 1d8 additional Radiant or Necrotic damage on your melee attacks or gain your Wisdom Modifier as a bonus to damage on Cleric Cantrips. At the end of a short or long rest you can change between these two options by expending a use of Channel Divinity.

Master of the Order​

At 14th level you become fully versed in the mysteries of your Order. When you reduce a sapient creature (Intelligence 3 or higher) to 0 hit points you may expend your reaction to instead kill that creature in a sacrificial offering. Doing so causes the target to immediately die.

If your target was Helpless you may immediately petition your god for a Divine Intervention, even if you have used this ability within the past 7 days. If your target was not helpless, you instead gain 1 use of Channel Divinity.
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I have known Fighting Men of good character. I have fought Murderers. I have known Sorcerers who try to conquer nations, and I have loved a quiet Enchantress who used magic to make her home beautiful. I have been to the City of Thieves and seen ancient traps and locks to make their eyes grow teary for frustration. And I have known many Priests, of cloth and of hook, of sword and blood. But never in my time, wandering this world of ours, have I know one such as you, until now.

I tremble to learn what paths you will walk as you grow.

-The Chronicler-

So here comes some -trouble-! Classes. D&D has very specific class identities for most classes, and little room to wiggle thanks to their strict mechanical separation. But what happens when that mechanical separation doesn't have a particularly strong basis for a setting?

I'm currently looking at cutting out a bunch of classes. Or heavily -heavily- refluffing them... Wanna get some opinions on it, of course.

Artificer: Torn on this one pretty hard. They'd make an excellent Inventor archetype? Could also be a nice Stand-In for a full Psionic class. Non-Musical Jack of all Trades, too. Someone who picks up a little bit of lots of things.
Barbarians: In. They're great Non-Magical Corruption-Fodder with their rages.
Bards: In. Magical Music and Storytelling are important. Scheherazade didn't survive on her looks alone, after all.
Cleric: In as Priests. Strip away their armor proficiencies, give them Monk AC Buff. Strip away any Bladed Weapons from them except for the War domain Priest.
Druid: In as the Beast's Priests. Largely keep them as they are but acknowledge that most of them are evil or at least antithetical to Civilization.
Fighter: In.
Monk: Temple-Defenders, possibly? Otherwise cut 'em out.
Paladin: Temple-Defenders, possibly? MAYBE as unique "Divinely Inspired" heroes? Otherwise cut 'em out.
Ranger: Refluff to Psionic Warrior, maybe... or try to Beastmaster them? Otherwise cut 'em out.
Rogue: In.
Sorcerer: We're only going to need one Arcane Caster to be the "Big Boy" caster... It's either Sorc or Wizard.
Warlock: In. Though possibly refluffed into a "Mage" type character as noted in a recent thread? Could be nifty. Otherwise they could be an "Evil-Only" class making pacts with Dark Powers and flinging themselves into Corruption and Transformation without hesitation.
Wizard: Samesies with Sorcerer.

KibblesTastyPsion: Possibly in. Though in retrospect I might cut Psionics from the setting altogether. There's not really a significant -need- for Psychics, here, where it really is a core conceit of Athas...
It would be helpful you put a link to your other posts in this series in the 1st post of each thread. Just a thought.


A5e 3rd Party Publisher!
Sorcerer Story Excerpt:

Shed Skin of Il'sha-ah​

Adra-sun-Ramun had fled the palace. Her father, Phaoris Hatfet II, had been killed by the High Priest of the Serpent, and now the High Priest would see her killed to end the line of Hatfet.In her haste to flee the temple, Adra-sun-Ramun had taken a heavy cloak from one of the Phaori-Kha, the private guards of the Phaoris. She could feel the blood upon it cooling in the night air as she hurried through the streets.

Looking down at her shaking hands, Adra-sun-Ramun saw the smudged gold paint still on her skin, some hand rubbed off on the cloak she wore, from her holding it shut. Her back likely smeared the inside of the rough-spun fabric as well. To hide, she would have to shed her skin, as the Serpent teaches.

In the distance she could hear the Temple Guard searching, so she would not have a great deal of time. Knowing this, she fled toward the fields of the great city of Il'sha-ah, toward the irrigation ditches, lined with limestone, to fling herself into the shallow water which swiftly shone gold as the paint washed clear.

The cloak discarded upon a low hedge of Papyri bushes, she rolled in the water, scrubbing her scales against the limestone bottom, hands frantically scrubbing over her arms, before she rose, dripping wet, and slithered through the hedgerows, bracelets cast aside, rings following suit. The farmer would find quite the harvest from this field, she thought to herself sullenly.

But when the time came to discard the armband her mother had given her, with the pearl inlay, Adra-sun-Ramun hesitated. She remembered her mother's kindness even up to her end. The care she showed in all of her actions. The love which welled up inside of her heart. And disobeyed the Serpent's edict. Not all scales would be shed, this night.

And in time, she would have her vengeance. The crackling power within her veins arced lightly between her fingertips before she clenched her fists to stop it. No. Her vengeance would be delayed. For now, she had only to escape the city.

Through the hedgerows she moved, low to the ground, darting from shadow to shadow as the twin moons shone down upon the world, bathing it in the blue glow of the season. Nearer, now, she heard the din of the priests in their search, saw the garish glow of their torches upon the dun-grey walls of huts and homes. Their voices were raised, calling the city to waken, to rouse, to the hunt for her.

They would. She knew this. For while her mother was kind, her father had been cruel to all around himself. And if the High Priest had felt he had authority, backing, to strike so boldly, the generals had joined his cause. Adra-sun-Ramun slipped down an alleyway, hoping to double back behind her pursuers, to hide among the dazed and confused populace following timidly in their wake.

For a time it worked. For her scales shone no more brightly than any others, what clothes she wore were fine, but without gilded adornment seemed no more wealthy than any merchant. But as the search neared the western wall, as she climbed around a pole near to the wall, a shout rose.

"The Sorcerer's Daughter! The Sorcerer's Daughter!" a young man's voice, soon joined in a cacophany of others crying for the guard. As archers took aim, lightning, green-gold, lanced through the air into their midst, and the Sorcerer's Daughter fled over the wall, her fingers still crackling.

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