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Ptolus- Palace of the Silver Princess (Campy)

Deuce Traveler

Those were dark times after the fall of Dwarvenhearth, and the Stonelost dwarves have been trying to find a place to belong since. But there were some bright spots for some of my kin, such as when the ageless Silver Princess took a number of the homeless dwarves in to her magical kingdom far away where evil and decay could not touch them. She is known as Princess Argenta, and her magic was once great enough to create a world inside a world... a pocket plane connected to our own severed plane where an artificial sun stood constantly over green fields. She called her mini-universe Haven. Only the most good out of the races were allowed to reside around her palace: elves to tend the surrounding groves, humans to build structures of beauty, halflings to tend the fields, and the newly added dwarves who brought crafting and mining of the nearby hills. The princess took care of the people, and in turn they loved her. How could they not, with her eyes like sapphires, hair of fine silver, rosy lips, smooth alabaster skin, breasts that defied time and gravity, legs that belonged to an Olympic... well... you get the idea.

Ahem... Most of us Stonelost dwarves thought that the Palace of the Silver Princess was a legend. A fairy tale that you would tell to the kids before they went to bed. Anyway, one day our own Lord Terrik Clanstone received a sending from the tall, long-haired princess. 'Help us... she said. Under the city of Ptolus lies both the key and the door into my realm. Come quick, for my land is lost and your kin in danger.'

Well, the Lord is a busy man and all, so he did what any ruler would do in such a crisis. He sent out parties of adventurers. One party found the key, while another one found the door to a teleporter that led to her realm. A few others went inside to investigate what happened to the Silver Princess, although only a handful returned. This is what they discovered and we were able to piece together: The valley of Haven was a peaceful land. its crops were abundant, its citizens prosperous. Elves, dwarves, halflings, and humans lived together in harmony. Hidden away in the pocket plane, Haven was a safe place to live. The rivers were sweet and pure; the waether was pleasant and warm.

One reason Haven was so peaceful was due to the Protectors, a magical race of Fay that taught and helped Princess Argenta create her tiny world. Some say she herself was in some way related to the Protectors. These mysterious green beings are a gentle folk and their magic helps ward off evil and keep Haven undiscovered. They helped the crops to grow, created the artificial sun, and the land of Haven to prosper.

The ruler of Haven, as I mentioned, was the fair Princess Argenta. She lived in a palace made of white shining marble, which when the sun set, glowed like silver. Princess Argenta was beloved by all and she was just, fair, and friendly.

One day the dwarves (I personally think it was some gnomes giving us a bad rap) of Haven found a ruby the size of an apple while digging in a new mine. As a token of their devotion they gave the ruby to Princess Argenta. The dwarves (or perhaps gnomes) named the ruby "My Lady's Heart". The princess was so pleased with the gift that she invited all the realm to attend a celebration to see the wondrous gem. The dwarves were to be the guests of honor. (What happened wasn't their fault, but a dwarf can't say no to a party... it would be rude). It was to be a grand day of feasting and fun.

The day before the celebration a strange visitor arrived. (A human... can't trust none of them I always say. No offense...). He arrived in the realm using the teleporter, then summoned a white dragon which he flew into the settlement. The rider was dressed in all black. He had pale skin, long blond hair, and a short beard. Since Haven was noted for its hospitality, the princess invited the stranger to stay at the palace. She also granted his request to escort her to the celebration.

At midnight of the night of his arrival, disaster struck. Dark clouds hid the sky and a freezing wind blew through the valley. The crops withered in the fields. Cattle grew sick. The valley began to die.

From the palace came an explosion and parts of the wall came tumbling down. When the dust cleared it could be seen that a ruby glow surrounded the entire palace.

Haven now lies in chaos. Raiding bands of orcs, goblins, hobgoblins, and other vile creatures have somehow been teleported into the area and terrorize the land. The disaster happened so suddenly that the citizens are confused and helpless. Without their leaders, who are trapped in the palace, they have no courage to fight back. Even the Protectors have disappeared. The situation has become desperate.

We do not know what caused the disaster, but diviners have found that the reason can be found somewhere in the palace. It is believed that allies of the evil that has attacked Haven have caused the Protectors to have their hands full defending themselves.

Now, previous adventuring parties (consisting of failures, I might add) have reported that all those that touch the ruby field around the palace have died with their muscles convulsing uncontrollably. I think that it's dark magic, personally. The kind that turns your insides to jelly and your eyeballs to oatmeal. Then I bet some other adventurers have probably died by the human in black armor. A blade to the gut ain't a fun way of dying, especially with how much belly is ripped out when the blade is pulled free. Or that dragon... I bet it was hungry. I bet it would take one chomp, and then your upper torso is gone just like...

"Gods, Dunkel! I'm eating here!" One of the patrons of the Ghostly Minstrel tavern yells out loud, his fork halfway in his meal and a look of disgust on his face. The patron is Rastor, the owner of Rastor Weapons, and a litorian. He pushes away his bowl of creamy liver and bean soup and says, "Please, if you are going to peddle your fairy tales to the gullible can you at least do it without the tasteless parts?"

Dunkel, your dwarven story-teller, look hurt and turns back to you. "This is no tale! This is true, and I have the map and key right here!" He says, taking an envelope out of his pocket, which raises more than a few eyebrows in the tavern. "Please, some of the more experienced adventurers believe that this job is beneath them, or just don't believe. Others of less heart have simply not returned. I can guide you to the passage and open the teleporter for you, I just need a pledge that you will help. I have no money to give, but your group has a reputation for looking for damsels in distress to save. In Haven there are a whole village of eligible women needing saviors to show appreciation to, not to mention the Silver Princess herself. I forgot it, but what did you say your party's name was?"


The party currently consists of:

Thorg the Pious (Half-Orc Cleric 4)
Guy Emile Lecoq de Boisbaudran (Human Swashbuckler 4)
Thym the Exalted (Human Warlock 4)
Renard Rusé De la Capot (Anthropomorphic Fox Ranger 3/Bard 1)

The atmosphere currently is "camp". Players that post actions that follow this atmosphere will gain a +1 to their spell DCs, attack and damage rolls, and saving throws for that round. Over-the-top roleplaying is highly encouraged. It's time to save the Silver Princess!
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"Happy Birthday!" Thorg calls out. His floppy lips stretch in a smile across his mouth. "I like birthday parties."

"It sounds very bad right now in Haven. Don't worry, I won't touch any rubies, even if it sounds yummy. Oatmeal and jelly! Mmmmm..."

Thorg sits back down in his seat, looking at the food in front of him. A nice, big bowl of soup, with a hunk of bread. What a great place, he thinks, with people telling fairy tales.

Brother Allard

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Damsels?, Guy thinks to himself, quickly downing the last of his wine. Distress?

"An untenable situation, indeed my good man." He rises, drawing on his gloves and settling his rapier into place. "It shall not long stand! Or my name is not Guy Emile Lecoq de Boisbaudran!"


"Oh aye we can help ye, I, Thym the Exalted shall aid ye in yer quest. But first can ye answer me 3 questions? Be ye a man... er dwarf of this land? Can ye tell us more about the lay of the land and were we be landin when we travel through tha portal? Be there any who mightnt be friendly to us?" says Thym in a heavy accent that he is making up as he goes along. Each question he asks is punctuated by a heavy thud of his staff hitting the floor. Why? who knows. Thym's heavy red and black cloak seems to rustle despite being in an inn without wind.

ooc: so tempting to change that to 'answer me these questions three'.


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"A chance to avenge a lady? Well, adventure finds a captain wherever he goes, gents. What are we waiting here for, hey?" the young sorcerer announces. He checks the satchel at his side, straightens his cloak, and looks attentively at the dwarf, waiting to hear Thym's questions answered.
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Deuce Traveler

Dunkel looks at Thym for a moment, his mind attempting to unscramble the accent and words before answering. "I am not from Haven, no sir. I am a simple messenger sent by dwarven Lord Clanstone to tell the tale and seek adventurers. A recruiting agent, if you will. Unfortunately, because my funds were depleted by past adventurers... who failed... I have nothing to offer for the completion of this endeavor. That and the good chance of horrible death have dissuaded most so-called heroes. I've heard your group is different. Once you arrive through the portal, you will find yourself a half mile from the palace, in between the great structure and the surrounding settlement. The villagers will be friendly, but just about anything else you will find won't be. I'd be especially wary and on the lookout for the man in black and his..." Dunkel hunches low to the table, looks around shiftily, and before sitting back up with arms folded whispers, "...dragon."

Renard tosses a cape the hue of green summer grass over a shoulder of thick russet fur and hops atop the wooden table he'd been sharing with Guy. Tucking a red rose between sharp canines and swishing his tail to and fro, the fox cries to the heavens (or, in this case, to the dirty wooden ceiling beams of the Ghostly Minstrel), "Damsels, dragons, death defied! One for all, and all for--" Renard, realizing his mistake only just in time, removes the rose from his snout and tucks the lacquered fleur into his belt. Hopping down from the table and putting a black-furred paw on one hip just above his sheathed short sword and leaning with forced non-chalantnous to the side, Renard poses and bares glossy white teeth in a smile intended to win away the heart of a comely princess. "Wrong book, my mistake. Why, yes, the Happy Birthday Adventurers would dearly love a bit of a daring side trek, and as I always say," Renard winks at Dunkel, "a damsel a day keeps the gout away. Hand over the key and the map, good dwarf, and we shall be gone this very instant!"


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Pinning his cloak on, and giving the dwarf a dashing (in his mind, at least) salute, Samuel says: "Danger of Death? Poppycock! Let's have the map!"

Deuce Traveler

With the party in agreement, the Happy Birthday Adventurers leave in the morning and follow Dunkel to Delver's Square, an area that consists of a number of shops surrounding a fourteen-foot statue of the heroic fighter, Abesh Runihan who once saved Ptolus from the diabolical plans of a lich lord and his magical plague. Behind the statue, there is a staircase that leads down into the Undercity Market, which in turn leads to the discovered dungeons and secrets that lie underneath Ptolus.

Dunkel and you go down into the Undercity Market, where the dwarf explains that this will be the last stop to buy any wanted supplies before he brings you to the tunnels leading to the teleporter. There is a large bazaar constantly going on here, and through the long lanes of tents and tables, you can see the tents of the Arcane Scribe, Everburning Torch sellers, Iernis' Mapping Equipment, Hammerblight's Firearms, Nann's Rations, Sign of the Shovel, Notorison's Knives, Ingersol's Leathers, Tirres' Crossbows and Misc Weapons, Pawnbroker Ursaon's Used Items, Vatur's Repairs, and a couple of alchemist and potion shops. Also, you see the Adventurer's Guild, of which your group has only paid their basic membership dues for.

Some of the better armor and weapons shops can be found back upstairs in the Midtown square, but they are admittedly a little more costly.


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Samuel walks over to Ursaon's Used Items to survey their wares, his gold clinking softly as he walks along. "Well, gentlemen, you never know what it is that'll turn up at a stand like this, hey?"
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