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Ptolus: The Legend of Longcoat


First Post
heh. Dig it Verbatim. Actually, I was thinking of tossing up an alternate to fill the cleric gap we've had. A priest of Lothian whose faith in the Church is taking a beating... Cause his superiors have asked him to accompany those investigating to make sure that... no... incriminating evidence for certain bishops is revealled in the course of the investigations...

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Trench said:
heh. Dig it Verbatim. Actually, I was thinking of tossing up an alternate to fill the cleric gap we've had. A priest of Lothian whose faith in the Church is taking a beating... Cause his superiors have asked him to accompany those investigating to make sure that... no... incriminating evidence for certain bishops is revealled in the course of the investigations...

Thanks for the vote of confidence...the more I roll him around in my head, the more I see him as approaching middle age and him being bogged down by doubt and booze. It will have played havoc with his body (average Dex, Str and Con), but there is something in his whiskey burned voice that carries a charm and bitter wisdom (high Wis and Chr).

This half day needs to hurry up so I can get home and do this idea justince..:)


First Post
Kohr au'Thun

Name: Kohr au'Thun
Class: Ranger 1
Race: Stonelost Dwarf
Region of Origin: Oldtown District, Ptolus
Size: M
Gender: M
Alignment: LN
Deity: Unnom, Lord of Caverns

Str: 14 +2 (06p.)	Level: 1	XP: 0
Dex: 14 +2 (06p.)	BAB: +1		HP: 11 (1d8+3)
Con: 16 +3 (06p.)	Grapple: +1	
Int: 10 +0 (02p.)	Speed: 20'	
Wis: 13 +1 (05p.)	Init: +0	
Cha:  6 -2 (00p.)	ACP: -1		

	Base	Armor	Shld	Dex	Size	Nat	Misc	Total
Armor:	10	+3 	+0	+2	+0	+0	+0	15
Touch:	12	Flatfooted: 13
Notes: +4 Dodge Bonus vs giants

	Total	Base	Mod	Misc
Fort:	+5	+2	+3	--
Ref:	+4	+2	+2	--
Will:	+1	+0	+1	--
Notes: +2 save vs. poison, spells, spell-like effects

Weapon			Attack	Damage	Critical	Range
Hand Axe		+4	1d6+2	x3
Club			+3	1d6+2	x2		10'
Dagger			+3	1d4+2	19-20/x2	10'
Light Crossbow		+3	1d8	19-20/x2	80'

Notes:	+1 attack vs orcs and goblinoids
	+2 damage vs Favored Enemy (Ratmen)

Languages: Common, Dwarven

 20' move: not affected by medium or heavy load. 
 Darkvision 60'. 
 Weapon familiarity: dwarven war axe, dwarven urgosh 
 Stability: +4 to resist bull-rush, trip. 

 Simple Weapons
 Martial Weapons
 Light Armor
 Favored Enemy (Ratmen)

Weapon Focus (Hand Axe)

Skill Points: 24		Max Ranks: 4/2
Skills				Total	Ranks	Mod 	Misc
Appraise*			 + 0	  0	+0
Bluff*				 - 2	  0	-2
Climb				 + 3	  2	+2	-1	Armor Check
Heal				 + 1	  0	+1
Hide				 + 1	  0	+2	-1	Armor Check
Jump				 + 1	  0	+2	-1	Armor Check
Knowledge (dungeoneering)	 + 4	  4	+0
Knowledge (Local)*		 + 2	  2	+0
Listen				 + 1	  0	+1
Move Silently			 + 1	  0	+2	-1 	Armor Check
Search				 + 4	  4	+0
Sense Motive*			 + 1	  0	+1
Spot				 + 6	  4	+2
Survival (Underground)		 + 6	  4	+2
Swim				 + 2	  2	+2	-2	Armor Check
Use Rope			 + 2	  0	+2

*Cross Class Skill

+2 Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival vs Favored Enemy (Ratmen)
+2 Search for stonework
+2 Appraise, Craft Stone or Metal Items

Equipment:		Cost	Weight
Studded Leather		25gp	20.0lbs
Hand Axe		 6gp	 3.0lbs
Club			---	 3.0lbs
Dagger			 2gp	 1.0lbs
Light Crossbow		35gp	 4.0lbs
 Bolts (20)		 2gp	 2.0lbs

Backpack		 2gp	 2.0lbs
 Grappling Hook		 1gp	 4.0lbs
 Oil (1 pint)		 1sp	 1.0lbs
 Sack (2)		 2sp	 1.0lbs
 Waterskin		 1gp	 4.0lbs
 Rations, trail	(3)	15sp	 3.0lbs
 Whetstone		 2cp	 1.0lbs
			Total:	16.0lbs

Pouch, Belt		 1gp	 0.5lbs
 Chalk, 5 pieces	 5cp	 ---
 Flint and Steel	 1gp	 ---
 Sunrod (2)		 4gp	 2.0lbs
 Tinderwig (5)		 5gp	 ---
			Total:	 2.5lbs

Rope, Silk (50')	10gp	 5.0lbs
Signal Whistle		 8sp	 ---	

Total Weight: 56.5lbs	Money: 51gp 14sp 3cp

		Lgt	Med	Hvy	Lift	Push
Max Weight:	58	116	175	350	875

Age: 46
Height: 4'4" 
Weight: 179lbs
Eyes: green
Hair: Brown, going gray
Skin: Pale

"Like 'em? Don't even know most of 'em. Likin' and dislikin' ain't got nothing to do with why I go down there after 'em. I do it because it's me job."

Kohr has spent his adult life working retrieval for the Delver's Guild. Anytime some fool adventurer goes down into the Dungeon, it's Kohr and his kind that go down there looking for them. Occasionally, they'll find someone alive but more often than not all they bring back is their remains.

"Life's tough. It's tougher when you're stupid."

Seeing so many people killed in the Dungeon has made Kohr prematurely bitter and left him with a sense of pessimistic fatalism regarding the Dungeon. He know's he'll probably die down there whether it's the ratmen that get him or just an all too common accident. He keeps going down there, though, because it's his job and the only thing he's ever been good at.

Like most dwarves, Kohr enjoys his ale. But rather than becoming loud and boisterous he usually becomes sullen and angry.

Plot Hooks/Reason for Involvment
"Look, kid, it's not that I don't care. What happened to those girls is a cryin' shame. But if there's one thing my job has taught me, it's that people die all the time and there ain't a damn thing you can do to save 'em."

Given his attitude towards death, it's unlikely Kohr would become involved out of any sense of righteousness or moral outrage. He could be on retainer to the Watch during the investigation in the event the killer is hiding out in the Dungeon. Another possibility is that if any of the corpses were found in the Dungeon, he could be on assignment from the Guild to investigate the murders.

He could potentially know any of the other characters who have done adventuring or gone down into the Dungeon. He could have previously worked with any characters who work for the Watch finding missing people or criminals hiding out in the Dungeon.
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Guest 11456

Gracie Goodship : Female Human Evoker 1

[sblock]Gracie Goodship
Female Human Evoker 1
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Height: 5' 5''
Weight: 145#
Hair: Red
Eyes: Green
Age: 17

Str: 9 (-1) [1 point]
Dex: 12 (+1) [4 points]
Con: 14 (+2) [6 points]
Int: 16 (+3) [10 points]
Wis: 10 (+0) [2 points]
Cha: 10 (+0) [2 points]

Hit Dice: 1d4+2
HP: 6
AC: 11 (+1 Dex) [touch 11, flat-footed 10]
ACP: +0
Init: +1 (+1 Dex)
Speed: 30ft

Fortitude +2 [+0 base, +2 Con]
Reflex +1 [+0 base, +1 Dex]
Will +2 [+2 base, +0 Wis]

BAB/Grapple: +0/-1
Melee Atk: -1
Ranged Atk: +1

Concentration +6 [4 ranks, +2 Con]
Decipher Script +7 [4 ranks, +3 Int]
Knowledge (arcana) +7 [4 ranks, +3 Int]
Knowledge (dungeoneering) +7 [4 ranks, +3 Int]
Knowledge (machines) +7 [4 ranks, +3 Int]
Spellcraft +7 [4 ranks, +3 Int]
Speak Language [1 cc rank]

Eschew Materials (human bonus)
Scribe Scroll (1st level wizard bonus)
Spell Focus [Evocation] (1st level)

Languages: Common (Imperial), Draconic, Litorian, Westron, Abyssal.

Specialized School: Evocation
Prohibited Schools: Enchantment, Necromancy
Spell Slots – 4|3
0th – Acid Globe, Erie Noise*, Gracie’s Bouncing Lanterns*, Gracie’s Creature Classifier, Gracie’s Dazzler*, Gracie’s Defense, Gracie’s Glue, Gracie’s Helping Hand, Gracies’ Lantern*, Gracie’s Magic Latch, Gracie’s Reader, Gracie’s Script, Gracie’s Spell, Finder, Gracie’s Tricks, Gracie’s Whisper, Icy Ray*, Spot Chaositech, Spot Magic, Spot Poison
1st – Firehand*, Gracie’s Accurate Dart*, Gracie’s Armor, Item Information*, Produce Ally, Winter Blast*
Spells Readied DC +3 (+4)
0th – Acid Globe, Gracie’s Helping Hand, Gracie’s Lantern*, Icy Ray*
1st – Firehand*, Gracie’s Accurate Darts*, Winter Blast

Traveler’s Outfit (worn)
Quarterstaff (0gp, 4#, carried)
Backpack (2gp, 2#, back)
Spellbook (0gp, 3#, backpack)


Appearance: Gracie appears to be an average young woman. Her most striking features are her bright red hair and her emerald green eyes.

Personality: Gracie always seems cheerful and sweet. She often comes across as naïve, but her background has given her enough knowledge to survive in both Midtown and The Docks by herself.

Background: Gracie’s father, Garlus Goodship, had been a sailing man with no particular port to call home until he met her mother, Allucious. Allucious, although a very intelligent woman, had chosen the life of a barmaid in The Sailor's Rest in The Docks district of Ptolus. Garlus fell in love at first sight and the two were married within the year. The couple were quite happy for several years. Allucious continued to work as a barmaid and Garlus continued to work on different ships. The day Allucious became pregnant was a day of rejoicing for Garlus. But during the birth there was complications. Mother and daughter both came down with a terrible fever. The couple named there daughter Gracie because it was through the grace of Lothian that the little girl arrived safe. However, only a month after the birth Allucious died from the fever. Garlus had to become both father and mother for the infant Gracie. Luckily he had made many friends in his days of sailing and he began calling in favors to help support the two of them. Gracie grew to be a fine young girl. However, her father did not want her to follow in her mother’s footsteps because, like her mother, she was a bright girl. So her father called in the last of his favors and found her an apprenticeship with an evoker that had a place in the Midtown district. Thus began her career as a wizard’s apprentice.

She currently has a room at Larkspur Boarding House. Currently she visits the docks often to look after her aging father who has a room at Olaf's Flophouse.

Allucious; Female Black Cat; Tiny Magical Beast; HD 1d8; hp 3; Init +2; Spd 30 ft.; AC 15 (+2 size, +2 Dex, +1 natural), touch 14, flat-footed 13; BAB +0; Grp -12; Atk +4 melee (claw, 1d2-4/x2), Full Atk +4 melee (2 claws, 1d2-4/x2) & -1 melee (bite, 1d3-4); SA -; SQ low-light vision, scent; AL TN; SV Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +3; Str 3, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 6, Wis 12, Cha 7.
Skills & Feats: Balance +10, Climb +6, Hide +14, Jump +10, Listen +3, Move Silently +6, Spot +3; Weapon Finesse.
Special: Alertness, improved evasion, share spells, empathic link.

Altered Spell Effects:

Spell Name: Access Creature
New Name: Gracie’s Creature Classifier
Altered Effect: None.

Spell Name: Acid Splash
New Name: Acid Globe
Altered Effect: Violet orb.

Spell Name: Arcane Mark
New Name: Gracie’s Script
Altered Effect: Appears as a brown rune.

Spell Name: Blast of Cold
New Name: Winter Blast
Altered Effect: Appears as a red wave.

Spell Name: Burning Hands
New Name: Firehand
Altered Effect: Hands glow red and red flames shoot out from them.

Spell Name: Dancing Lights
New Name: Gracie’s Bouncing Illumination
Altered Effect: Tiny red lanterns.

Spell Name: Detect Chaositech
New Name: Spot Chaositech
Altered Effect: Chaositech glows yellow.

Spell Name: Detect Magic
New Name: Spot Magic
Altered Effect: Magic glows colors depending on the school or schools of the spell (abjuration: green, conjuration: violet, divination: yellow, enchantment: blue, evocation: red, illusion: white, necromancy: black, transmutation: orange, universal: brown).

Spell Name: Detect Poison
New Name: Spot Poison
Altered Effect: Poison glows yellow.

Spell Name: Flare
New Name: Gracie’s Dazzler
Altered Effect: Appears as a red sparkler.

Spell Name: Ghost Sound
New Name: Erie Noise
Altered Effect: None.

Spell Name: Identify Device
New Name: Item Information
Altered Effect: None.

Spell Name: Light
New Name: Gracies’ Lantern
Altered Effect: Appears as a small red lantern.

Spell Name: Mage Armor
New Name: Gracie’s Armor
Altered Effect: Appears as purple armor.

Spell Name: Mage Hand
New Name: Gracie’s Helping Hand
Altered Effect: Appears as an orange hand.

Spell Name: Magic Missile
New Name: Gracie’s Accurate Dart
Altered Effect: Appears as a red dart.

Spell Name: Mending
New Name: Gracie’s Glue
Altered Effect: Appears as orange liquid splashing on the object.

Spell Name: Message
New Name: Gracie’s Whisper
Altered Effect: None.

Spell Name: Open/Close
New Name: Gracie’s Magic Latch
Altered Effect: Appears as an orange lock flying toward the object.

Spell Name: Prestidigitation
New Name: Gracie’s Tricks
Altered Effect: All effects have a brown shade to them.

Spell Name: Ray of Frost
New Name: Icy Ray
Altered Effect: Appears as a red ray.

Spell Name: Read Magic
New Name: Gracie’s Reader
Altered Effect: Spell text glows yellow.

Spell Name: Resistance
New Name: Gracie’s Defense
Altered Effect: Appears as a green aura.

Spell Name: Sense Spell
New Name: Gracie’s Spell Finder
Altered Effect: None.

Spell Name: Summon Monster I
New Name: Produce Ally
Altered Effect: Monster appears in a flash of violet.[/sblock]
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I am in the middle of a move to a new home. I'll therefore be out of the loop for the next ten days. I have an appointment with my internet service provider to set up service in the new house Saturday early morning, December 2nd. I anticipate full functionality that same day. Please don't take my absence from this thread until then as disinterest--quite the contrary.

I still have a couple of days of connectivity left this week. I'm sure most of us Americans will be busy with Thanksgiving goodness the next couple of days, but if you happen to find yourself online, Whizbang, and feel you need to query me regarding Bill Schnitz or Lina, please drop a line here and I'll reply.

Again, sorry for the time away but I am still very much interested in playing and will back online on the 2nd.


First Post
CanadienneBacon: I just realized I used the name of your PC (Lina) in the PbP game I'm running. At the time it just came me - I guess my subconscious was stuck on this thread. You some sorta wizard, controlling my mind? ;)

That kind of thing happens to me all the time. I could never publish my homebrew setting because it's entirely derivative of all kinds of odds and ends that I nicked, consciously and some of it subconsciously I'm sure, from others. :)

Gnome Quixote

First Post
Erekose13 said:
list updated again :) Whiz I hope the list is helping, if you don't need it just let me know.
Hey, you overlooked poor Wikipad, my gnome bard! Or perhaps you are just intimidated by his sparkling wit, boyish charm, striking good looks, and skill with an accordion!


[B]Name:[/B] [COLOR=Silver]“Lucky” Cyrus[/COLOR]
[B]Class:[/B] Priest 1 	
[B]Race:[/B] Human
[B]Region of Origin:[/b] Docks, Ptolus
[B]Size:[/B] M
[B]Gender:[/B] M
[B]Alignment:[/B] NG
[B]Deity:[/B] The Lady

[B]Str:[/B] 11 +0 (03p.)	[B]Level:[/B] 1	[B]XP[/B]: 0
[B]Dex:[/B] 10 +0 (02p.)	[B]BAB:[/B] +0		[B]HP:[/B] 9 (1d8+1)
[B]Con:[/B] 12 +1 (04p.)	[B]Grapple:[/B] +0	
[B]Int:[/B] 12 +1 (04p.)	[B]Speed:[/B] 30'	
[B]Wis:[/B] 14 +2 (06p.)	[B]Init:[/B] +0	
[B]Cha:[/B] 14 +2 (06p.)	[B]ACP:[/B] +0		

[B]	Base	Armor	Shld	Dex	Size	Nat	Misc	Total[/B]
[B]Armor:[/B]	10	+0	+0	+0	+0	+0	+0	10
[B]Touch:[/B]	10	[B]Flatfooted:[/B] 10

[B]	Total	Base	Mod	Misc[/B]
[B]Fort:[/B]	+3	+2	+1	--
[B]Ref:[/B]	+0	+0	+0	--
[B]Will:[/B]	+4	+2	+2	--

[B]Weapon			Attack	Damage	Critical	Range[/B]
[B]Notes:[/B] ammo: 

[B]Languages:[/B] Common (Docks), Celestial

+4 skill pts at 1st lvl; +1 skill point per lvl afterwards
Bonus Feat at 1st lvl

-Alignment Aura
-Spontaneous Casting (heal)
-Turn Undead (5x/day)
-High wisdom gains bonus spells daily
-[b][color=silver]Luck Domain:[/b][/color] Cyrus can call upon the Lady to alter one outcome of an action
before fate takes hold of it. Although the Lady does not always alter it for
the better, Cyrus must abide by the Lady’s final call. He may call upon her in
this manner once per day. 
-[b][color=silver]Protection Domain:[/b][/color] Cyrus can generate a [i]protective ward[/i] by calling
upon the grace of the Lady once per day. The ward is only as strong as
Cyrus’ faith and grants the protected individual a boon against their next
mental or physical test. The ward remains in effect for one hour.

[B]Feats: [/B] Skill focus (Heal), Skill focus (Profession: Gamble)

[B]Skill Points:[/B] 16	[B]Max Ranks:[/B] 4/2
[B]Skills			Total	Ranks	Mod 	Misc[/B]
Diplomacy                 +4       2     +2      --
Heal                      +9       4     +2      +3 Skill Focus
Knowledge (Arcana)	  +3	   2	 +1	 --
Knowledge (Local)cc	  +2	   1	 +1	 --
Knowledge (religion)	  +3	   2	 +1	 --
Profession (Gambler)	  +7	   2	 +2	 +3 Skill Focus
Spellcraft                +3       2     +1      --


[B]Equipment:		Cost	Weight[/B]
Leather Armor		10gp	15lb
Coin, Gold x5		5gp	0.1lb
Backpack		2gp	2lb
Silver Holy Symbol (The Lady)  25gp    1lb

[B]Total Weight:[/B]17.1 lb  [B]Money:[/B] 83gp 0sp 0cp

[B]		Lgt	Med	Hvy	Lift	Push[/B]
[B]Max Weight:[/B]	38 	76	115	230	575

[B]Age:[/B] 31
[B]Height:[/B] 6'0" 
[B]Weight:[/B] 170lbs
[B]Eyes:[/B] Green
[B]Hair:[/B] Brown
[B]Skin:[/B] Pale

Appearance: “Lucky” Cyrus’ clothing has seen better days, as has the man who wears them. The fading vest and tunic’s edges are beginning to fray, and patchwork stitches are worked along the shoulders and sides. The rough cut of his beard shows his lack of skill as a barber and a simple strip of leather keeps his brown hair pulled back in the style of the sailors he lives among in the Docks.

Background: ‘What do you mean you want to hear my tale? More importantly, why should you care? There ain’t nothing I can tell you that you haven’t heard from the daisies in the serving room upstairs, so either ante up or get away from my table.’

‘Do I look like a priest to you boy? Would a real priest spend his day in this place with cards in his hands and lusts in his heart? Damn right, they wouldn’t. They would be out in the streets telling the world how things will be better, how the Lady blesses more than she takes, and how one day if you say your prayers and smile real big flowers and rainbows will adorn your grave for all eternity.’

‘Rose said I did what? She was drunk and in pain from the miscarriage. The warmth she felt was just a trick of her mind. Nothing magical about my patching her up. Of course she mended quick, Rose is half dwarf, what did you expect?’

‘I hear the chink of the purse boy and rest assured if I did so did the rest of this place. You might want to be less quick about reaching for it and quicker to think things through. In fact I think you and I should walk outside and finish this conversation there. Relax boy, you came to me remember? Besides, you can trust me. After all, you were the one that said I was a priest…’

Plot Hooks/Reason for Involvment
Cyrus has lived in the Docks all of his life and he knows that in the eyes of the city, the Docks are only slightly higher than the Warrens in the eyes of the Watch. When the killings begin, Cyrus trusted that the Watch would do something, but as the killings continued and the concern didn't, he knew he was wrong. Although he is far from what any would consider brave in the traditional sense, the Lady granted him the power to protect those around him and if the Watch would not do it, then it had to be someone. Even if most of the time that someone felt the Lady pulling further away rather than closer...
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