Pull up your pants!

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Hm. I am going to try to word this carefully so it doesn't sound political. First, I always thought the pants-around-the-knees look was ridiculous and idiotic. Second, the government has zero right to tell anyone what style to follow. Can people wear bathing suits and bikinis in public? Then take your don't-show-me-your-underwear bill and shove it where the sun doesnt shine. This pleases me just about as much as the company in MI firing people because they are smokers. Next we'll outlaw people who drink alcohol and eat pizza and McDonalds. And don't forget coffee and chocolate. OK, sorry I'm ranting. And shutting up. For now.

Aaron Blair
Foren Star


First Post
Y'know, I think this is a good idea. I don't care if you're gorgeous or hideous, undergarments are UNDERgarments. Cover the :):):):) up.


I detest the look, myself - at least on anything other than attractive women ;) - but it seems to me that maybe someone needs to take a closer look at whether or not the Virginia legislature has too much time on their hands!

I guess next they'll need to hire the guys from Queer Eye For The Straight Guy to train the highway patrol to be Fashion Police. :]


Click on the link in my signature. Go to the Situation Room. Rant there, using all the politics, cuss words, and personal attacks you want to. You know you want to. DO IT. :)

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