D&D General Rant: Sometimes I Hate the D&D Community


5e Freelancer
On the flip side, why are you here?
On ENWorld? To get news about the hobby, discuss other parts of nerd culture (Marvel and Star Wars movie/tv shows, mainly), to get inspiration from other people's worlds, to learn more about the game, and to talk with other fans of the hobby. That's why I'm here, not to have people tell me that the way I play is wrong/ruining D&D and that I should feel bad for it.
Here you go: I don’t like the floating ASI bonus. I don’t think it should be an option. I don’t like it.
Yeah. That's what I have a problem with. This attitude. "I get that people like this thing, but I don't, so they shouldn't be able to enjoy it."

That's what I was complaining about. You don't have to like the thing, but other people do, and saying "hey, look at me, I hate that thing you like and don't want you to be able to use it" is just being a jerk for no reason.

I don't like the Great Wheel, or Dragonlance, or Monks, but I'm not going around saying that it shouldn't be an option for the people that like it. That would be rude of me. So I just accept that people are allowed to like things I don't without me taking it personally or wanting to get rid of that thing.

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From the pit of the 9th
On ENWorld? To get news about the hobby, discuss other parts of nerd culture (Marvel and Star Wars movie/tv shows, mainly), to get inspiration from other people's worlds, to learn more about the game, and to talk with other fans of the hobby. That's why I'm here, not to have people tell me that the way I play is wrong/ruining D&D and that I should feel bad for it.

Yeah. That's what I have a problem with. This attitude. "I get that people like this thing, but I don't, so they shouldn't be able to enjoy it."

That's what I was complaining about. You don't have to like the thing, but other people do, and saying "hey, look at me, I hate that thing you like and don't want you to be able to use it" is just being a jerk for no reason.

I don't like the Great Wheel, or Dragonlance, or Monks, but I'm not going around saying that it shouldn't be an option for the people that like it. That would be rude of me. So I just accept that people are allowed to like things I don't without me taking it personally or wanting to get rid of that thing.
I was trying to be nice. Now I can be more genuine.

If you are just here for news, read it. You cannot control the preferences or speech of others.

If people are inappropriate, flag it and tell a mod.

If what I said was honest to God offensive, I can only wish you luck.


It's like people have different opinions.

Some of those opinions are diametrically aligned with other people's.

Some of those ruin games for other people.

One example is builds and powergaming. I don't think that's wrong as such I enjoy the theory crafting side of that.

But if you use those builds in the wrong group eg casuals your desires can ruin their game.

If you like Eberron (I don't mind it) I don't care. If you insist in using Eberron stuff in a game I'm not using it that's a problem.

Feel free to request Eberron as a game or lobby the other players. Very few things I've ruled out running (Ravenloft, Dragonlance and Wuxia).


Dusty Dragon
I categorically reject the idea that there's no community. Gaming conventions, RPG.net, and En World are just a few examples of communities. We communicate with one another, we have our own jargon, and we all have an activity in common so we're a community. Not in the sense that we all live in the same area, but in the fellowship sort of way.

I've been on EN world for over 20 years now. I have met some of the members in persons, some are friends on facebook. So... yeah

Nobody actually cares about anyone else, everyone is generally just here for their own reasons, mostly to advertise, a few like to write opinions. Some just like to hear a little bit of news. Some just procrastinating.
That's how my real world community is. The one I live in.

This kind of place is somewhere I choose to be. I see it as a community (distinct from other sites/discords/etc) I go to and sometimes participate in.


That's what I was complaining about. You don't have to like the thing, but other people do, and saying "hey, look at me, I hate that thing you like and don't want you to be able to use it" is just being a jerk for no reason.

I don't like the Great Wheel, or Dragonlance, or Monks, but I'm not going around saying that it shouldn't be an option for the people that like it. That would be rude of me. So I just accept that people are allowed to like things I don't without me taking it personally or wanting to get rid of that thing.

"Here you go: I don’t like the floating ASI bonus. I don’t think it should be an option. I don’t like it."

Where in the above statement is he saying that he doesn't want you to use it? He is strictly stating his option.

Even if WoTC dropped floating ASI from RAW based solely on his preference, you could still use it in your own game....

Or to put it another way, his preference doesn't prevent you from playing the game the way you want to.

So your OP was really " don't say stuff that conflicts with my opinion"...


5e Freelancer
You cannot control the preferences
Never did. The whole OP is about how trying to control the preferences of others is bad, remember?
or speech of others.
Never tried to. Unless you think saying "hey, can we all be a bit more polite and mindful of the preferences of other people?" is trying to "control the speech of other people".
If what I said was honest to God offensive, I can only wish you luck.
Again, yes it is rude to tell people that you hate the thing someone else likes and that it shouldn't exist. If I told you that I hate something you really like and wish it didn't exist, that would be rude/offensive. You can dislike something without wishing for it to not exist as an option for the people that do like it (I do the same with Dragonlance).


5e Freelancer
"Here you go: I don’t like the floating ASI bonus. I don’t think it should be an option. I don’t like it."

Where in the above statement is he saying that he doesn't want you to use it? He is strictly stating his option.

Even if WoTC dropped floating ASI from RAW based solely on his preference, you could still use it in your own game....

Or to put it another way, his preference doesn't prevent you from playing the game the way you want to.
"I don't think it should be an option".

That's it. That's the part I object to.

I don't like Dragonlance. But I am 100% fine with it being updated to 5th edition for the people that want to play games in it.

You can dislike something without wishing that it didn't exist. Saying "I wish that thing you like didn't exist" is rude.
So your OP was really " don't say stuff that conflicts with my opinion"...
No, it wasn't. And can you please stop threadcrapping?

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