D&D General Rant: Sometimes I Hate the D&D Community


And while I'm on my soapbox, just one more thing....

Instead of engaging with someone you disagree with, some people use passive-aggressive attacks as a way to "get back" at someone. It's a clever tactic, because it usually passes under the radar of the mods, and if you respond to it, the mods will often slap your wrist while ignoring the "attacker".

And then the most pathetic passive-aggressive tactic of all is to comment on another persons post without using the quote feature. This allows someone to make an counter argument without directly confronting/notifying the other poster about the counter-argument - effectively making the counter argument one-sided unless the other poster happens to come across it.

And yes, I'm aware of the irony of this post, but it needed to be said.
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I'm trying to imagine this community without its mods... Yeesh.

And then I try to imagine it if I got to kneejerk thread remove, vacation, or ban folks myself.... Double yeesh.

I have been lurking here. But I just had a friend send me a tic tok to watch, and it is a creator with a not super small platform telling people not to play. At all. Like 100% gate keeping.
social media is full of keyboard warriors on both sides of these arguments that seem to go out of there way to NOT see any shades of grey... everything is black and white. For all my complaining about the crazy stuff we argue about on here, if you look to twitter, reddit, facebook and tic tok you will find WAY more of this.

I do wonder sometimes what kind of evil villain I am in the eyes of people that don't really know me


CR 1/8
Honestly, its a bad look.

As a future content creator, I come here to try and share ideas, share my passion for the hobby, and find like-minded people to converse with.

But, I sometimes am faced with arguments that are there just for the sake of arguing, to make some point for the sake of making a point, to either "win" some perceived argument, when I am not at all interested in arguing points, winning arguments, or trying to burn others just to get some kind of semantic victory.

I am trying to have constructive conversations, that actually result in positive outcomes, but its not easy.
That's really a prime application of (+) threads. If you have a specific game idea you want to discuss, start a thread with "(+)" in the title and explain your goals in the OP. If you feel the need, just warn folks off topics you find distracting or unproductive.

Some posters regard (+) threads as unhelpful echo chambers, and they could be right for some topics. But personally, I look at them mainly as a request to stay on topic and avoid overtly negative or irate chatter that doesn't directly further your goals for the thread, especially when those goals relate to game mechanics, fleshing out adventure ideas, etc.

Most posters do seem to be pretty respectful of (+) threads, even the ones who don't necessarily agree with the concept, which I think is much appreciated all around.

That's really a prime application of (+) threads. If you have a specific game idea you want to discuss, start a thread with "(+)" in the title and explain your goals in the OP. If you feel the need, just warn folks off topics you find distracting or unproductive.
I didn't understand + threads for like months after they started up. Then I thought them crazy ways to just stifle conversations, but more and more I like them. I don't want an echo chamber, but sometimes I just want some negativity removed.
Most posters do seem to be pretty respectful of (+) threads, even the ones who don't necessarily agree with the concept, which I think is much appreciated all around.

In the past 10 years or so, I've also noticed this "if you're not 100% with me, then you're 100% against me" mentality has gained a lot of momentum. Sub-groups that should be working together with a common goal instead bicker about nuance. Divided we fall - and all of that... Ideological litmus or purity test are stupid, but do serve to solidify the "righteousness" of said subgroup.
on a different board I could go into (not enworld suitable) examples of this that drive me crazy. But even here I see it sometimes.

one of these days I would love to have civil discussions of pro and cons on subjects without getting hit by both sides for 'daring to suggest there is a pro/con"

Voidrunner's Codex

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