D&D General Rant: Sometimes I Hate the D&D Community


Yep. That's the point I give up on a thread and don't read the rest.

I must be an optimist, lol - when I find a thread like that that's devolved into a crapfest, I click back three or four pages and read a couple posts, go back a few pages and check again, etc., to find out where exactly the thread got gangrenous, then I start at the beginning and only read up to that point.

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Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
I never ignore anyone, even if I disagree I'm still interested in hearing other points of view.

Now if there were an "ignore thread" option I'd be all over it.
You have more self-control than some of us do.


Thomas Shey

I never ignore anyone, even if I disagree I'm still interested in hearing other points of view.

The only two people on here I have on ignore aren't there because of what they say, but because of how they say it (or in one of the two cases because I don't trust their argumentative honesty). There are plenty of people around here I disagree with, but I don't block them for that.


A Title Much Cooler Than Anything on the Old Site
Thank you, I haven't made a [+] thread yet but if I aim to solve a mechanical problem that might be controversial I might consider using it.

I tend to avoid it because I do like to hear varied perspectives. Even if someone disagrees with me, I at least hope that we can have a conversation about the reason why we disagree without resorting to the usual passive-aggressive tactics.

Overall though I think these forums are great compared to some other groups I have frequented on social media, take street art for example...
Regarding + threads or the ignore button, I've never seen the need for them myself. I'm pretty good at just ignoring posts I don't want to engage in. Don't have a problem with them, its just that scrolling past them is easier than clicking a button or remembering to add a "+" to a thread.

I never ignore anyone, even if I disagree I'm still interested in hearing other points of view.

Now if there were an "ignore thread" option I'd be all over it.
I don't ignore people that i have a different opinion with. But people who are consistently rude, aggressive or negative make my list.

I don't kid myself that their tone or attitude will change, and I don't need to be exposed to it.


I don't ignore people that i have a different opinion with. But people who are consistently rude, aggressive or negative make my list.

I don't kid myself that their tone or attitude will change, and I don't need to be exposed to it.

I’ve found that I’ll ignore someone for a while then go back and unignore. Sometimes is fine. Maybe it was just some confluence of things that managed to piss me off enough to ignore the person that’s now faded into the distance and now it’s fine.

Other times I’ll interact with that person again and think, nope. I ignored that person for a reason and that reason is still true.

Honestly I’ve only got three or four posters on ignore. By and large, even as big of an ass hat that I know I can be, I find most of the discussions valuable even with people I strongly disagree with.

The weirder one is when you go offline to see a quote from someone who is ignoring you and think, “who are you? I don’t think I’ve ever interacted with you. Why am I on your ignore list?”

Then again with a bit of self reflection perhaps it’s not all that surprising.


I do not use the ignore button save for the Chinese floods that show up once in a while, but they get cleaned up rather fast. I do not use it for those I do not agree with or those that are rude or ranting. I find I might learn something and the mods are generally good at cleaning things up before they get too far.

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