Rate 4e!

Is it better or worse than you thought?

  • Better! I want 4e babies!

    Votes: 50 30.7%
  • Worse, blergh!

    Votes: 41 25.2%
  • The pie was better in 1e/2e/3e

    Votes: 42 25.8%
  • How many of these polls do I have to bear? Arrgh!

    Votes: 30 18.4%

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Vyvyan Basterd

Wulf Ratbane said:
Since when has a command of the facts been a pre-requisite for voting?

That's voter intimidation, maaaaaaaan.

:D True. But the premise of the poll is that "everyone" has seen the books. I'll just have to vote later. :( *sniff* *sniff*


First Post
Vyvyan Basterd said:
the lucky and unethical people have seen it

Please reconsider your implication, or explain what exactly is unethical about me downloading a book which I've had preordered (and fully paid) for months.

Darth Shoju

First Post
pogminky said:
It's not looking good for 4e at the mo (in this poll). I wonder why? Maybe it sucks.

I dunno. My group had fun when we played it last weekend. Perhaps the folks who frequent EN World are a skewed sample group and their tastes in RPGs aren't reflective of gamers in general. Or maybe for some people "I don't like it" is the same as "It isn't a very well-crafted system".

Or maybe it just isn't that good, and only appeals to a small group of people willing to overlook its flaws.

At any rate, I'll be setting aside some cash for the PHB, as well some (though not all of) my friends.

Vyvyan Basterd

Asmor said:
Please reconsider your implication, or explain what exactly is unethical about me downloading a book which I've had preordered (and fully paid) for months.

I have no implication to reconsider, I meant what I said. Anyone who has downloaded the pdfs has done so illegally. The pdfs are not offered by Wizards of the Coast and the reproduction and distribution of those files violates copyright law. You can try to justify said illegal activity any way you wish, it doesn't make such practices legal.


Well, I don't like it. That comes as no surprise to any who have followed my meager posts on it and may just say I was predisposed to disliking it to begin with.

Mostly true. From WotC's bland website offerings and failed promises to their mud-dragging marketing torture, to the leaks that did nothing to help my impressions, it had a LOT stacked against it.

But I am never so closed-minded to think something good can't change my mind. I didn't think I'd like Iron Man. I loved it. I thought I would love Buckaroo Banzai, I fell asleep during it. I thought I'd hate Warhammer FRP, I was proven very wrong.

But the 4E PHB is the most vanilla, boring generic game manual I've ever seen and gone through. It happens to have a D&D logo on it. And that's it. The art is kind of nice.

It is in no way my D&D, and so I hope the folks that get it and like it have many years of fun.

Now where's my 3.5 PHB so I can read a book for fun...

-DM Jeff
Last edited:


First Post
For the record, legality and morality are not the same thing. Laws can have no basis in right or wrong. The are immoral laws. There have been people in history who have done the right thing, even though it was illegal.
You can say that downloading the PDFs is illegal, but you can't say that it's immoral without backing it up with something more than "It's illegal."
I haven't seen them yet and I can't wait for them to come.


Wanderer of the Underdark
I have a few opinions..

1. 4e has to be the nicest looking books I have seen published for gaming
2. It probably will rank pretty high for casual gamers

Just not for me, that doesn't mean it is bad though.


Wanderer of the Underdark
DM_Jeff said:
But the 4E PHB is the most vanilla, boring generic game manual I've ever seen and gone through. It happens to have a D&D logo on it. And that's it. The art is kind of nice.

It is in no way my D&D, and so I hope the folks that get it and like it have many years of fun.

Now where's my 3.5 PHB so I can read a book for fun...

We share the same opinion..

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