Ravnica Table of Contents & More

Hopefully this is enough in the guilds section to run the setting. i mean the entire sitting is one mega metropolis. Like the 3e Sharn book vs the 3e Eberron book.

Given the nature of the setting, covering the Guilds is pretty much everything. There is no government outside the Megacor...Guilds, nor any religion.

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Below I list what mobsters I think will be in.

I think they will want to merge some types of elementals that share a theme, as Ravnica has a ton of different elemental themed cards. So a Plant Elemental, Building Elemental, Energy Elemental, Spark Trooper, World Soul Colossus (maybe that should be a fey in D&D), for example.

Demons that are likely are Woebringer, Avatar of Discord, Lord of the Void, Master of Cruelties (by the way some of these will hopefully get proper names and not just card discriptions), Desecration Demon, Sire of Insanity, Rakdos.

A variety of giant Wurms, like Seige Wurm, Armada Wurm, and even undead Wurms.

Charnal Troll, maybe some other kinds of Trolls.




Drooling Goodion

We know Krual are in. (winged krual too).

Various Krasis, like Battering Krasis.

D&D Specters and MtG specters are similar, but Nightviel Specter would be cool.

Sphinxes will likely use regular Sphinx type stats, but Ravnica specific fluff.

Omniphibian (a giant frog that makes it's environment look more like it, instead of looking more like it's environment).

Virusiods (they were in the books, but not the cards).

A bunch of Thrill types, Absolver Thrulls that cast divine magic, flying Thrills, Acid Spitting Thrulls, giant beast like Thrulls, Thrull Parasite, Maw Thrulls that eat the dead to make new Thrulls.

Orzhov Alms Beast.


Various giant Golgori Insects like Mortipede and

Hypersonic and Pit Dragons and Niv-Mizzet for Dragons.



Sporeback Troll


Stinkweed Imp

Simic Skyswallower

Skeletal Vampire

Moroii Vampires

Battle Angels (Boros Style, mostly Red White Angels, and maybe a few white mana angs like light of the legion). Firemane and Warleader types.

Dark Angels (just a guess at the group name, Orzhov style White Black Angels). Despair and Death Pact types.

Angels of Serenity (pure white Angels, no guild affiliation)

A host of undead creatures, although some might just use existing MM creature stats example Orzhov Vampires will likely use regular Vampire Stats.

Nivix Cyclop.

Torch, crackling, and tower drakes.

Various Dimir Horrors I think will translate into Aberrations in D&D.


Shamble Shark

Eelhawks, Squid Flies, Waspcrabs.

Sabretooth Alley Cat

Aquastrand Spider

Weirds like Blistercoil Weird, Frostburner, Fluxcharger, Gelectrode, Petrohydrox

Bronze Beak Moa.


Felidar, including winged Felidar. Archons riding winged Felidar.

Trygon Predator

It's from the new cards, but Dream Eater Nightmare Sphinx would be awesome.

Likely some more monsters that I haven't mentioned yet. Smog Elemental maybe.

Nightwings. Looks like across between a Spider and a Bat.
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Given the nature of the setting, covering the Guilds is pretty much everything. There is no government outside the Megacor...Guilds, nor any religion.

There are some things outside of the guilds, Goblin gangs, various racial deities, Cult of Yore, Haazda, maybe more.

... Plus Ravnica will become DMSGUILD legal, maybe even part or all of MtG's universe beyond that ...

Oh... oh, oh oh...

Look, I know this is just a game, and I shouldn't take things too seriously. I am, on some level, aware of the futility of nerd rage. But...

I gotta tell you, the idea that Magic settings would be open for 3rd party development on the Dungeon Master's Guild before Dark Sun or Greyhawk makes me actually furious. I've been able to take it pretty much in stride when they poach Greyhawk elements and stick them the matron fornicating Forgotten Realms to be submerged in the murky dishwater of their kitchen sink setting, because to be honest I don't really want the D&D team to start looking for new ways to make Oerth or Athas wonderful. What I do want is to be able to throw money at people who are passionate about those settings in exchange for a quality product consistent with what makes those settings awesome. I want a quality Dark Sun conversion guide and some adventure content. I want to buy the gazetteers that I suspect GreyhawkGrognard has been polishing for a couple of years. I am delighted for OBS and Wizards of the Coast to get their cut.

But so far, some Hasbro bean counter has decided that that can't happen. I get it--the value of those IPs to Hasbro is in their ability to be monetized, not in the place they hold in the hearts and minds of the people who have campaigned across their fictional expanses. Even understanding all that as I do, it is a slap in the face for some trading card game backstory realm to be opened up on the DM's Guild before The World of Greyhawk, Planescape, or Dark Sun. It's a giant middle finger to those of us who saved up our lunch money in the 1980s to buy TSR products, and maybe set aside some of the beer money in the 90s to get the WotC splatbooks.

Anyway, sorry for ranting, and for the "get off my lawn" screed.

I meant it, though. Sure as hell.

Too be fair it's 10 massive global, multipurpose guilds, with internal organizations biggered then a regular cities guilds.
Guilds, factions, clans, groups, whatever, rarely work for PCs. They often do not mess well when members of different groups are together. Like member of the Boros Legion working with a member of the the Cult of Radkos? At least Sigil is an interesting location and connects all the planes.

But also five new races
Who cares? Who really wanted to play a Loxodon? Races are the least interesting part of D&D. The archetypes of fantasy have been done and now it is just about doing weird stuff. What archetype Dragonborn are filling? Big lizard guy that always is in every fantasy novel? The tiefling has been the real last racial innovation and that dates back to the 90s.

two new subclasses,
Meh. New classes would be more interesting.

and a bunch of knew monsters including Felidar (winged Felidar), Archons, Battle Angels, Orzhov Angels (maybe called Fallen Angels?), Psyshic Vampires, Thrulls, Undead, ect...
What a new setting needs is a whole manual. And there are more iconic MtG monsters than psychic vampires or Orzhov angels.

powerful Guildmasters like Niv-Mizzet, Rakdos, Aurelia, Isperia, Jarad, ect..., important NPCs like Teysa, Izoni Thousand Eyes
Not the most iconic MtG NPCs. Urza, Nicol Bolas, Jace, Gerrard on the other hand...

a new spell Encoded Thoughts,
Yeah, not the list of iconic MtG spells that could have filled a whole book by it self.

some new magic items like Guild Signets, Guild Keyrunes, Mizzarium gizmos, Illusionist Braces, and so on.
Again, not the MtG we are looking for.

And hopefully important and interesting locations within the 10th district.
Those are the least interesting locations MtG has to offer.

Colored magic could have gone beyond vancian spellcasting and expends 5e magic system. Something a long the line of power points.

This whole thing is a wasted opportunity and will be forgotten rapidly. Like 5e's APs.

For which I'm grateful. This is a MtG setting converted to the DnD multiverse where MtG concepts do not exist. Forcing in MtG concepts like the colour system and planeswalkers would be a mistake in my opinion. As is, it looks like each guild had some of their own unique spells unless those sections in each guild are just talking about the spells they commonly use.

Without the MtG elements, it is just a vanilla setting not much different from the FR. It is a bit pointless.

Yeah that sums it up well. It should offer a lot more then it does. But it offers enough to make it worth it. Plus Ravnica will become DMSGUILD legal, maybe even part or all of MtG's universe beyond that (although I think they can will keep it to Ravnica and generic MtG stuff, like none setting linked cards from core sets and the like).

My wager, based on the way all of the previous Plane Shift booklets are on DMs Guild under the setting of "Plane Shift," is that WotC will open the Guildmaster's Guide and all of those at once to fan use. There could be some wild stuff up there if they do.

Oh... oh, oh oh...

Look, I know this is just a game, and I shouldn't take things too seriously. I am, on some level, aware of the futility of nerd rage. But...

I gotta tell you, the idea that Magic settings would be open for 3rd party development on the Dungeon Master's Guild before Dark Sun or Greyhawk makes me actually furious. I've been able to take it pretty much in stride when they poach Greyhawk elements and stick them the matron fornicating Forgotten Realms to be submerged in the murky dishwater of their kitchen sink setting, because to be honest I don't really want the D&D team to start looking for new ways to make Oerth or Athas wonderful. What I do want is to be able to throw money at people who are passionate about those settings in exchange for a quality product consistent with what makes those settings awesome. I want a quality Dark Sun conversion guide and some adventure content. I want to buy the gazetteers that I suspect GreyhawkGrognard has been polishing for a couple of years. I am delighted for OBS and Wizards of the Coast to get their cut.

But so far, some Hasbro bean counter has decided that that can't happen. I get it--the value of those IPs to Hasbro is in their ability to be monetized, not in the place they hold in the hearts and minds of the people who have campaigned across their fictional expanses. Even understanding all that as I do, it is a slap in the face for some trading card game backstory realm to be opened up on the DM's Guild before The World of Greyhawk, Planescape, or Dark Sun. It's a giant middle finger to those of us who saved up our lunch money in the 1980s to buy TSR products, and maybe set aside some of the beer money in the 90s to get the WotC splatbooks.

Anyway, sorry for ranting, and for the "get off my lawn" screed.

I meant it, though. Sure as hell.

I see where you are coming from here, but OI don't feel the same way about the topic. I see this succeeding as making a Dark Sun or Greyhawk revival more likely in the long run. I expect we will see an Eberron book next year along the lines of the Guildmaster's Guide, if it is successful, and Dark Sun the year after if that is successful. Greyhawk will have it's day if Mearls gets his way, that is for sure.

And iconic MtG spells, artifacts and monsters. And colored magic.

I don't know enough about the setting to say what is missing, but there is whole chapter on treasures and another on NPCs and Monsters. That would seem to cover 2 of the 4 issues you have, but perhaps I misunderstand the issue.

Though I am not surprise colored magic is out, I never expected that to be ported to a D&D setting.
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Oh... oh, oh oh...

Look, I know this is just a game, and I shouldn't take things too seriously. I am, on some level, aware of the futility of nerd rage. But...

I gotta tell you, the idea that Magic settings would be open for 3rd party development on the Dungeon Master's Guild before Dark Sun or Greyhawk makes me actually furious. I've been able to take it pretty much in stride when they poach Greyhawk elements and stick them the matron fornicating Forgotten Realms to be submerged in the murky dishwater of their kitchen sink setting, because to be honest I don't really want the D&D team to start looking for new ways to make Oerth or Athas wonderful. What I do want is to be able to throw money at people who are passionate about those settings in exchange for a quality product consistent with what makes those settings awesome. I want a quality Dark Sun conversion guide and some adventure content. I want to buy the gazetteers that I suspect GreyhawkGrognard has been polishing for a couple of years. I am delighted for OBS and Wizards of the Coast to get their cut.

But so far, some Hasbro bean counter has decided that that can't happen. I get it--the value of those IPs to Hasbro is in their ability to be monetized, not in the place they hold in the hearts and minds of the people who have campaigned across their fictional expanses. Even understanding all that as I do, it is a slap in the face for some trading card game backstory realm to be opened up on the DM's Guild before The World of Greyhawk, Planescape, or Dark Sun. It's a giant middle finger to those of us who saved up our lunch money in the 1980s to buy TSR products, and maybe set aside some of the beer money in the 90s to get the WotC splatbooks.

Anyway, sorry for ranting, and for the "get off my lawn" screed.

I meant it, though. Sure as hell.

This post has made me happy that in my 30yrs of D&D we never got attached to a setting and only used official material to enhance our own homebrew campaigns.

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