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WTF? what in what I said suggests bimetallic coins? I mean they might be, I don't know. I do know Orzhov produces both regular coinage and Alms Coins which can only be spent at Orzhov establishments.

The bit about the Canadian Mint made me think of toonies.


Virusoids would be my first choice to have a stat block cut if space was an issue. While very representative of Simic ideals, they are not in any pre-existing art and really don't seem to bear interesting mechanics, being mostly mindless and abilityless. A small description sums up most of what they are. I just have a hunch the hapless labworkers are going to be interacted with by players (read killed).


Virusoids would be my first choice to have a stat block cut if space was an issue. While very representative of Simic ideals, they are not in any pre-existing art and really don't seem to bear interesting mechanics, being mostly mindless and abilityless. A small description sums up most of what they are. I just have a hunch the hapless labworkers are going to be interacted with by players (read killed).

We don't know the entirety of Virusiod abilities honestly,
it's never been explored. Perhaps they can infect enemies with a touch and cure disease with a touch.


BTW the fact that Moodpaint is a magic item suggests that stuff from the current sets is in the book because Moodpaint Artist is not a reprint, but rather a new card just released. Moodpaint has not been previously referee to. This suggests that creatures unique to this set and the next set could end up in the book, which could provide spoilers for the next two sets of cards.

Voidrunner's Codex

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Voidrunner's Codex

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