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Guilds, factions, clans, groups, whatever, rarely work for PCs. They often do not mess well when members of different groups are together. Like member of the Boros Legion working with a member of the the Cult of Radkos? At least Sigil is an interesting location and connects all the planes.
Who cares? Who really wanted to play a Loxodon? Races are the least interesting part of D&D. The archetypes of fantasy have been done and now it is just about doing weird stuff. What archetype Dragonborn are filling? Big lizard guy that always is in every fantasy novel? The tiefling has been the real last racial innovation and that dates back to the 90s.
Meh. New classes would be more interesting.
What a new setting needs is a whole manual. And there are more iconic MtG monsters than psychic vampires or Orzhov angels.
Not the most iconic MtG NPCs. Urza, Nicol Bolas, Jace, Gerrard on the other hand...
Yeah, not the list of iconic MtG spells that could have filled a whole book by it self.
Again, not the MtG we are looking for.
Those are the least interesting locations MtG has to offer.
Colored magic could have gone beyond vancian spellcasting and expends 5e magic system. Something a long the line of power points.
This whole thing is a wasted opportunity and will be forgotten rapidly. Like 5e's APs.
Guilds, factions, clans, groups, whatever, rarely work for PCs. They often do not mess well when members of different groups are together. Like member of the Boros Legion working with a member of the the Cult of Radkos? At least Sigil is an interesting location and connects all the planes.
Who cares? Who really wanted to play a Loxodon? Races are the least interesting part of D&D. The archetypes of fantasy have been done and now it is just about doing weird stuff. What archetype Dragonborn are filling? Big lizard guy that always is in every fantasy novel? The tiefling has been the real last racial innovation and that dates back to the 90s.
Meh. New classes would be more interesting.
What a new setting needs is a whole manual. And there are more iconic MtG monsters than psychic vampires or Orzhov angels.
Not the most iconic MtG NPCs. Urza, Nicol Bolas, Jace, Gerrard on the other hand...
Yeah, not the list of iconic MtG spells that could have filled a whole book by it self.
Again, not the MtG we are looking for.
Those are the least interesting locations MtG has to offer.
Colored magic could have gone beyond vancian spellcasting and expends 5e magic system. Something a long the line of power points.
This whole thing is a wasted opportunity and will be forgotten rapidly. Like 5e's APs.
Without the MtG elements, it is just a vanilla setting not much different from the FR. It is a bit pointless.
Not really, it's a great setting that doesn't need the MtG metasetting elements to be great. Ravnica is very different from FR, I think it is going to work well within the DnD system.Without the MtG elements, it is just a vanilla setting not much different from the FR. It is a bit pointless.
This one looks to be a hard pass for me, as I have no interest in running a game in Ravnica since it's basically a poor-man's Sigil, but I held out hope that it would be something akin to Mordenkainen's where the crunch (specifically for monsters) would be worth the purchase. As it stands 38 pages worth doesn't cut the mustard, and many of the other aspects (races/classes) were awful based on their previews. Oh well, I hope their next offering is more worthwhile.
Yes, there is a misunderstanding. The items, spells, monsters, NPCs present in the book aren't the iconic ones associated with MtG. What is present in this book is uninteresting and not what MtG fans want to see in D&D.I don't know enough about the setting to say what is missing, but there is whole chapter on treasures and another on NPCs and Monsters. That would seem to cover 2 of the 4 issues you have, but perhaps I misunderstand the issue.
I'm not surprised, but at the same time it is why designers are paid for and why those books are sold 50$ a pop. So that creative solutions are brought to problems.Though I am not surprise colored magic is out, I never expected that to be ported to a D&D setting.