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[Re-Recruitment] When Journalists Attack!

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First Post
I took out the romance, and added in a mysterious wizard. Is he still alive? Is he already dead? Is it an Omen? An Illusion? A member of an underground third political party (the greens)? Or is this just a strange cross(-color)-dresser? ;)

Who knows?


J'Accuse PirateCat!
How about this: Remember that wizard who ordered the ring to be enchanted, and who you knew was up to no good? Well, after the whole incident with the guards which got you onto the Daily Float, you went back to where you thought his place was, but it wasn't there: the house looked all different, and there were definitely a different kind (namely: gnomish) of people living there. You've never really been able to get any solid lead on even who he was. And that journalist who wanted your interview: you haven't seen an article by him in over an year, and your editor just ignores your questions about what his current position is.

This would be hunting: two, to go along with secret identity: two.

Probably, we could tune up the joining the Float story a little bit to hum even better with this, but I'll think a bit and see what thoughts I come up with, if you like this idea.


First Post
anonystu said:
How about this: Remember that wizard who ordered the ring to be enchanted, and who you knew was up to no good? Well, after the whole incident with the guards which got you onto the Daily Float, you went back to where you thought his place was, but it wasn't there: the house looked all different, and there were definitely a different kind (namely: gnomish) of people living there. You've never really been able to get any solid lead on even who he was. And that journalist who wanted your interview: you haven't seen an article by him in over an year, and your editor just ignores your questions about what his current position is.

This would be hunting: two, to go along with secret identity: two.

Probably, we could tune up the joining the Float story a little bit to hum even better with this, but I'll think a bit and see what thoughts I come up with, if you like this idea.

Ooo....I like this. If you come up with anything else, just say. I miht wait before I edit, then.


First Post
Oh, and I got a character portrait (well, sort of):


  • selprin.jpg
    6.7 KB · Views: 77


J'Accuse PirateCat!
Ha. :)

I would ask for physical descriptions: but you and I both realize that this is utterly silly. At the start of game, and every time you use the hat/boots/wrist watch of disguise/be descriptive as far as how you're changing.

For everybody: such that I don't have to roam all over the place, post your characters in
this thread, and edit them there.

six: I'm still thinking through some of the ideas fully, although I think I've got some good stuff. You can hold off on editing background till we figure this out.


J'Accuse PirateCat!
We are go for late sunday/early monday morning. I'll be away Saturday and some of Sunday, so don't expect any responses then. I feel confident that we've got pretty much everything together, and if needbe, we can fill in some details on the fly.

When I start the OOC thread, we'll talk about posting guidelines more, but I'm expecting 1 quality post/two days. If we find that we want more rapid, thinner posts, then we can move to 1 post/roughly a day.

Stuff to do before then:

Kalanyr - You'll need a character, fully statted, full background, relationships to other characters, background points. There are four examples of good characters on the rogues gallery thread, so you should be able to get a feel. Don't worry though, we can edit at any time.

Jarval - You need to finish your item selection, flesh out your background a wee bit more, pick at the very least a name for your god or goddess (along with a holy symbol), and pick your background points.

Argent - Backgrounds, and post your character to the rogues gallery.

DE - You're actually all set.

Sixchan - I'm still poking and prodding along with your background. How about this?

You had been out of the stealing game for quite a while when a mage from the Red Party, a rarity by itself for your store, entered, and displayed the specifications for a ring he wanted crafted, that seemed obvious to you as a ring designed to accomodate magic. He also offered a ridiculous sum of money for the job: 100,000 gp. You didn't want to take the business, but the backers of the store ordered you to take the job. You completed the ring, but also inquired among some of your old contacts as to what a ring like this. A lot of people wouldn't talk to you at all, but one of your mages, a childhood (but older than you) friend named Lantanian, said it had something to do with trapping bodies, or souls, or something like that, in the ring. He also knew where the wizard was located, and gave you the house's address. You resolved to steal the completed ring back, before he could use it for any evil. That night, you cased the house, and were just about to enter in through the servants door when a squad of Enforcers (the elite city guard) appeared, and said that you were under arrest. You moved to run, but they were ready: a lightning bolt arced towards you, you felt a sensation of heat and light and intense pain, and the world slipped away.

You woke up, disoriented, but still alive, in a room, with no windows, no doors, and just a bed, and a chair, with a youngish man sitting in there. He said he was from the Daily Float, and had an offer: an interview with the Floating Cat, and an internship with the paper, or a trip to the city jail.

Nobody's ever been able to answer how you got there, or what happened on that night, and you've never been able to find your friend, or that mage, again.

You like?

(You might want to raise your hunting to 3, or keep it at 2, your choice, depending on how much you like this thread.).
Last edited:


J'Accuse PirateCat!
Oh, current relationships. Let's say, barring any other good ideas, that the following is the case (I'm welcome to suggestions).

Jarval and Argent, your characters have worked together for several years, and are the core of one of the Metro teams. You were moved to Metro right after the last election.

Sixchan, when you first joined, you spent a lot of time doing stories on the ground, for about a year. You've worked in the city occasionally, but have only started working full time in the city when you were moved to Jarval and Argent's team when they moved into the metro beat, about eleven months ago.

Dark Eternal, you spent last election season with the last metro team, and then were reassigned. You either haven't told people that fact, or been very reserved about talking about it. We'll talk about this more off-list, but the Float gave you three months vacation after last election season, probably for your sanity's sake. You joined this team after Argent's character kept on complaining about the crappy photographs the roving photograhers were taking.

Kalanyr, your call.


Sorry I've been a bit AWOL over the last day or so. I've been a bit busy, but I'll fix up the points you raised above tomorrow morning.

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