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(Recruiting) Kiss of Darkness--Adventure in my Homebrew Setting


I aim to misbehave
Rystil Arden said:
Well, as you know, to paraphrase Diaglo's hat of d20, my love of psionics knows no limit. Psionics does exist in my campaign world, but there is only one Psion in the explored world (and no Psychic Warriors, Soulknives, or Wilders), and there is a reason--humans (and the other core races) can't develop psionic power naturally, and the one psion was the subject of twisted experiments to make him that way. However, since the one Psion is also a Telepath, I suppose it would be possible for your character to have had a Wild Talent awakened by his Psychic Chirurgery if your character was originally his apprentice as part of the character's backstory.
I guess if I'm accepted then I would need to know his or her race and my race options (perhaps in an e-mail for secrecy !!! :cool: ) I like the concept though, and hopefully it will fit with your stuff! :)


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Rystil Arden

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Keia said:
I guess if I'm accepted then I would need to know his or her race and my race options (perhaps in an e-mail for secrecy !!! :cool: ) I like the concept though, and hopefully it will fit with your stuff! :)

Always two there are; no more, no less: a master and an apprentice.


I aim to misbehave
Rystil Arden said:
Always two there are; no more, no less: a master and an apprentice.
Shuuuuush! That's supposed to be e-mailed in secret!!!! hopefully nobody heard . . . <looks around>



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Rystil Arden said:
Hopeless characters have a net status bonus of +0 (so for instance 18 17 15 7 5 3 has a net of +0, and at 37 PB is probably the highest PB a hopeless character can have) or have no stats of 14 or above. Since you can drop a high stat to become hopeless, this means that your character will either have two stats 14 or higher or else you chose to keep it anyway for some reason (perhaps an 18 13 13 13 13 13 was calling to you :))

I would definitely keep a character like that! He'd qualify for any stat-based feat and be really great at something. :)

Ok, so I'll probably go for something pretty "vanilla." I'm thinking about a straight human fighter. I'm picturing someone who's been in an actual army and seen a little combat, but would now like to make some profit from risking his life rather than just doing it on orders. Any wars or battles he could have fought in recently? I'll roll stats this afternoon if the basic concept is OK.

Rystil Arden

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JimAde said:
I would definitely keep a character like that! He'd qualify for any stat-based feat and be really great at something. :)

Ok, so I'll probably go for something pretty "vanilla." I'm thinking about a straight human fighter. I'm picturing someone who's been in an actual army and seen a little combat, but would now like to make some profit from risking his life rather than just doing it on orders. Any wars or battles he could have fought in recently? I'll roll stats this afternoon if the basic concept is OK.
That concept makes sense to me--heck, it's closer to the background of the now-epic face-to-face players who ran this adventure (one of them was a barbarian who set up a tavern in the city with his brother and one of them was an elven wizard who studied magic with a master in the elven city and then travelled west to see the world (since this was supposed to be a one-shot, but everyone liked it so much we kept playing)...of course, I added a bit to the elf's background myself, but the player said that his character's father was one of his all-time favourite NPCs :)).

Sundaria has been in a period of peace for some time now. The last majour incident, but one that would date your character to at least his late 30s, was not really a war but was still big enough that pretty much everyone that age remembers: A powerful evil cult with demonic (as well as demonically-altered animals) and undead minions attempted to overthrow Sundaria 20 years ago, but they were put down by a concerted effort of Sundarian forces, the kingdom's allies, and a team of heroes of various races, including a Priestess of Yondalla, and Elven Wizard, who were killed in the fight, and a Dwarven Fighter who lost his sword arm and retired.


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Hello hello!

I've been playing D&D 3rd since it first came out, and GURPS for years even before that. As for post rate, I can easily make one a day, and possibly more. The trick is that during the week I work, so my posts often (but not always; sometimes I can sneak on at work) tend to bunch up in the evenings and weekends. :)

As for characters...as usual, I have several ideas.

1) Aliyas One-Arrow - An archer-themed ranger, aiming eventually to get some Beastmaster PrC and Natural Bond (from Complete Adventurer) and become a mounted archer/lancer sort. Aliyas is a contemplative sort, almost druidic in outlook, but fierce and unyielding in battle. Not quick to anger, but slow to forgive. Not quick to trust, but never forgets a friend.

2) Kuma - A barbarian/sorceror, aiming for Dragon Disciple. The idea is that somewhere there's a tribe of barbarians that in antiquity were the thralls of a dragon living in a great hollowed out mountain. The dragon eventually took its hoard and moved on, but the tribe stayed behind, ruled by the half-dragon bloodlines sired by their former "god." Eventually the dragon blood thinned, and vanished, and only the names of the Bloodlines persisted as chieftains. Because the dragon features have long since gone, a member of the Blood who wishes to one day be chieftain must leave the tribe early on and do great deeds in the world beyond to prove his worth. Only when he returns, bearing proof of his deeds, will he be welcomed back as incumbent chieftain. Kuma, proud member of one of the few remaining Bloodlines, is on just such a quest. I see the sorcery manifesting, at first at least, as a sort of animistic ancestral spirit worship. Later, as he ventures on the Path of the Dragon, that'll change.

3) A so-far unnamed new idea involving a psion. Not sure if this will work in your world, so shoot down as needed. The idea is that the process that opened the mind of the girl in question, also broke that mind. She became a Seer, but is lost between the otherworldly senses she now possesses and the more mundane world she must try to live in. Not crazy in a lunatic or psychotic sort of way, but more like someone who's constantly stuck in a hypnagogic frame of mind...not sure what's real, and what's a fading dream. I first came up with the idea for Eberron, with the thought that she'd accidentally used her latent powers to observe the Mourning as it happened, but at a 'safe' distance. Perhaps something similarly cataclysmic could have happened here? Thoughts and ideas. :)

4) Changeling warlock, also not yet named. A more sinister concept than the others so far, this character is pretty self-serving, though intelligent and farsighted enough to be a team player. The character attempts to divest itself of any identifying elements, such as any 'true' name, 'true' form, or 'true' gender...seeking perfect security in perfect anonymity. While on the one hand attempting to limit all information about itself, it also compulsively seeks information on others; embracing fully that knowledge is power.

I'll stop here. :) Lemme know if anything in particular seems well-fitting, or ill-concieved! Thanks!

PS - Okay, I lied. I also had an idea a long time back for a kobold cleric of Bahamut, who's desperately trying to "reform" his race and improve kobold relations with other peoples of the world...with little real success. Kobolds suffer a little in mechanics, but he's so darn cute I feel obliged to post the concept. Never actually got to play him. :)


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whew - this is a busy thread. I'll make some invisible castle rolls here soon under my userID, Manzanita. I like to roll dice for stats. Don't get to do that often on PbP. After I look at them, & post them here, I'll post some PC ideas.

Voidrunner's Codex

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