D&D 5E Renaming +1, +2, +3


Staff member
No, no, you're doing it wrong. If you use shears instead of a sword you get three blocks of wool instead of one and you can reshear the sheep later.

OTOH, my way gets you warm napkins and mutton.

ESPECIALLY if Sheep-biter is also a Flame Tongue.

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First Post
No, no, you're doing it wrong. If you use shears instead of a sword you get three blocks of wool instead of one and you can reshear the sheep later.

ESPECIALLY if Sheep-biter is also a Flame Tongue.

Uh, you're both missing the part where I identified Sheep-biter as a Sword of Shearing. It's +1 to hit and damage against foes in general, but when it hits a sheep, it insta-shears. On a critical, a Sword of Shearing insta-shears, cards, spins and knits.

In the land of Qutain, a knight is made by feeding mutton to a peasant, for muscle mass, and hammering some metal into arms and armor; the inactive knight is then prepared for battle with a bowl of oatmeal and a slice of toast.


Mod Squad
Staff member
I could be mistaken (and it's not really important to your larger/actual point) but, I do believe the names of those particular swords are, indeed, etched in runes somewhere on the swords. I don't recall if it was "on the blades" or not. But I am pretty sure they were labeled with elvish [made by the high elves in/of Gondolin, I believe] runes/lettering.

In The Hobbit, Tolkien does say that the names were in runes on the weapon. He may not be more specific than that, though - I don't have my copy handy.

Attunement to a weapon gives the PC the
chance to 'find' the name that suits it's relationship to them - And name it themselves. Problem solved. Unless it's git a meta purpose (eg sword of orc slaying)


First Post
I think the complaints that you'd have to look up the name for a +1 weapon on a chart are a little overstated. For example, I don't know offhand what the exact stats are for a Cloak of the Elvenkind in any given edition of D&D, but I know that it's going to be something that helps its wearer hide.

OP's chart is maybe a little more in-depth than I'd like in practice (great flavor though!) but if +1/+2/+3 were by default called, say, enchanted/mythical/legendary, I think it'd take all of an hour before it was second nature to everyone on this forum -- to say nothing of how ingrained it would be if it were around since OD&D.


Staff member
For example, I don't know offhand what the exact stats are for a Cloak of the Elvenkind in any given edition of D&D, but I know that it's going to be something that helps its wearer hide.

Because you've been playing D&D for how long?


First Post
I like the feel of "Masterwork" -> "Peerless" -> "Legendary" or appropriate substitutions thereof.

A sword with a fire property could be something like "Burning" -> "Incinerating" -> "Inferno" in a similar manner.

Similarly with monsters you could have something like "Vicious" -> "Dire" -> "Dire X Of Legend"

Come on, folks. Say if with me: "Dire Rust Monster Of Legend" ;)

Marty Lund


First Post
Does 5E have any rules for one weapon being more effective than another, on any basis other than magical enchantment?

I don't recall, in 5E, "masterwork" or the distinction between an iron blade vs. a steel blade vs. a mithral blade.

If there's a pack of Dire Wolves, and the leaders of that pack are a mated pair, one male and one female...
...does that mean that the PCs could be attacked by Dire Straights?

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