Yep, and that is why there is a session zero. If any of my new players ever had a problem with alignment, I would have discussed it. The "No evil" policy has been in my games for what... 30 odd years now?I think it’s probably something along the train of logic of ‘if it’s in the books then it’s official, if it’s official then people are going to want to use it, if people want to use it then I’m either going to have to play in their game with it or will be asked to use it by them’
Or simply put: ‘it exists, and therefore the chance also exists I might be made to play with it’ and some people would rather that chance not exist at all.
For a player? Not very often. Most of my players will forget the TIBF as soon as it is written. Alignments will still be known and played upon however... much easier to retain.But how often does it actually affect the game? If I put CG on my character sheet, that's kind of the end of it as far as the game is concerned, outside of maybe 1 or 2 spells that will likely never be encountered.
I have TIBF on most of my PCs, but after character creation and a game session or so, I'll probably forget what I put.