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Return of the Slavelords, Part 2 - "Bright City, Dark Hearts"

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Verrick Human Rogue/Wizards

Karl Green said:
[occ] just want to make sure if you want to look for the girl or are join to head out[/occ]

Verrick will tell the others about the girl and her cards then seek her out.

Karl Green

First Post
Verrick asks around the keep about the Rhennee girl…
Gather Information 16 +4 =20
…and finds out her name is 'Dealena Kiyna Wess' and that her family lives along a river to the south of Harby. They are Rhennee gypsies of course and most people don't trust them and warn you not to take any valuables with you if are planning on calling on them any time soon.

It is about a two are ride to the river and the small community of Rhennees… arriving there, he sees that the 'town' is made up mostly of flat river boat houses that are lashed to shore. Asking around, most of the people are very nervous around him... almost like they expect him to be a guardsmen looking for a thief… but he finally finds the girls house. She comes out to greet you and bows deeply. Her dress is brightly colored and don't really match but still, she will be very beautiful when she reaches full womanhood. She invites you into her home, one of the smaller riverboats and introduces you to her mother and father, two younger brothers and three younger sisters, and her aunt. They are respectful of you but nervous. The girl then will show you to a private area and set out her cards. "You wish to see the cards again my lord? Please take three again…"

Looking them over, there is a large cat prowling through a forest, a knight pieced through his body by a spear standing over a battlefield, and a lizard man raising a trident over his head in triumph in front of a full moon at night. The girl looks at them for a second and then gets a strange look over her eyes "The Hunters' Forest, the Knight Undefeated and the Lizard King… the first card tells me that you are seeking and hunting a creature of darkness and servant of evil and a black hearted monsters in the guise of a man. The second card tells me that those that stand against you are alive and waiting. The final card says that darkness is growing and spreading out, and readying to come out into the light of day to contest it… they wish the dark to rule and their confidence, their arrogance has never been stronger. They move against light and only you and the five that stand with you stand against the dark six. Cold so very cold it is…"

The girl shakes her head and breaths out a gasp… with a gust of frost, even through the room is very hot. A shiver runs down her spine and then she smiles and says "I hope that this is reading pleases you master. I am sorry that I cannot do another one for you for at least a week. If… ah… you could spare a few minor coins my lord… as a sign of your please over what I have told you…"


Verrick Human Rogue/Wizard

Filled with more questions than answers Verrick gives the girl a gold piece. "Thank you child I know such a reading must be a strain on you." With a slight bow he says, "until our roads converge again, I bid you good journey."

He gathers a little food to replace what rations he used last time and sees to his animals.

Karl Green

First Post
Assuming there are no other leads or things you want to investigate…

You return to Minaryn Castle an hour before sunset, and join the others for last dinner with Dame Messalina. She bids you all well and the blessing of Boccob and Pelor be with you all. With that you all retire for the night early to wake before the sun in the morn.

By candlelight the next morning, you are awoken by servants and make your final preparations for your journey. In the courtyard, your horses have been saddled, and bags pack. The Dame, most of the guards and servants are all up and here to see you off. A few orphaned children wave while they try to rub the sleep from their eyes, torthlight burning bright everywhere. It is a somber occasion as the hero are to head out again into the unknown, to seek out the evil spreading into the High Mark…

Saying their farewells one last time, the heroes ride out over the drawbridge, a dog balking at the first of the large horse that Norbac is riding (the same one lent to you when you were casing the slavers only a few weeks ago, the Dame granted the half-orc holy warrior the noble beast as a small token of thanks).

The first rays of sunlight peek up over the hills to the east, while the group heads towards Harby and finally the River Road. That road runs from just south of Harby all the way to Greyhawk.

Throughout the day the party continues north, making good time. By midday they can see their destination, for the Bright Tower can be seen from over 30 miles on the other side of the bay. In order to make the Tower the party has to continue some miles north to make One Ford to take one of the first ferries across the Selintan River (it is still almost a half a mile across at this point).

That eve, the group stops for the night at Sevant's Cove, a small fishing village of less then 200 people. There is one small inn called the Green Ki-Rin. After dropping off their horses at the stables, the group heads inside, when Lorien, Defrel and Verrick notices some strange green lights flashing in short order to the west of town, out on the bay. Looking a little more closely the lights fade, but they can make out a broken tower on the hill just away from any buildings.

When the group moves into the inn, the keeper, a fat yet jovial man, smiles and greets you "Welcome fair travelers! Welcome to the Green Ki-Rin, the finest in south of Greyhawk. Please will you need food and lodging for the night? Private rooms here are only 5 silver pieces and that includes stew this eve and warm bread and soup in the morn. What say ye good nobles?"
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[Note: No change to spells prepared, since they proved to be quite useful the last time]

. . . . .

-To Verrick after he´s back from seeing the girl-

”See? Nothing new.” grunts Norbac when Verrick comes back with the news. ”Look, in my tribe we have two sayings about fate. One <The sword of fate has two edges. One is you, the other is death>. And the other <If things go well, that good luck. If go bag, that bad luck. And if they surprise you, that called fate>. Wich means that stupid to put names to what we do without understanding.”

. . . . .

Before leaving, Norbac checks everything is where they have to be and raises a prayer to Trithereon, asking for the god´s help to stop the monster that tried to do such a horrible and disguting thing as to enslave free people, and crush those working with him. ”With your help, I won´t fail this time, and the ogre wizard will fall before our strenght”

. . . . .

”This seem a place good enough. Tomorrow we arrive at Crossford and start looking for the bandits” announces Norbac, almost ignoring the innkeeper.


First Post
Lorien, Human Ranger

Lorien will first make sure that Avalon is properly taken care of. He joins the party at the inn. He will mingle with the crowd of visitors and locals at the inn, trying to find out if any strange people have been around lately.

ooc: I'm still in the throes of relocating - buying furniture, paperwork, bank accounts, blah, blah, blah. I'll try posting once a day but at worst I'll post once every other day. It's good to be back in Enworld.


Verrick Human Rogue/Wizard

"Thank you my good man. This seems a fine inn, please give me a room," as he slides the coins across the bar. Once he is away from the innkeeper Verrick draws the others together. "I like not the look of those lights and the abandoned tower. Does this little town strike anyone else as a likely target for a raid? Perhaps we should have a look around tonight and set a watch?"

Karl Green

First Post
Lorien talks with some of the common folk and they say "Lots of strangers pass by our town but rarely do that stay the night... the occational merchant or fisherman, but that is about it. Some elves passed this way heading south last week. They were a odd and quite lot."

just want to make sure if you were going to follow up on Verrick's comment before moving forward

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