Does TEMP HP really come up that often for you? IME it isn't often, and easy to just add to my current HP…
It would be hard to shoehorn TEMP HP back in, but I'll see what I can do.
There are a lot of spells and class features that grant temporary HP. Even more now with the changes to wild shape and polymorph. I find that having a separate box for them helps since they have to be recorded in separate pools anyway due to the different ways HP and Temp HP work. You could write a plus next to your normal HP if the box was big enough, but it’s much smaller now.
Exhaustion is a tricky thing--either groups use it a lot or it seems like hardly at all.
I use Exhaustion fairly often, but I’d just put it in a general notes space along with any other conditions. I guess that is gone now though, so there probably should be a space for it…
What I don't understand, frankly, is Death Saves. A Character Sheet should be about recording (semi-) permanent information, and IME Death Saves are never close to permanent in a way that needs to be recorded.
Oh, interesting. I don’t share that philosophy, I will often use the character sheet to jot down quick notes.
Maybe a simple "Health Notes" box where you can note any exhaunstion, death saves you need to track, or sources of temp hp?
That’s a good idea. Maybe “combat notes” for temp HP, conditions, concentration, death saves, and whatever other ephemera you’d want to write in pencil.
It is already "Cantrips & Prepared Spells" since in 2024 everyone has prepared spells and there are no longer just "known spells".
I'm not sure I understand why you feel a change would be warrented??
Well, if you’re ostensibly writing “prepared spells” in that section, the prep check box is redundant. Every “prepared spell” should have that box checked, or it wouldn’t be a prepared spell. The checkbox
is useful for wizards who might have spells in their spellbook that aren’t prepared but still want to have them written down, or for clerics and Druids who want to write their entire class spell list on the sheet. But then they’re not just writing their
prepared spells, they’re writing
all spells they have access to.